/// <summary>
        /// Gets all queued objects from the queue, blocking until at least one is available,
        /// or throws ThreadSafeQueueTerminatedException if the queue is terminated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>All of the objects in the queue</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ThreadSafeQueueTerminatedException">
        /// The queue has been terminated. Note that this can occur
        /// even if the queue was not terminated at the time the
        /// method was called.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual LinkedList DequeueAll()
            lock (this)
                while (!ItemsAvailable() && !terminated)

                if (!ItemsAvailable())
                    throw new ThreadSafeQueueTerminatedException();

                LinkedList returnList = list;
                list = new LinkedList();
                return returnList;
 public LLEnum(LinkedList list)
     seqnum = list.sequenceNum;
     this.list = list;
     this.currNode = list.head;