Contains the variables sent in an object update packet for objects. Used to track position and movement of prims and avatars
 public ObjectDataBlockUpdateEventArgs(Simulator simulator, Primitive prim, Primitive.ConstructionData constructionData,
     ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block, ObjectMovementUpdate objectupdate, NameValue[] nameValues)
     this.m_Simulator = simulator;
     this.m_Prim = prim;
     this.m_ConstructionData = constructionData;
     this.m_Block = block;
     this.m_Update = objectupdate;
     this.m_NameValues = nameValues;
        /// <summary>
        /// A terse object update, used when a transformation matrix or
        /// velocity/acceleration for an object changes but nothing else
        /// (scale/position/rotation/acceleration/velocity)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
        protected void ImprovedTerseObjectUpdateHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
            Packet packet = e.Packet;
            Simulator simulator = e.Simulator;

            ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket terse = (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket)packet;
            UpdateDilation(simulator, terse.RegionData.TimeDilation);

            for (int i = 0; i < terse.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block = terse.ObjectData[i];

                    int pos = 4;
                    uint localid = Utils.BytesToUInt(block.Data, 0);

                    // Check if we are interested in this update
                    if (!Client.Settings.ALWAYS_DECODE_OBJECTS
                        && localid != Client.Self.localID
                        && m_TerseObjectUpdate == null)

                    #region Decode update data

                    ObjectMovementUpdate update = new ObjectMovementUpdate();

                    // LocalID
                    update.LocalID = localid;
                    // State
                    update.State = block.Data[pos++];
                    // Avatar boolean
                    update.Avatar = (block.Data[pos++] != 0);
                    // Collision normal for avatar
                    if (update.Avatar)
                        update.CollisionPlane = new Vector4(block.Data, pos);
                        pos += 16;
                    // Position
                    update.Position = new Vector3(block.Data, pos);
                    pos += 12;
                    // Velocity
                    update.Velocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos, -128.0f, 128.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 2, -128.0f, 128.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 4, -128.0f, 128.0f));
                    pos += 6;
                    // Acceleration
                    update.Acceleration = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos, -64.0f, 64.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 2, -64.0f, 64.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 4, -64.0f, 64.0f));
                    pos += 6;
                    // Rotation (theta)
                    update.Rotation = new Quaternion(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 2, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 4, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 6, -1.0f, 1.0f));
                    pos += 8;
                    // Angular velocity (omega)
                    update.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos, -64.0f, 64.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 2, -64.0f, 64.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.Data, pos + 4, -64.0f, 64.0f));
                    pos += 6;

                    // Textures
                    // FIXME: Why are we ignoring the first four bytes here?
                    if (block.TextureEntry.Length != 0)
                        update.Textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(block.TextureEntry, 4, block.TextureEntry.Length - 4);

                    #endregion Decode update data

                    Primitive obj = !Client.Settings.OBJECT_TRACKING ? null : (update.Avatar) ?
                        (Primitive)GetAvatar(simulator, update.LocalID, UUID.Zero) :
                        (Primitive)GetPrimitive(simulator, update.LocalID, UUID.Zero);

                    // Fire the pre-emptive notice (before we stomp the object)
                    OnTerseObjectUpdate(new TerseObjectUpdateEventArgs(simulator, obj, update, terse.RegionData.TimeDilation));

                    #region Update Client.Self
                    if (update.LocalID == Client.Self.localID)
                        Client.Self.collisionPlane = update.CollisionPlane;
                        Client.Self.relativePosition = update.Position;
                        Client.Self.velocity = update.Velocity;
                        Client.Self.acceleration = update.Acceleration;
                        Client.Self.relativeRotation = update.Rotation;
                        Client.Self.angularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
                    #endregion Update Client.Self
                    if (Client.Settings.OBJECT_TRACKING && obj != null)
                        obj.Position = update.Position;
                        obj.Rotation = update.Rotation;
                        obj.Velocity = update.Velocity;
                        obj.CollisionPlane = update.CollisionPlane;
                        obj.Acceleration = update.Acceleration;
                        obj.AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
                        obj.PrimData.State = update.State;
                        obj.Textures = update.Textures;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log(ex.Message, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client, ex);
 public TerseObjectUpdateEventArgs(Simulator simulator, Primitive prim, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ushort timeDilation)
     this.m_Simulator = simulator;
     this.m_Prim = prim;
     this.m_Update = update;
     this.m_TimeDilation = timeDilation;
 public override void UpdateObject(ObjectMovementUpdate objectUpdate, ObjectMovementUpdate objectUpdateDiff)
        /// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
        protected void ObjectUpdateHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
            Packet packet = e.Packet;
            Simulator simulator = e.Simulator;

            ObjectUpdatePacket update = (ObjectUpdatePacket)packet;
            UpdateDilation(e.Simulator, update.RegionData.TimeDilation);

            for (int b = 0; b < update.ObjectData.Length; b++)
                ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block = update.ObjectData[b];

                ObjectMovementUpdate objectupdate = new ObjectMovementUpdate();
                //Vector4 collisionPlane = Vector4.Zero;
                //Vector3 position;
                //Vector3 velocity;
                //Vector3 acceleration;
                //Quaternion rotation;
                //Vector3 angularVelocity;
                NameValue[] nameValues;
                bool attachment = false;
                PCode pcode = (PCode)block.PCode;

                #region Relevance check

                // Check if we are interested in this object
                if (!Client.Settings.ALWAYS_DECODE_OBJECTS)
                    switch (pcode)
                        case PCode.Grass:
                        case PCode.Tree:
                        case PCode.NewTree:
                        case PCode.Prim:
                            if (m_ObjectUpdate == null) continue;
                        case PCode.Avatar:
                            // Make an exception for updates about our own agent
                            if (block.FullID != Client.Self.AgentID && m_AvatarUpdate == null) continue;
                        case PCode.ParticleSystem:
                            continue; // TODO: Do something with these

                #endregion Relevance check

                #region NameValue parsing

                string nameValue = Utils.BytesToString(block.NameValue);
                if (nameValue.Length > 0)
                    string[] lines = nameValue.Split('\n');
                    nameValues = new NameValue[lines.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]))
                            NameValue nv = new NameValue(lines[i]);
                            if (nv.Name == "AttachItemID") attachment = true;
                            nameValues[i] = nv;
                    nameValues = new NameValue[0];

                #endregion NameValue parsing

                #region Decode Object (primitive) parameters
                Primitive.ConstructionData data = new Primitive.ConstructionData();
                data.State = block.State;
                data.Material = (Material)block.Material;
                data.PathCurve = (PathCurve)block.PathCurve;
                data.profileCurve = block.ProfileCurve;
                data.PathBegin = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(block.PathBegin);
                data.PathEnd = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(block.PathEnd);
                data.PathScaleX = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(block.PathScaleX);
                data.PathScaleY = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(block.PathScaleY);
                data.PathShearX = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)block.PathShearX);
                data.PathShearY = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)block.PathShearY);
                data.PathTwist = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathTwist);
                data.PathTwistBegin = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathTwistBegin);
                data.PathRadiusOffset = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathRadiusOffset);
                data.PathTaperX = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(block.PathTaperX);
                data.PathTaperY = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(block.PathTaperY);
                data.PathRevolutions = Primitive.UnpackPathRevolutions(block.PathRevolutions);
                data.PathSkew = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathSkew);
                data.ProfileBegin = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(block.ProfileBegin);
                data.ProfileEnd = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(block.ProfileEnd);
                data.ProfileHollow = Primitive.UnpackProfileHollow(block.ProfileHollow);
                data.PCode = pcode;

                #region Decode Additional packed parameters in ObjectData
                int pos = 0;
                switch (block.ObjectData.Length)
                    case 76:
                        // Collision normal for avatar
                        objectupdate.CollisionPlane = new Vector4(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 16;

                        goto case 60;
                    case 60:
                        // Position
                        objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 12;
                        // Velocity
                        objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 12;
                        // Acceleration
                        objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 12;
                        // Rotation (theta)
                        objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(block.ObjectData, pos, true);
                        pos += 12;
                        // Angular velocity (omega)
                        objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 12;

                    case 48:
                        // Collision normal for avatar
                        objectupdate.CollisionPlane = new Vector4(block.ObjectData, pos);
                        pos += 16;

                        goto case 32;
                    case 32:
                        // The data is an array of unsigned shorts

                        // Position
                        objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -0.5f * 256.0f, 1.5f * 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -0.5f * 256.0f, 1.5f * 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 3.0f * 256.0f));
                        pos += 6;
                        // Velocity
                        objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 6;
                        // Acceleration
                        objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 6;
                        // Rotation (theta)
                        objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 6, -1.0f, 1.0f));
                        pos += 8;
                        // Angular velocity (omega)
                        objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 6;

                    case 16:
                        // The data is an array of single bytes (8-bit numbers)

                        // Position
                        objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 3;
                        // Velocity
                        objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 3;
                        // Accleration
                        objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 3;
                        // Rotation
                        objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 3, -1.0f, 1.0f));
                        pos += 4;
                        // Angular Velocity
                        objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                            Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                        pos += 3;

                        Logger.Log("Got an ObjectUpdate block with ObjectUpdate field length of " +
                            block.ObjectData.Length, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client);


                // Determine the object type and create the appropriate class
                switch (pcode)
                    #region Prim and Foliage
                    case PCode.Grass:
                    case PCode.Tree:
                    case PCode.NewTree:
                    case PCode.Prim:

                        bool isNewObject;
                        lock (simulator.ObjectsPrimitives.Dictionary)
                            isNewObject = !simulator.ObjectsPrimitives.ContainsKey(block.ID);

                        Primitive prim = GetPrimitive(simulator, block.ID, block.FullID);

                        // Textures
                        objectupdate.Textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(block.TextureEntry, 0,

                        OnObjectDataBlockUpdate(new ObjectDataBlockUpdateEventArgs(simulator, prim, data, block, objectupdate, nameValues));

                        #region Update Prim Info with decoded data
                        prim.Flags = (PrimFlags)block.UpdateFlags;

                        if ((prim.Flags & PrimFlags.ZlibCompressed) != 0)
                            Logger.Log("Got a ZlibCompressed ObjectUpdate, implement me!",
                                Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client);

                        // Automatically request ObjectProperties for prim if it was rezzed selected.
                        if ((prim.Flags & PrimFlags.CreateSelected) != 0)
                            SelectObject(simulator, prim.LocalID);

                        prim.NameValues = nameValues;
                        prim.LocalID = block.ID;
                        prim.ID = block.FullID;
                        prim.ParentID = block.ParentID;
                        prim.RegionHandle = update.RegionData.RegionHandle;
                        prim.Scale = block.Scale;
                        prim.ClickAction = (ClickAction)block.ClickAction;
                        prim.OwnerID = block.OwnerID;
                        prim.MediaURL = Utils.BytesToString(block.MediaURL);
                        prim.Text = Utils.BytesToString(block.Text);
                        prim.TextColor = new Color4(block.TextColor, 0, false, true);

                        // Sound information
                        prim.Sound = block.Sound;
                        prim.SoundFlags = (SoundFlags)block.Flags;
                        prim.SoundGain = block.Gain;
                        prim.SoundRadius = block.Radius;

                        // Joint information
                        prim.Joint = (JointType)block.JointType;
                        prim.JointPivot = block.JointPivot;
                        prim.JointAxisOrAnchor = block.JointAxisOrAnchor;

                        // Object parameters
                        prim.PrimData = data;

                        // Textures, texture animations, particle system, and extra params
                        prim.Textures = objectupdate.Textures;

                        prim.TextureAnim = new Primitive.TextureAnimation(block.TextureAnim, 0);
                        prim.ParticleSys = new Primitive.ParticleSystem(block.PSBlock, 0);
                        prim.SetExtraParamsFromBytes(block.ExtraParams, 0);

                        // PCode-specific data
                        switch (pcode)
                            case PCode.Grass:
                            case PCode.Tree:
                            case PCode.NewTree:
                                if (block.Data.Length == 1)
                                    prim.TreeSpecies = (Tree)block.Data[0];
                                    Logger.Log("Got a foliage update with an invalid TreeSpecies field", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                            //    prim.ScratchPad = Utils.EmptyBytes;
                            //    break;
                            //    prim.ScratchPad = new byte[block.Data.Length];
                            //    if (block.Data.Length > 0)
                            //        Buffer.BlockCopy(block.Data, 0, prim.ScratchPad, 0, prim.ScratchPad.Length);
                        prim.ScratchPad = Utils.EmptyBytes;

                        // Packed parameters
                        prim.CollisionPlane = objectupdate.CollisionPlane;
                        prim.Position = objectupdate.Position;
                        prim.Velocity = objectupdate.Velocity;
                        prim.Acceleration = objectupdate.Acceleration;
                        prim.Rotation = objectupdate.Rotation;
                        prim.AngularVelocity = objectupdate.AngularVelocity;

                        OnObjectUpdate(new PrimEventArgs(simulator, prim, update.RegionData.TimeDilation, isNewObject, attachment));

                    #endregion Prim and Foliage
                    #region Avatar
                    case PCode.Avatar:

                        bool isNewAvatar;
                        lock (simulator.ObjectsAvatars.Dictionary)
                            isNewAvatar = !simulator.ObjectsAvatars.ContainsKey(block.ID);

                        // Update some internals if this is our avatar
                        if (block.FullID == Client.Self.AgentID && simulator == Client.Network.CurrentSim)
                            #region Update Client.Self

                            // We need the local ID to recognize terse updates for our agent
                            Client.Self.localID = block.ID;

                            // Packed parameters
                            Client.Self.collisionPlane = objectupdate.CollisionPlane;
                            Client.Self.relativePosition = objectupdate.Position;
                            Client.Self.velocity = objectupdate.Velocity;
                            Client.Self.acceleration = objectupdate.Acceleration;
                            Client.Self.relativeRotation = objectupdate.Rotation;
                            Client.Self.angularVelocity = objectupdate.AngularVelocity;


                        #region Create an Avatar from the decoded data

                        Avatar avatar = GetAvatar(simulator, block.ID, block.FullID);

                        objectupdate.Avatar = true;
                        // Textures
                        objectupdate.Textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(block.TextureEntry, 0,

                        OnObjectDataBlockUpdate(new ObjectDataBlockUpdateEventArgs(simulator, avatar, data, block, objectupdate, nameValues));

                        uint oldSeatID = avatar.ParentID;

                        avatar.ID = block.FullID;
                        avatar.LocalID = block.ID;
                        avatar.CollisionPlane = objectupdate.CollisionPlane;
                        avatar.Position = objectupdate.Position;
                        avatar.Velocity = objectupdate.Velocity;
                        avatar.Acceleration = objectupdate.Acceleration;
                        avatar.Rotation = objectupdate.Rotation;
                        avatar.AngularVelocity = objectupdate.AngularVelocity;
                        avatar.NameValues = nameValues;
                        avatar.PrimData = data;
                        if (block.Data.Length > 0)
                            Logger.Log("Unexpected Data field for an avatar update, length " + block.Data.Length, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                        avatar.ParentID = block.ParentID;
                        avatar.RegionHandle = update.RegionData.RegionHandle;

                        SetAvatarSittingOn(simulator, avatar, block.ParentID, oldSeatID);

                        // Textures
                        avatar.Textures = objectupdate.Textures;

                        #endregion Create an Avatar from the decoded data

                        OnAvatarUpdate(new AvatarUpdateEventArgs(simulator, avatar, update.RegionData.TimeDilation, isNewAvatar));

                    #endregion Avatar
                    case PCode.ParticleSystem:
                        // TODO: Create a callback for particle updates
                        Logger.DebugLog("Got an ObjectUpdate block with an unrecognized PCode " + pcode.ToString(), Client);
 public static void updateToPrim(Primitive prim, ObjectMovementUpdate update)
     prim.Acceleration = update.Acceleration;
     prim.AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
     prim.CollisionPlane = update.CollisionPlane;
     prim.Position = update.Position;
     prim.Rotation = update.Rotation;
     prim.PrimData.State = update.State;
     if (update.Textures != null) prim.Textures = update.Textures;
     prim.Velocity = update.Velocity;
        private void PrimtiveBlockUpdate(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate objectupdate0, 
            Primitive prim,ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block, Primitive.ConstructionData data)
            bool isNewPrim = prim.Scale == Vector3.Zero && prim.Position == Vector3.Zero && prim.NameValues == null;
            if (prim.ID == UUID.Zero)
                if (!simulator.Client.Settings.OBJECT_TRACKING)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Need to enable object tracking!!");
                SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(block.FullID);
                if (O == null)
                    Debug("PrimData ZERO for " + prim);
                    if (block.ID > 0)
                        uint localID = block.ID;
                        prim.LocalID = localID;
                        prim.ID = block.FullID;
                       // var p = simulator.Client.Objects.GetPrimitive(simulator, block.ID, block.FullID, false);
                       // simulator.GetPrimitive(
                    Debug("SimData ZERO for " + prim);
                    uint localID = block.ID;
                    prim.LocalID = localID;
                    prim.ID = block.FullID;
                    O.IsDebugging = true;
           // else
                if (prim.RegionHandle == simulator.Handle && prim.ID != UUID.Zero)
                    if (!prim.PrimData.Equals(data)
                        /* || prim.Scale != block.Scale
                            || prim.Position != objectupdate.Position
                            || prim.Rotation != objectupdate.Rotation
                            || prim.ParentID != block.ParentID*/
                        SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(prim.ID);
                        if (O != null)
                            if (!isNewPrim)
                                Debug("PrimData changed for " + prim);
                            // the old OnNewPrim code will force the reindexing
                            //Debug("PrimData new for " + prim);
                            O = GetSimObject(prim, simulator);

                    if (!isNewPrim)
                        DeclareProperties(prim, prim.Properties, simulator);
                        SendNewRegionEvent(SimEventType.DATA_UPDATE, "on-data-updated", prim);
                    //Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdate(simulator, prim, objectupdate0, simulator.Handle, 0);
                    //if (prim.RegionHandle == 0)
                    //    prim.RegionHandle = simulator.Handle;
                    if (prim.ID != UUID.Zero)
                        SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(prim.ID);
                        if (O != null && prim.Properties != null && prim.RegionHandle == simulator.Handle)
                            Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateReal(simulator, prim, objectupdate0, simulator.Handle, 0);
                            //O = GetSimObject(prim, simulator);
 public static ObjectMovementUpdate updatFromSimObject(SimObject from)
     ObjectMovementUpdate update = new ObjectMovementUpdate();
     if (from.Prim != null)
         update.Acceleration = from.Prim.Acceleration;
         update.AngularVelocity = from.Prim.AngularVelocity;
         update.CollisionPlane = from.Prim.CollisionPlane;
         update.Position = from.Prim.Position;
         update.Rotation = from.Prim.Rotation;
         update.State = from.Prim.PrimData.State;
         if (from.Prim.Textures != null) update.Textures = from.Prim.Textures;
         update.Velocity = from.Prim.Velocity;
         update.LocalID = from.Prim.LocalID;
     update.Avatar = (from is SimAvatar);
     return update;
 public static ObjectMovementUpdate updateDiff(ObjectMovementUpdate fromPrim, ObjectMovementUpdate diff)
     ObjectMovementUpdate update;// = new ObjectMovementUpdate();
     update.LocalID = fromPrim.LocalID;
     update.Avatar = fromPrim.Avatar;
     update.Acceleration = fromPrim.Acceleration - diff.Acceleration;
     update.AngularVelocity = fromPrim.AngularVelocity - diff.AngularVelocity;
     update.CollisionPlane = fromPrim.CollisionPlane - diff.CollisionPlane;
     update.Position = fromPrim.Position - diff.Position;
     update.Rotation = fromPrim.Rotation - diff.Rotation;
     update.State = (byte)(fromPrim.State - diff.State);
     update.Textures = fromPrim.Textures != diff.Textures ? diff.Textures : null;
     update.Velocity = fromPrim.Velocity - diff.Velocity;
     return update;
 private Object notifyUpdate(SimObject objectUpdated, ObjectMovementUpdate before, ObjectMovementUpdate after, DoWhat didUpdate)
     ObjectMovementUpdate diff = updateDiff(before, after);
     bool wasChanged = false;
     bool wasPositionUpdateSent = false;
     if (before.Acceleration != after.Acceleration)
         after.Acceleration =
             didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Acceleration", before.Acceleration, after.Acceleration, diff.Acceleration);
         wasChanged = true;
     if (before.AngularVelocity != after.AngularVelocity)
         after.AngularVelocity =
             didUpdate(objectUpdated, "AngularVelocity", before.AngularVelocity, after.AngularVelocity,
         wasChanged = true;
     if (false) if (before.CollisionPlane != after.CollisionPlane)
         after.CollisionPlane =
             didUpdate(objectUpdated, "CollisionPlane", before.CollisionPlane, after.CollisionPlane,
         wasChanged = true;
     if (before.Position != after.Position)
         after.Position =
             (Vector3)didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Position", before.Position, after.Position, diff.Position);
         wasChanged = true;
         wasPositionUpdateSent = true;
     Quaternion diff1 = before.Rotation - after.Rotation;
     if (diff1.Length() > 0.1f)
         after.Rotation =
             (Quaternion)didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Rotation", before.Rotation, after.Rotation, diff.Rotation);
         wasChanged = true;
     if (false) if (before.State != after.State)
         didUpdate(objectUpdated, "State", before.State, after.State, diff.State);
         wasChanged = true;
     if (before.Textures != after.Textures)
         //didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Textures", before.Textures, after.Textures, diff.Textures);
         //wasChanged = true;
     if (before.Velocity != after.Velocity)
         // didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Velocity", before.Velocity, after.Velocity, diff.Velocity);
         if (before.Velocity == Vector3.Zero)
             SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-start-velocity", objectUpdated, after.Velocity);
             if (!wasPositionUpdateSent) SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
         else if (after.Velocity == Vector3.Zero)
             if (!wasPositionUpdateSent) SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
             SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-stop-velocity", objectUpdated, -before.Velocity);
             //SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-change-velosity", objectUpdated, after.Velocity);
             if (!wasPositionUpdateSent) SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
         wasChanged = true;
     if (!wasChanged) return null;
     return diff;
        public void Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(Simulator simulator, Primitive objectUpdated, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle,
                                             ushort timeDilation)
            if (!IsMaster(simulator)) return;
            if (objectUpdated != null)
                //lock (objectUpdated)
                    // other OMV code already updated the Primitive
                    // updateToPrim(prim, update);

                    if (objectUpdated.Properties != null)
                        DeclareProperties(objectUpdated, objectUpdated.Properties, simulator);
                        describePrimToAI(objectUpdated, simulator);
                        EnsureSelected(objectUpdated, simulator);

                    // Make a Last Object Update from the Primitive if we knew nothing about it
                    if (MaintainObjectUpdates)

                        SimObject simObject = GetSimObject(objectUpdated, simulator);
                        if (simObject != null)
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate)
                                if (!LastObjectUpdate.ContainsKey(simObject))
                                    LastObjectUpdate[simObject] = updatFromSimObject(simObject);
                            if (m_TheSimAvatar != null)
                                //double dist = simObject.Distance(TheSimAvatar);
                                //if (dist > 30 && !update.Avatar) return;
                            // Make a "diff" from previous
                            ObjectMovementUpdate up;
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate) up = LastObjectUpdate[simObject];
                            Object diffO = notifyUpdate(simObject, up, update,
                            if (diffO != null)
                                ObjectMovementUpdate diff = (ObjectMovementUpdate) diffO;
                                //if (lastObjectUpdateDiff.ContainsKey(objectUpdated.ID))
                                //    notifyUpdate(objectUpdated, lastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID], diff, InformUpdateDiff);
                                lock (LastObjectUpdateDiff) LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID] = diff;

                                // someThingElseNeedsUpdate(objectUpdated);
                                //  needsOsdDiff = true;
                            ObjectMovementUpdate TheDiff = default(ObjectMovementUpdate);
                            lock (LastObjectUpdateDiff)
                                if (LastObjectUpdateDiff.ContainsKey(objectUpdated.ID))
                                    TheDiff = LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID];
                                    LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID] = TheDiff;
                            simObject.UpdateObject(update, TheDiff);
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate) LastObjectUpdate[simObject] = update;
                //WriteLine("missing Objects_OnObjectUpdated");
        public void Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateRealDead(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle,
                                                     ushort timeDilation)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Objects_OnObjectProperties");
            /// return;
            if (simulator.Handle != regionHandle)
                Debug("Strange update" + simulator);
                //base.Objects_OnObjectUpdated(simulator, update, regionHandle, timeDilation);
            // return;
            //all things if (update.Avatar)

            Primitive av = GetPrimitive(update.LocalID, simulator);
            Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(simulator, av, update, regionHandle, timeDilation);
        private void Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateReal(Simulator simulator, Primitive av, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong RegionHandle, ushort TimeDilation)
            if (!IsMaster(simulator)) return;
            if (av == null)
            if (av.ID == UUID.Zero)
                return; // too early
            SimObject AV = null;
            Object Obj;
            //lock (uuidTypeObject)
            if (UUIDTypeObjectTryGetValue(av.ID, out Obj))
                    AV = Obj as SimObject;
                    if (av.ID==client.Self.AgentID)                    
                        AV = GetSimObject(av, simulator);
            if (AV != null)
                Primitive prev = AV.Prim;
                if (prev == null)
                if (av.ParentID == 0 && !SimRegion.OutOfRegion(av.Position))
                    AV.ResetPrim(av, client, simulator);
                if (prev!=null)
                    // parent changed?
                    if (prev.ParentID != av.ParentID)
                        AV.Parent = null;

                if (av.ParentID == 0 && !SimRegion.OutOfRegion(update.Position))
                    if (update.Avatar)
                        SimRegion.GetRegion(simulator).UpdateTraveled(av.ID, av.Position, av.Rotation);
            if (!MaintainObjectUpdates) return;
                EventQueue.Enqueue(() => Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(simulator, av, updatFromSimObject(AV), RegionHandle, TimeDilation));
        void Objects_OnObjectUpdated(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle, ushort timeDilation)
            if (!update.Avatar)
                Primitive prim;

                if (prims.TryGetValue(update.LocalID, out prim))
                    lock (prim)
                        if (Program.Verbosity > 1)
                            Logger.Log("Updating state for " + prim.ID.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                        prim.Acceleration = update.Acceleration;
                        prim.AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
                        prim.CollisionPlane = update.CollisionPlane;
                        prim.Position = update.Position;
                        prim.Rotation = update.Rotation;
                        prim.PrimData.State = update.State;
                        prim.Textures = update.Textures;
                        prim.Velocity = update.Velocity;
