/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <param name="targetTemplateTypes"></param>
        /// <param name="templateStrategies">equivalent strategies for manipulating the blog homepage DOM into an editing template type</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BlogEditingTemplateFile[] DetectTemplates(IProgressHost progress, BlogEditingTemplateType[] targetTemplateTypes, BlogEditingTemplateStrategy[] templateStrategies)
            RecentPostRegionLocatorStrategy recentPostLocatorStrategy =
                new RecentPostRegionLocatorStrategy(_blogClient, _blogAccount, _credentials, _blogHomepageUrl,
                                                    new PageDownloader(RequestPageDownload));

            TemporaryPostRegionLocatorStrategy tempPostLocatorStrategy =
                new TemporaryPostRegionLocatorStrategy(_blogClient, _blogAccount, _credentials, _blogHomepageUrl,
                                                       new PageDownloader(RequestPageDownload), new BlogPostRegionLocatorBooleanCallback(recentPostLocatorStrategy.HasBlogPosts));

            //setup the strategies for locating the title/body regions in the blog homepage.
            BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy[] regionLocatorStrategies = new BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy[]

            // template files to return
            BlogEditingTemplateFile[] blogTemplateFiles = null;

            // try each strategy as necessary
            for (int i = 0; i < regionLocatorStrategies.Length && blogTemplateFiles == null; i++)

                //reset the progress for each iteration
                BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy regionLocatorStrategy = regionLocatorStrategies[i];
                    blogTemplateFiles = GetBlogTemplateFiles(progress, regionLocatorStrategy, templateStrategies, targetTemplateTypes, _blogHomepageUrl);
                    progress.UpdateProgress(100, 100);

                    //if any exception occurred along the way, clear them since one of the template strategies
                    //was successful.
                    _exception = null;
                catch (OperationCancelledException)
                    // cancel just means our template will be String.Empty
                    _exception = null;
                catch (BlogClientOperationCancelledException e)
                    // cancel just means our template will be String.Empty
                    // (setting this exception here means that at least the user
                    // will be notified that they won't be able to edit with style)
                    _exception = e;
                catch (BlogClientAbortGettingTemplateException e)
                    _exception = e;
                    //Do not proceed with the other strategies if getting the template was aborted.
                catch (WebException e)
                    _exception = e;
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error occurred while downloading weblog style: " + e.ToString());
                    if (e.Response != null)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Blogpost homepage request failed: {0}", _blogHomepageUrl));
                catch (Exception e)
                    _exception = e;
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error occurred while downloading weblog style: " + e.ToString());

            // return the detected templates
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <param name="targetTemplateTypes"></param>
        /// <param name="templateStrategies">equivalent strategies for manipulating the blog homepage DOM into an editing template type</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BlogEditingTemplateFile[] DetectTemplates(IProgressHost progress, BlogEditingTemplateType[] targetTemplateTypes, BlogEditingTemplateStrategy[] templateStrategies)
            RecentPostRegionLocatorStrategy recentPostLocatorStrategy =
                new RecentPostRegionLocatorStrategy(_blogClient, _blogAccount, _credentials, _blogHomepageUrl,
                                                    new PageDownloader(RequestPageDownload));

            TemporaryPostRegionLocatorStrategy tempPostLocatorStrategy =
                new TemporaryPostRegionLocatorStrategy(_blogClient, _blogAccount, _credentials, _blogHomepageUrl,
                                                       new PageDownloader(RequestPageDownload), new BlogPostRegionLocatorBooleanCallback(recentPostLocatorStrategy.HasBlogPosts));

            //setup the strategies for locating the title/body regions in the blog homepage.
            BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy[] regionLocatorStrategies = new BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy[]

            // template files to return
            BlogEditingTemplateFile[] blogTemplateFiles = null;

            // try each strategy as necessary
            for (int i = 0; i < regionLocatorStrategies.Length && blogTemplateFiles == null; i++)

                //reset the progress for each iteration
                BlogPostRegionLocatorStrategy regionLocatorStrategy = regionLocatorStrategies[i];
                    blogTemplateFiles = GetBlogTemplateFiles(progress, regionLocatorStrategy, templateStrategies, targetTemplateTypes);
                    progress.UpdateProgress(100, 100);

                    //if any exception occured along the way, clear them since one of the template strategies
                    //was successful.
                    _exception = null;
                catch (OperationCancelledException)
                    // cancel just means our template will be String.Empty
                    _exception = null;
                catch (BlogClientOperationCancelledException e)
                    // cancel just means our template will be String.Empty
                    // (setting this exception here means that at least the user
                    // will be notified that they won't be able to edit with style)
                    _exception = e;
                catch (WebException e)
                    _exception = e;
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error occurred while downloading weblog style: " + e.ToString());
                    if (e.Response != null)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Blogpost homepage request failed: {0}", _blogHomepageUrl));
                catch (Exception e)
                    _exception = e;
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error occurred while downloading weblog style: " + e.ToString());


            // return the detected tempaltes
            return blogTemplateFiles;