        private void LoadBitmap(Bitmap BitmapImage, bool FlipY = true)
            /* .net library has methods for converting many image formats so I exploit that by using
             * .net to convert any filetype to a bitmap.  Then the bitmap is locked into memory so
             * that the garbage collector doesn't touch it, and it is read via OpenGL glTexImage2D. */
            if (FlipY)
                BitmapImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY);            // bitmaps read from bottom up, so flip it
            this.Size = BitmapImage.Size;

            // must be Format32bppArgb file format, so convert it if it isn't in that format
            BitmapData bitmapData = BitmapImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, BitmapImage.Width, BitmapImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            // set the texture target and then generate the texture ID
            this.TextureTarget = TextureTarget.Texture2D;
            this.TextureID     = Gl.GenTexture();

            Gl.PixelStorei(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackAlignment, 1); // set pixel alignment
            Gl.BindTexture(TextureTarget, TextureID);               // bind the texture to memory in OpenGL

            //Gl.TexParameteri(TextureTarget, TextureParameterName.GenerateMipmap, 0);
            Gl.TexImage2D(TextureTarget, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8, BitmapImage.Width, BitmapImage.Height, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bitmapData.Scan0);
            Gl.TexParameteri(TextureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, TextureParameter.Nearest);
            Gl.TexParameteri(TextureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, TextureParameter.Nearest);//(int)TextureParam.Linear);   // linear filter

            MemoryLogger.AllocateTexture(TextureID, Size);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a compressed DDS file into an OpenGL texture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ResourceFile">The path to the DDS file.</param>
        private void LoadDDS(string ResourceFile)
            using (BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(ResourceFile, FileMode.Open)))
                string filecode = new string(stream.ReadChars(4));
                if (filecode != "DDS ")                                 // first 4 chars should be "DDS "
                    throw new Exception("File was not a DDS file format.");

                DDS.DDSURFACEDESC2 imageData = DDS.DDSURFACEDESC2.FromBinaryReader(stream);//new DDS.DDSURFACEDESC2(stream);  // read the DirectDraw surface descriptor
                this.Size = new Size((int)imageData.Width, (int)imageData.Height);

                if (imageData.LinearSize == 0)
                    throw new Exception("The linear scan line size was zero.");

                bool compressed = true;
                int  factor = 0, buffersize = 0, blocksize = 0;
                PixelInternalFormat format;
                switch (imageData.PixelFormat.FourCC) // check the compression type
                case "DXT1":                          // DXT1 compression ratio is 8:1
                    format    = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext;
                    factor    = 2;
                    blocksize = 8;

                case "DXT3":        // DXT3 compression ratio is 4:1
                    format    = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext;
                    factor    = 4;
                    blocksize = 16;

                case "DXT5":        // DXT5 compression ratio is 4:1
                    format    = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext;
                    factor    = 4;
                    blocksize = 16;

                    compressed = false;
                    if (imageData.PixelFormat.ABitMask == 0xf000 && imageData.PixelFormat.RBitMask == 0x0f00 &&
                        imageData.PixelFormat.GBitMask == 0x00f0 && imageData.PixelFormat.BBitMask == 0x000f &&
                        imageData.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount == 16)
                        format = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba;
                    else if (imageData.PixelFormat.ABitMask == unchecked ((int)0xff000000) && imageData.PixelFormat.RBitMask == 0x00ff0000 &&
                             imageData.PixelFormat.GBitMask == 0x0000ff00 && imageData.PixelFormat.BBitMask == 0x000000ff &&
                             imageData.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount == 32)
                        format = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba;
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("File compression \"{0}\" is not supported.", imageData.PixelFormat.FourCC));

                if (imageData.LinearSize != 0)
                    buffersize = (int)((imageData.MipmapCount > 1) ? imageData.LinearSize * factor : imageData.LinearSize);
                    buffersize = (int)(stream.BaseStream.Length - stream.BaseStream.Position);

                // read the pixel data and then pin it to memory so that the garbage collector
                // doesn't shuffle the data around while OpenGL is decompressing it
                byte[]   pixels = stream.ReadBytes(buffersize);
                GCHandle pinned = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                    this.TextureTarget = (imageData.Height == 1 || imageData.Width == 1) ? TextureTarget.Texture1D : TextureTarget.Texture2D;
                    this.TextureID     = Gl.GenTexture();
                    Gl.BindTexture(TextureTarget, TextureID);
                    Gl.TexParameteri(TextureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, TextureParameter.Linear);
                    Gl.TexParameteri(TextureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, TextureParameter.Linear);

                    int nOffset = 0, nWidth = (int)imageData.Width, nHeight = (int)imageData.Height;

                    for (int i = 0; i < (imageData.MipmapCount == 0 ? 1 : imageData.MipmapCount); ++i)
                        if (nWidth == 0)
                            nWidth = 1;                     // smallest mipmap is 1x1 pixels
                        if (nHeight == 0)
                            nHeight = 1;
                        int nSize = 0;

                        if (compressed)
                            nSize = ((nWidth + 3) / 4) * ((nHeight + 3) / 4) * blocksize;
                            Gl.CompressedTexImage2D(TextureTarget, i, format, nWidth, nHeight, 0, nSize, (IntPtr)(pinned.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + nOffset));
                            PixelType pixelType = imageData.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount == 16 ? PixelType.UnsignedShort4444Reversed : PixelType.UnsignedInt8888Reversed;

                            nSize = nWidth * nHeight * imageData.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount / 8;
                            Gl.TexImage2D(TextureTarget, i, format, nWidth, nHeight, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, pixelType, (IntPtr)(pinned.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + nOffset));

                        nOffset += nSize;
                        nWidth  /= 2;
                        nHeight /= 2;

                    MemoryLogger.AllocateTexture(TextureID, Size);
                catch (Exception)
                {   // There was some sort of Dll related error, or the target GPU does not support glCompressedTexImage2DARB