public ICategorySelectorControl GetControl(BlogPostCategory category, bool multiSelect)
     if (multiSelect)
         return new CategoryCheckSelectorControl(category);
         return new CategoryRadioSelectorControl(category);
        public static bool Equals(BlogPostCategory x, BlogPostCategory y, bool lenientNameComparison)
            if (y == null)
                return false;

            if (!x.IsCookedUpId && !y.IsCookedUpId)
                return x.Id == y.Id;

            // WordPress uses the string "0" to indicate no parent.
            // It's hard to tell by looking at this, but the fact that
            // HasParent takes this into account means we get the
            // correct behavior.
            if ((x.HasParent || y.HasParent) && x.Parent != y.Parent)
                return false;

            string selfNameUpper = x.Name.ToUpperInvariant();
            string otherNameUpper = y.Name.ToUpperInvariant();
            if (selfNameUpper == otherNameUpper)
                return true;

            if (lenientNameComparison
                    && HtmlUtils.UnEscapeEntities(selfNameUpper, HtmlUtils.UnEscapeMode.Default)
                        == HtmlUtils.UnEscapeEntities(otherNameUpper, HtmlUtils.UnEscapeMode.Default))
                return true;

            return false;
 protected internal override void PreparePost(Blog blog, IBlogClient blogClient, OpenLiveWriter.Extensibility.BlogClient.BlogPost blogPost, ref bool? publish)
     BlogPostCategory[] categories = blogClient.GetCategories(blog.BlogId);
     if (categories.Length < 2)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Blog " + blog.HomepageUrl + " does not have enough categories for the SupportsMultipleCategories test to be performed");
     BlogPostCategory[] newCategories = new BlogPostCategory[2];
     newCategories[0] = categories[0];
     newCategories[1] = categories[1];
     blogPost.Categories = newCategories;
        public CategoryContext()
            _selectedCategories = new BlogPostCategory[0];
            SetBlogCategories(new BlogPostCategory[0]);
            SetNewCategories(new BlogPostCategory[0]);
            _selectionMode = SelectionModes.MultiSelect;
            _supportsAddingCategories = false;
            _supportsHeirarchicalCategories = false;

 private static void AreEqual(BlogPostCategory a, BlogPostCategory b)
     Assert.AreEqual(a, b);
     Assert.AreEqual(b, a);
     Assert.AreEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode());
     Assert.IsTrue(BlogPostCategory.Equals(a, b, true));
     Assert.IsTrue(BlogPostCategory.Equals(a, b, false));
     Assert.IsTrue(BlogPostCategory.Equals(b, a, true));
     Assert.IsTrue(BlogPostCategory.Equals(b, a, false));
        void IBlogPostEditor.Initialize(IBlogPostEditingContext editingContext, IBlogClientOptions clientOptions)
            // categories from blog

            // pickup new categories from the blog-post

            // combine all post categories before settting
            ArrayList selectedCategories = new ArrayList();
            _lastSelectedCategories = new BlogPostCategory[0];
            CategoryContext.SelectedCategories = selectedCategories.ToArray(typeof(BlogPostCategory)) as BlogPostCategory[];

            toolTipCategories.SetToolTip(this, CategoryContext.FormattedCategoryList);
            _isDirty = false;
 public ParentCategoryComboItem(ComboBox parentCombo, BlogPostCategory category, int indentLevel)
     _parentCombo = parentCombo ;
     _category = category ;
     _indentLevel = indentLevel ;
        private ICategorySelectorControl GetCategorySelectorControl(BlogPostCategory category)
            // scan for control
            foreach (ICategorySelectorControl selectorControl in _categoryControls)
                if ( selectorControl.Category.Id.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == category.Id.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ||
                     selectorControl.Category.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == category.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) )
                    return selectorControl ;

            // didn't find it
            return null ;

        private void UpdateSelectedCategories(BlogPostCategory[] selectedCategories)
            bool focused = false;
            foreach (ICategorySelectorControl sc in _categoryControls)
                if (!focused)
                    focused = true;
                sc.Selected = false;

            if (selectedCategories.Length > 0)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory c in selectedCategories)
                    foreach (ICategorySelectorControl sc in _categoryControls)
                        if (c.Id.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == sc.Category.Id.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ||
                            c.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == sc.Category.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) )
                            sc.Selected = true;
                // scan for special "None" category and select it
                foreach (ICategorySelectorControl sc in _categoryControls)
                    if (BlogPostCategoryNone.IsCategoryNone((sc.Category)))
                        sc.Selected = true;
 private void AppendCategories(BlogPostCategory[] categories, StringBuilder settingsContents)
        private XmlRpcArray GenerateNewCategoriesForPost(BlogPostCategory[] newCategories)
            ArrayList categoryValues = new ArrayList();
            foreach (BlogPostCategory category in newCategories)
                // create the struct for the category
                XmlRpcStruct categoryStruct = new XmlRpcStruct(new XmlRpcMember[]
                        new XmlRpcMember( "description", category.Name ),
                        new XmlRpcMember( "parent", category.Parent)

                // add it to the list

            // return the array
            return new XmlRpcArray((XmlRpcValue[])categoryValues.ToArray(typeof(XmlRpcValue)));
 public void NewCategoryAdded(BlogPostCategory category)
        private bool AddCategoriesIfNecessary(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext)
            // this blog doesn't support adding categories
            if (!Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                return false;

            // no new categories to add
            if (post.NewCategories.Length == 0)
                return false;

            // we support inline category addition and we don't require a special
            // api for heirarchical categories (inline api can't handle parent specification)
            if (Options.SupportsNewCategoriesInline && !Options.SupportsHierarchicalCategories)
                return false;

            // add the categories and update their ids
            ArrayList newCategories = new ArrayList();
            foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)
                string categoryId = AddCategory(blogId, category);
                BlogPostCategory newCategory = new BlogPostCategory(categoryId, category.Name, category.Parent);
            post.NewCategories = newCategories.ToArray(typeof(BlogPostCategory)) as BlogPostCategory[];
            return true;
 void INewCategoryContext.NewCategoryAdded(BlogPostCategory newCategory)
     (_postPropertyEditor as INewCategoryContext).NewCategoryAdded(newCategory);
 public CategoryRadioSelectorControl(BlogPostCategory category) : base()
     FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
     _category = category;
 public void SelectCategory(BlogPostCategory category)
     foreach (RadioButton radio in Controls)
         if (category.Equals(radio.Tag))
             radio.Checked = true;
 void IBlogCategorySettings.UpdateCategories(BlogPostCategory[] categories)
     using ( BlogSettings blogSettings = BlogSettings.ForBlogId(_targetBlog.Id) )
         blogSettings.Categories = categories ;
 private string GetCategoriesContents(BlogPostCategory[] categories)
     StringBuilder categoriesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     if (categories != null)
         Array.Sort(categories, new SortCategoriesComparer());
         foreach (BlogPostCategory category in categories)
             categoriesBuilder.AppendFormat("Category:{0}/{1}/{2}", category.Id, category.Name, category.Parent);
     return categoriesBuilder.ToString();
 private static void AreNotEqual(BlogPostCategory a, BlogPostCategory b)
     Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(b, a);
     Assert.IsFalse(BlogPostCategory.Equals(a, b, true));
     Assert.IsFalse(BlogPostCategory.Equals(a, b, false));
     Assert.IsFalse(BlogPostCategory.Equals(b, a, true));
     Assert.IsFalse(BlogPostCategory.Equals(b, a, false));
        private XmlRpcArray GetCategoriesArray(BlogPostCategory[] categories)
            ArrayList categoryValues = new ArrayList();
            foreach (BlogPostCategory category in categories)
                // create the struct for the category
                XmlRpcStruct categoryStruct = new XmlRpcStruct(
                    new XmlRpcMember[] { new XmlRpcMember("categoryId", category.Id) });

                // add it to the list

            // return the array
            return new XmlRpcArray((XmlRpcValue[])categoryValues.ToArray(typeof(XmlRpcValue)));
        void INewCategoryContext.NewCategoryAdded(BlogPostCategory category)
            // commit new category to blog post

            // see if any of our blog post editors are new category contexts, if so
            // then notify them of the new category being added. Note that this
            // callback occurs during publishing so we don't want UI-layer errors
            // to halt publishing -- catch and log them instead.
                foreach (IBlogPostEditor postEditor in _postEditors)
                    if (postEditor is INewCategoryContext)
                        (postEditor as INewCategoryContext).NewCategoryAdded(category);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Fail("Unexpected exception during call to NewCategoryAdded: " + ex.ToString());
 public void NewCategoryAdded(BlogPostCategory category)
        public void SetBlogInfo(BlogInfo blogInfo)
            if (blogInfo.Id != _hostBlogId)
                _blogName = blogInfo.Name;
                _hostBlogId = blogInfo.Id;
                _homePageUrl = blogInfo.HomepageUrl;
                if (!UrlHelper.IsUrl(_homePageUrl))
                    Trace.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_homePageUrl), "Homepage URL was null or empty");
                    string baseUrl = UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(_postApiUrl);
                    _homePageUrl = UrlHelper.UrlCombineIfRelative(baseUrl, _homePageUrl);

                // reset categories, authors, and pages
                Categories = new BlogPostCategory[] { };
                Keywords = new BlogPostKeyword[] { };
                Authors = new AuthorInfo[] { };
                Pages = new PageInfo[] { };

                // reset option overrides
                if (OptionOverrides != null)

                if (UserOptionOverrides != null)

                if (HomePageOverrides != null)

                // reset provider buttons
                if (ButtonDescriptions != null)
                    ButtonDescriptions = new IBlogProviderButtonDescription[0];

                // reset template
                TemplateFiles = new BlogEditingTemplateFile[0];
        public BlogPostCategory[] GetCategories(string blogId)
            var categories = new BlogPostCategory[0];
            var blog = GetService().Blogs.Get(blogId).Execute();

            if (blog != null)
                var categoriesUrl = string.Concat(blog.Url, CategoriesEndPoint);

                var response = SendAuthenticatedHttpRequest(categoriesUrl, 30, CreateAuthorizationFilter());
                if (response != null)
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        var item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CategoryResponse>(json);
                        var cats = item?.Feed?.CategoryArray.Select(x => new BlogPostCategory(x.Term));
                        categories = cats?.ToArray() ?? new BlogPostCategory[0];

            return categories;
        private void MovableTypeSetPostCategories(string postId, BlogPostCategory[] categories)
            // call method
            XmlNode result = CallMethod("mt.setPostCategories",
                new XmlRpcString(postId),
                new XmlRpcString(Username),
                new XmlRpcString(Password, true),

            // confirm we had a successful return value
            Trace.Assert(result.InnerText == "1", "Unexpected error return value from mt.setPostCategories");
 public void SelectCategory(BlogPostCategory category)
     WalkNodes(treeView.Nodes, delegate (TreeNode n)
                 if (category.Equals(((TreeNode)n.Tag).Tag))
                     if (!n.Checked)
                         n.Checked = true;
                     treeView.SelectedNode = n;
        public override string AddCategory(string blogId, BlogPostCategory category)
            // call the method
            XmlNode result = CallMethod("wp.newCategory",
                new XmlRpcString(blogId),
                new XmlRpcString(Username),
                new XmlRpcString(Password, true),
                new XmlRpcStruct(new XmlRpcMember[]
                            new XmlRpcMember("name", category.Name),
                            new XmlRpcMember("parent_id", ParseCategoryParent(category.Parent) ),

            // return the category id
            return result.InnerText;
        public static TreeNode[] CategoriesToNodes(BlogPostCategory[] categories)
            Dictionary<string, TreeNode> catToNode = new Dictionary<string, TreeNode>();
            TreeNode[] allNodes = new TreeNode[categories.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++)
                // TODO: This will need to be rewritten to deal with the fact that
                // ID doesn't work effectively in the face of hierarchy and new categories
                allNodes[i] = new TreeNode(HtmlUtils.UnEscapeEntities(categories[i].Name, HtmlUtils.UnEscapeMode.Default));
                allNodes[i].Tag = categories[i];

                // TODO:
                // This is necessary due to bug in categories, where multiple
                // new categories with the same name (but different parents)
                // have the same ID. When that bug is fixed this check should be
                // replaced with an assertion.
                if (!catToNode.ContainsKey(categories[i].Id))
                    catToNode.Add(categories[i].Id, allNodes[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < allNodes.Length; i++)
                TreeNode node = allNodes[i];
                string parent = ((BlogPostCategory)node.Tag).Parent;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent) && catToNode.ContainsKey(parent))
                    allNodes[i] = null;
            return (TreeNode[])ArrayHelper.Compact(allNodes);
 public virtual string AddCategory(string blogId, BlogPostCategory category)
     throw new BlogClientMethodUnsupportedException("AddCategory");
        public void CommitNewCategory(BlogPostCategory newCategory)
            // revised category list
            ArrayList categories = new ArrayList(Categories);
            Categories = categories.ToArray(typeof(BlogPostCategory)) as BlogPostCategory[];

            // revised new category list
            ArrayList newCategories = new ArrayList();
            foreach (BlogPostCategory category in NewCategories)
                if (!category.Name.Equals(newCategory.Name))
            NewCategories = newCategories.ToArray(typeof(BlogPostCategory)) as BlogPostCategory[];