        public void EditorSelectionChanged(TableSelection tableSelection)
            // list of currently selected cells (default to none)
            ArrayList selectedCells = new ArrayList();

            if (tableSelection != null && tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection)
                selectedCells = tableSelection.SelectedCells;

            // build hashtables of element behaviors for our selected and unselected cells
            Hashtable selectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();

            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in selectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    selectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;
            Hashtable lastSelectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();

            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in _lastSelectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    lastSelectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;

            // unselect cells that should no longer be selected
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in lastSelectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!selectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = false;

            // select cells that are joining the selection
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!lastSelectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = true;

            // update the last selected cells
            _lastSelectedCells = selectedCells;
        private void HandleMouseMove(TableColumnMouseEventArgs ea)
            // cell element we are over
            IHTMLElement targetCell = GetTargetCell(ea.ClientPoint);

            // if there is no element then we are done
            if (targetCell == null)
                // reset state

            // get the cell and row
            IHTMLTableCell cell = targetCell as IHTMLTableCell;
            IHTMLTableRow  row  = TableHelper.GetContainingRowElement(cell);

            // convert the client point to cell-local coordinates & calcualte our comparison x values
            TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(targetCell);

            if (cellBehavior == null)

            Point cellLocalMousePt  = cellBehavior.TransformGlobalToLocal(ea.ClientPoint);
            int   cellSpacing       = TableHelper.GetAttributeAsInteger(_table.cellSpacing);
            int   cellSpacingOffset = cellSpacing / 2;
            int   compareX          = cellLocalMousePt.X;
            int   cellStartX        = 0 - cellSpacingOffset;
            int   cellEndX          = targetCell.offsetWidth + cellSpacingOffset;

            // if the mouse is near the edge of the cell then update the pending sizing action
            // (unless the mouse is near the edge of the first cell where no sizing is supported)
            if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellStartX, cellSpacing) || MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellEndX, cellSpacing))
                if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellStartX, cellSpacing))
                    if (cell.cellIndex > 0)
                        int leftIndex  = cell.cellIndex - 1;
                        int rightIndex = cell.cellIndex;
                        _sizingOperation.TrackPending(ea.ClientPoint.X, leftIndex, rightIndex);
                        ea.Handled = true;
                else if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellEndX, cellSpacing))
                    int leftIndex  = cell.cellIndex;
                    int rightIndex = cell.cellIndex < (row.cells.length - 1) ? cell.cellIndex + 1 : -1;

                    _sizingOperation.TrackPending(ea.ClientPoint.X, leftIndex, rightIndex);
                    ea.Handled = true;
            else // mouse is not near the edge of the cell, reset pending action
 public void RemoveCellBehavior(TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior)
 public void AddCellBehavior(TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior)
 public void RemoveCellBehavior(TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior)
 public void AddCellBehavior(TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior)