private void DeviceAdded(CpDeviceList aList, CpDevice aDevice) { lock (this) { if (iDeviceList.Count == 0 && aDevice.Udn() == DeviceBasic.gDeviceName) { aDevice.AddRef(); iDeviceList.Add(aDevice); } } }
private void DeviceAdded(ControlPoint.CpDeviceList aList, ControlPoint.CpDevice aDevice) { lock (this) { if (!iListFrozen) { PrintDeviceInfo("Added", aDevice); aDevice.AddRef(); iDeviceList.Add(aDevice); } } }
public static void Main(string[] aArgs) { Console.WriteLine("TestPerformanceCpCs - starting"); InitParams initParams = new InitParams(); using (Library lib = Library.Create(initParams)) { SubnetList subnetList = new SubnetList(); NetworkAdapter nif = subnetList.SubnetAt(0); uint subnet = nif.Subnet(); subnetList.Dispose(); var deviceListFactory = new CpUpnpDeviceListFactory(lib.StartCp(subnet)); CpDevice device = null; Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(0, 1); var deviceList = deviceListFactory.CreateListServiceType("", "TestBasic", 1, (aDeviceList, aDevice) => { if (device != null) { throw new Exception("Found more than one device. Giving up as test results will probably be invalid."); } device = aDevice; device.AddRef(); sem.Release(); }, (aDeviceList, aDevice) => { throw new Exception("ERROR: Device removed while test is running."); }); sem.WaitOne(); // actions Console.WriteLine(""); int[] threadCounts = { 1, 2, 4 }; foreach (int threadCount in threadCounts) { List <Thread> threads = new List <Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads.Add(new Thread(ActionThread)); } ThreadArgs threadArgs = new ThreadArgs(device, kTestDurationMs); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads[i].Start(threadArgs); } for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads[i].Join(); } Console.WriteLine("Invoked {0} actions in {1}ms using {2} threads", threadArgs.Count, kTestDurationMs, threadCount); } // subscriptions Thread thread = new Thread(SubscriptionThread); ThreadArgs args = new ThreadArgs(device, kTestDurationMs); thread.Start(args); thread.Join(); Console.WriteLine("\nCompleted {0} subscriptions in {1}ms\n", args.Count, kTestDurationMs); device.RemoveRef(); deviceList.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("\nTests complete. Press 'q' to exit."); while (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar != 'q') { ; } } }
public void DeviceAdded(CpDevice aDevice) { string udn = aDevice.Udn(); Logger.DebugFormat("DeviceAdded: UDN={0}", udn); CountedReference<T> newProxyRef = new CountedReference<T>(iProxyConstructor(aDevice)); aDevice.AddRef(); ProxyRecord newProxyRecord = new ProxyRecord(aDevice, newProxyRef); ProxyRecord oldProxyRecord = null; EventHandler<ProxyEventArgs> handler; lock (iProxiesByUdn) { if (iProxiesByUdn.ContainsKey(udn)) { oldProxyRecord = iProxiesByUdn[udn]; } iProxiesByUdn[aDevice.Udn()] = newProxyRecord; handler = DeviceDetectedHandler; Monitor.PulseAll(iProxiesByUdn); } if (oldProxyRecord != null) { oldProxyRecord.InvokeDisappeared(); oldProxyRecord.Ref.Dispose(); oldProxyRecord.Device.RemoveRef(); } if (handler != null) { handler(this, new ProxyEventArgs(aDevice, newProxyRef, newProxyRecord)); } }