//*****************USERS ********************************** public static int CreateT_OE_USERS(global::System.String uSER_ID, global::System.String pWD_HASH, global::System.String pWD_SALT, global::System.String fNAME, global::System.String lNAME, global::System.String eMAIL, global::System.Boolean aCT_IND, global::System.Boolean iNITAL_PWD_FLAG, global::System.DateTime? lASTLOGIN_DT, global::System.String pHONE, global::System.String pHONE_EXT, global::System.String cREATE_USER) { using (OpenEnvironmentEntities ctx = new OpenEnvironmentEntities()) { try { T_OE_USERS u = new T_OE_USERS(); u.USER_ID = uSER_ID; u.PWD_HASH = pWD_HASH; u.PWD_SALT = pWD_SALT; u.FNAME = fNAME; u.LNAME = lNAME; u.EMAIL = eMAIL; u.ACT_IND = aCT_IND; u.INITAL_PWD_FLAG = iNITAL_PWD_FLAG; u.EFFECTIVE_DT = System.DateTime.Now; u.LASTLOGIN_DT = lASTLOGIN_DT; u.PHONE = pHONE; u.PHONE_EXT = pHONE_EXT; u.CREATE_DT = System.DateTime.Now; u.CREATE_USERID = cREATE_USER; ctx.AddToT_OE_USERS(u); ctx.SaveChanges(); return u.USER_IDX; } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } } }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the T_OE_USERS EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToT_OE_USERS(T_OE_USERS t_OE_USERS) { base.AddObject("T_OE_USERS", t_OE_USERS); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new T_OE_USERS object. /// </summary> /// <param name="uSER_IDX">Initial value of the USER_IDX property.</param> /// <param name="uSER_ID">Initial value of the USER_ID property.</param> /// <param name="pWD_HASH">Initial value of the PWD_HASH property.</param> /// <param name="pWD_SALT">Initial value of the PWD_SALT property.</param> /// <param name="fNAME">Initial value of the FNAME property.</param> /// <param name="lNAME">Initial value of the LNAME property.</param> /// <param name="iNITAL_PWD_FLAG">Initial value of the INITAL_PWD_FLAG property.</param> /// <param name="eFFECTIVE_DT">Initial value of the EFFECTIVE_DT property.</param> /// <param name="aCT_IND">Initial value of the ACT_IND property.</param> public static T_OE_USERS CreateT_OE_USERS(global::System.Int32 uSER_IDX, global::System.String uSER_ID, global::System.String pWD_HASH, global::System.String pWD_SALT, global::System.String fNAME, global::System.String lNAME, global::System.Boolean iNITAL_PWD_FLAG, global::System.DateTime eFFECTIVE_DT, global::System.Boolean aCT_IND) { T_OE_USERS t_OE_USERS = new T_OE_USERS(); t_OE_USERS.USER_IDX = uSER_IDX; t_OE_USERS.USER_ID = uSER_ID; t_OE_USERS.PWD_HASH = pWD_HASH; t_OE_USERS.PWD_SALT = pWD_SALT; t_OE_USERS.FNAME = fNAME; t_OE_USERS.LNAME = lNAME; t_OE_USERS.INITAL_PWD_FLAG = iNITAL_PWD_FLAG; t_OE_USERS.EFFECTIVE_DT = eFFECTIVE_DT; t_OE_USERS.ACT_IND = aCT_IND; return t_OE_USERS; }
public static int DeleteT_OE_USERS(int idx) { using (OpenEnvironmentEntities ctx = new OpenEnvironmentEntities()) { try { T_OE_USERS row = new T_OE_USERS(); row = (from c in ctx.T_OE_USERS where c.USER_IDX == idx select c).First(); ctx.DeleteObject(row); ctx.SaveChanges(); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } } }
public static int UpdateT_OE_USERSDefaultOrg(int idx, string dEFAULT_ORG_ID) { using (OpenEnvironmentEntities ctx = new OpenEnvironmentEntities()) { try { T_OE_USERS row = new T_OE_USERS(); row = (from c in ctx.T_OE_USERS where c.USER_IDX == idx select c).First(); if (dEFAULT_ORG_ID != null) row.DEFAULT_ORG_ID = dEFAULT_ORG_ID; ctx.SaveChanges(); return row.USER_IDX; } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } } }
public static int UpdateT_OE_USERS(int idx, string newPWD_HASH, string newPWD_SALT, string newFNAME, string newLNAME, string newEMAIL, bool? newACT_IND, bool? newINIT_PWD_FLG, DateTime? newEFF_DATE, DateTime? newLAST_LOGIN_DT, string newPHONE, string newPHONE_EXT, string newMODIFY_USR) { using (OpenEnvironmentEntities ctx = new OpenEnvironmentEntities()) { try { T_OE_USERS row = new T_OE_USERS(); row = (from c in ctx.T_OE_USERS where c.USER_IDX == idx select c).First(); if (newPWD_HASH != null) row.PWD_HASH = newPWD_HASH; if (newPWD_SALT != null) row.PWD_SALT = newPWD_SALT; if (newFNAME != null) row.FNAME = newFNAME; if (newLNAME != null) row.LNAME = newLNAME; if (newEMAIL != null) row.EMAIL = newEMAIL; if (newACT_IND != null) row.ACT_IND = (bool)newACT_IND; if (newINIT_PWD_FLG != null) row.INITAL_PWD_FLAG = (bool)newINIT_PWD_FLG; if (newEFF_DATE != null) row.EFFECTIVE_DT = (DateTime)newEFF_DATE; if (newLAST_LOGIN_DT != null) row.LASTLOGIN_DT = (DateTime)newLAST_LOGIN_DT; if (newPHONE != null) row.PHONE = newPHONE; if (newPHONE_EXT != null) row.PHONE_EXT = newPHONE_EXT; if (newMODIFY_USR != null) row.MODIFY_USERID = newMODIFY_USR; row.MODIFY_DT = System.DateTime.Now; ctx.SaveChanges(); return row.USER_IDX; } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } } }