public void SeleniumAPI_Demo4() { _output.WriteLine("Step 01 : 启动浏览器并打开博客园首页。"); IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.Url = ""; _output.WriteLine("Step 02 : 寻找需要操作的页面元素。"); var divText = driver.FindElement(By.Id("site_nav_top")); var point = divText.Location; var width = int.Parse(divText.GetCssValue("width").Replace("px", string.Empty)); _output.WriteLine("Step 03 : 选中文本信息。"); var action = new Actions(driver); action .MoveByOffset(point.X, point.Y) //移动鼠标到文本开头 .ClickAndHold() //按下鼠标 .MoveByOffset(point.X + width, point.Y) //移动鼠标到文本结束 .Release() //释放鼠标 .Build() .Perform(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); _output.WriteLine("Step 04 : 关闭浏览器。"); driver.Close(); }
public void DragSlider() { // Wait for element driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitlyWait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 45)); // Grab the element and then feed it to the actions statement below. IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@id='aj_sl1']/div[2]/img")); Console.WriteLine(element.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); Actions actionsProvider = new Actions(driver); actionsProvider.DragAndDropToOffset(element, 50, 0); actionsProvider.ClickAndHold(element); actionsProvider.MoveByOffset(50, 0); actionsProvider.Release(element); }
// Mark this test with TestMethod attribute, if need to check error // of mouse move actions in Selenium. public void TestGestures_SeleniumMouseMoveError() { Dictionary<string, object> offset; const int startX = 100; const int startY = 100; Actions action = new Actions(Driver); action.MoveToElement(vcPageObj.VirtualCanvas, startX, startY).Perform(); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { GoToUrl(); action.Build(); action.ClickAndHold(); action.MoveByOffset(i, i); action.Release(); action.MoveByOffset(-i, -i); action.Perform(); offset = ExecuteScriptGetJson("return offset;"); Console.WriteLine("Expected offset ({0}, {1}); Observed offset: ({2}, {3});", i, i, offset["xOffset"], offset["yOffset"]); } }
public void DeleteModule(string moduleNumber) { Trace.WriteLine(BasePage.TraceLevelComposite + "Delete the Module:"); SelectFromSettingsMenu(moduleNumber, DeleteOption); Actions builder = new Actions(_driver); builder.MoveByOffset(300,100).Build().Perform(); WaitForConfirmationBox(60); ClickYesOnConfirmationBox(); }
public IMouseActions MoveByOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY) { actions.MoveByOffset(offsetX, offsetY); return(this); }
private static List<string> GenerateTooltipMessages(IWebDriver driver, List<Point> graph, HighchartsPage page) { Actions action = new Actions(driver); action.MoveToElement(page.RootElement, 0, 0) .MoveByOffset(graph[0].X, graph[0].Y) .Build() .Perform(); List<string> tooltip = new List<string>(); for (int point = 1; point < graph.Count; point++) { for (int i = 0; i <= graph[point].X - graph[point - 1].X; i+=Step) { action.MoveByOffset(Step, 0).Build().Perform(); if (tooltip.LastOrDefault() != page.TooltipElement.Text && page.TooltipElement.Text.Contains(HighchartsPage.EmployeeKeyword)) { tooltip.Add(page.TooltipElement.Text); } } action.MoveByOffset(0, graph[point].Y - graph[point - 1].Y) .Build() .Perform(); } return tooltip; }
public void moveTo(int x, int y) { int effectiveOffset = 0; int step = 1; int a = x > 0 ? step : -step; int b = y > 0 ? step : -step; while (effectiveOffset < Math.Abs(x)) { var build = new Actions(Cons.driver); build.MoveByOffset(a, 0).ContextClick().Build().Perform(); effectiveOffset += step; } effectiveOffset = 0; while (effectiveOffset < Math.Abs(y)) { var build = new Actions(Cons.driver); build.MoveByOffset(0, b).ContextClick().Build().Perform(); effectiveOffset += step; } }