private void gridMain_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { switch (_jobLinks[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].LinkType) { case JobLinkType.Task: Task task = Tasks.GetOne(_jobLinks[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].FKey); FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task); FormTE.ShowDialog(); FillGrid(); break; case JobLinkType.Request: FormRequestEdit FormRE = new FormRequestEdit(); FormRE.RequestId = _jobLinks[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].FKey; FormRE.IsAdminMode = true; FormRE.ShowDialog(); FillGrid(); break; case JobLinkType.Bug: break; //case JobLinkType.Quote://TODO // JobQuote quote=JobQuotes.GetOne(_jobLinks[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].FKey); // FormJobQuoteEdit FormJQE=new FormJobQuoteEdit(quote); // FormJQE.JobLinkNum=_jobLinks[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].JobLinkNum;//Allows deletion of the link if the quote is deleted. // FormJQE.ShowDialog(); // _jobLinks=JobLinks.GetJobLinks(_jobNum); // FillGrid(); // break; } }
public static long CreateTask(Patient pat, BugSubmission sub) { //Button is only enabled if _patCur is not null (user has 1 row selected). //Mimics FormOpenDental.OnTask_Click() FormTaskListSelect FormT = new FormTaskListSelect(TaskObjectType.Patient); //FormT.Location=new Point(50,50); FormT.Text = Lan.g(FormT, "Add Task") + " - " + FormT.Text; FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return(0); } Task task = new Task(); task.TaskListNum = -1; //don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld = task.Copy(); task.KeyNum = pat.PatNum; task.ObjectType = TaskObjectType.Patient; task.TaskListNum = FormT.ListSelectedLists[0]; task.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; //Mimics the ?bug quick note at HQ. task.Descript = BugSubmissions.GetSubmissionDescription(pat, sub); FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, taskOld); FormTE.IsNew = true; FormTE.ShowDialog(); return(task.TaskNum); }
private void butNewTask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormTaskListSelect FormTLS = new FormTaskListSelect(TaskObjectType.Patient); FormTLS.Text = Lan.g(FormTLS, "Add Task") + " - " + FormTLS.Text; FormTLS.ShowDialog(); if (FormTLS.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK || FormTLS.ListSelectedLists[0] == 0) { return; } Task task = new Task() { TaskListNum = -1 }; //don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld = task.Copy(); task.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; task.TaskListNum = FormTLS.ListSelectedLists[0]; FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, taskOld); FormTE.IsNew = true; FormTE.ShowDialog(); //modal if (FormTE.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } SelectedTaskNum = task.TaskNum; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void gridTasks_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { long taskNum = PIn.Long(gridTasks.Rows[e.Row].Tag.ToString()); if (IsSelectionMode) { SelectedTaskNum = taskNum; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; return; } Task task = Tasks.GetOne(taskNum); FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, task.Copy()); FormTE.Show(); }
private void CreateTask() { if (gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y == -1 || gridVoiceMails.Rows.Count <= gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y) { MsgBox.Show(this, "No voice mail selected"); return; } VoiceMail voiceMailCur = (VoiceMail)gridVoiceMails.Rows[gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y].Tag; VoiceMail voiceMailOld = voiceMailCur.Copy(); if (voiceMailCur.PatNum == 0) //Multiple patients had a match for the phone number { FormPatientSelect FormPS = new FormPatientSelect(new Patient { HmPhone = voiceMailCur.PhoneNumber }); if (FormPS.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } voiceMailCur.PatNum = FormPS.SelectedPatNum; VoiceMails.Update(voiceMailCur, voiceMailOld); FillGrid(); } Task task = new Task() { TaskListNum = -1 }; //don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld = task.Copy(); task.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; task.TaskListNum = Tasks.TriageTaskListNum; task.DateTimeEntry = voiceMailCur.DateCreated; task.PriorityDefNum = Tasks.TriageBlueNum; task.ObjectType = TaskObjectType.Patient; task.KeyNum = voiceMailCur.PatNum; task.Descript = "VM " + TelephoneNumbers.AutoFormat(voiceMailCur.PhoneNumber) + " "; FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, taskOld); FormTE.IsNew = true; FormTE.Show(); //non-modal FormTE.BringToFront(); //The reason the below line didn't work is because popups would appear behind the task. //FormTE.TopMost=true;//For some techs, when they open a task from this window, it goes behind all the other windows. This is an attempted fix. }
private void OnAddTask_Click() { Task cur = new Task(); //if this is a child of any taskList if (TreeHistory.Count > 0) { cur.TaskListNum = ((TaskList)TreeHistory[TreeHistory.Count - 1]).TaskListNum; } else { cur.TaskListNum = 0; if (tabContr.SelectedIndex == 2) //by date { cur.DateTask = cal.SelectionStart; cur.DateType = TaskDateType.Day; } else if (tabContr.SelectedIndex == 3) //by week { cur.DateTask = cal.SelectionStart; cur.DateType = TaskDateType.Week; } else if (tabContr.SelectedIndex == 4) //by month { cur.DateTask = cal.SelectionStart; cur.DateType = TaskDateType.Month; } } if (tabContr.SelectedIndex == 1) //repeating { cur.IsRepeating = true; } FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(cur); FormT.IsNew = true; FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.GotoType != TaskObjectType.None) { GotoType = FormT.GotoType; GotoKeyNum = FormT.GotoKeyNum; OnGoToChanged(); //DialogResult=DialogResult.OK; return; } FillMain(); }
///<summary>Returns true if a task was inserted into the DB, when true formTaskEdit is set. Otherwise null.</summary> private bool TryCreateTaskAndForm(out FormTaskEdit formTaskEdit) { formTaskEdit = null; if (gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y == -1 || gridVoiceMails.ListGridRows.Count <= gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y) { MsgBox.Show(this, "No voice mail selected"); return(false); } VoiceMail voiceMailCur = (VoiceMail)gridVoiceMails.ListGridRows[gridVoiceMails.SelectedCell.Y].Tag; VoiceMail voiceMailOld = voiceMailCur.Copy(); if (voiceMailCur.PatNum == 0) //Multiple patients had a match for the phone number { FormPatientSelect FormPS = new FormPatientSelect(new Patient { HmPhone = voiceMailCur.PhoneNumber }); if (FormPS.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } voiceMailCur.PatNum = FormPS.SelectedPatNum; VoiceMails.Update(voiceMailCur, voiceMailOld); FillGrid(); } Task task = new Task() { TaskListNum = -1 }; //don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld = task.Copy(); task.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; task.TaskListNum = Tasks.TriageTaskListNum; task.DateTimeEntry = voiceMailCur.DateCreated; task.PriorityDefNum = Tasks.TriageBlueNum; task.ObjectType = TaskObjectType.Patient; task.KeyNum = voiceMailCur.PatNum; task.Descript = "VM " + TelephoneNumbers.AutoFormat(voiceMailCur.PhoneNumber) + " "; FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, taskOld); FormTE.IsNew = true; formTaskEdit = FormTE; return(true); }
private void listMain_DoubleClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listMain.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } Task task = new Task(); task.KeyNum = KeyNum; task.ObjectType = OType; task.TaskListNum = TaskListList[listMain.SelectedIndex].TaskListNum; FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(task); FormT.IsNew = true; FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void listMain_DoubleClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (clickedI == -1) { return; } if (clickedI >= TaskListsList.Length) //is task { FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(TasksList[clickedI - TaskListsList.Length]); FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.GotoType != TaskObjectType.None) { GotoType = FormT.GotoType; GotoKeyNum = FormT.GotoKeyNum; OnGoToChanged(); //DialogResult=DialogResult.OK; return; } } FillMain(); }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listMain.SelectedIndex == -1) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a task list first."); return; } Task task = new Task(); task.KeyNum = KeyNum; task.ObjectType = OType; task.TaskListNum = TaskListList[listMain.SelectedIndex].TaskListNum; FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(task); FormT.IsNew = true; FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void gridTasks_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { long taskNum = PIn.Long(gridTasks.ListGridRows[e.Row].Tag.ToString()); if (IsSelectionMode) { SelectedTaskNum = taskNum; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; return; } Task task = Tasks.GetOne(taskNum); if (task != null) { FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task); FormTE.Show(); } else { MsgBox.Show(this, "The task no longer exists."); } }
private void OnEdit_Click() { if (clickedI < TaskListsList.Length) //is list { FormTaskListEdit FormT = new FormTaskListEdit(TaskListsList[clickedI]); FormT.ShowDialog(); } else //task { FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(TasksList[clickedI - TaskListsList.Length]); FormT.ShowDialog(); if (FormT.GotoType != TaskObjectType.None) { GotoType = FormT.GotoType; GotoKeyNum = FormT.GotoKeyNum; OnGoToChanged(); //DialogResult=DialogResult.OK; return; } } FillMain(); }
private void gridTasks_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { if (!(gridTasks.Rows[e.Row].Tag is long)) { return; //should never happen } //GoTo patietn will not work from this form. It would require a delegate to be passed in all the way from FormOpenDental. Task task = Tasks.GetOne((long)gridTasks.Rows[e.Row].Tag); FormTaskEdit FormTE = new FormTaskEdit(task, task.Copy()); FormTE.Show(); FormTE.FormClosing += (o, ea) => { if (FormTE.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (this == null || this.IsDisposed) { return; } try { this.Invoke((Action)FillGridTasks); } catch (Exception) { } //If form disposed, this will catch. }; }
///<summary>Called every time timerSignals_Tick fires. Usually about every 5-10 seconds.</summary> public void ProcessSignals() { try { List<Signalod> sigList=Signalods.RefreshTimed(signalLastRefreshed);//this also attaches all elements to their sigs if(sigList.Count==0) { return; } if(Security.CurUser==null) { return; } //look for shutdown signal for(int i=0;i<sigList.Count;i++) { if(sigList[i].ITypes==((int)InvalidType.ShutDownNow).ToString()) { timerSignals.Enabled=false;//quit receiving signals. //close the webcam if present so that it can be updated too. if(PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.DockPhonePanelShow)) { Process[] processes=Process.GetProcessesByName("WebCamOD"); for(int p=0;p<processes.Length;p++) { processes[p].Kill(); } } //start the thread that will kill the application Thread killThread=new Thread(new ThreadStart(KillThread)); killThread.Start(); string msg=""; if(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName=="OpenDental") { msg+="All copies of Open Dental "; } else { msg+=Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName+" "; } msg+=Lan.g(this,"will shut down in 15 seconds. Quickly click OK on any open windows with unsaved data."); MsgBoxCopyPaste msgbox=new MsgBoxCopyPaste(msg); msgbox.Size=new Size(300,300); msgbox.TopMost=true; msgbox.ShowDialog(); return; } } if(sigList[sigList.Count-1].AckTime.Year>1880) { signalLastRefreshed=sigList[sigList.Count-1].AckTime; } else { signalLastRefreshed=sigList[sigList.Count-1].SigDateTime; } if(ContrAppt2.Visible && Signalods.ApptNeedsRefresh(sigList,AppointmentL.DateSelected.Date)) { ContrAppt2.RefreshPeriod(); } bool areAnySignalsTasks=false; for(int i=0;i<sigList.Count;i++) { if(sigList[i].ITypes==((int)InvalidType.Task).ToString() || sigList[i].ITypes==((int)InvalidType.TaskPopup).ToString()) { areAnySignalsTasks=true; } } List<Task> tasksPopup=Signalods.GetNewTaskPopupsThisUser(sigList,Security.CurUser.UserNum); if(tasksPopup.Count>0) { for(int i=0;i<tasksPopup.Count;i++) { //Even though this is triggered to popup, if this is my own task, then do not popup. List<TaskNote> notesForThisTask=TaskNotes.GetForTask(tasksPopup[i].TaskNum); if(notesForThisTask.Count==0) {//'sender' is the usernum on the task if(tasksPopup[i].UserNum==Security.CurUser.UserNum) { continue; } } else {//'sender' is the user on the last added note if(notesForThisTask[notesForThisTask.Count-1].UserNum==Security.CurUser.UserNum) { continue; } } if(tasksPopup[i].TaskListNum!=Security.CurUser.TaskListInBox//if not my inbox && userControlTasks1.PopupsAreBlocked)//and popups blocked { continue;//no sound or popup //in other words, popups will always show for my inbox even if popups blocked. } System.Media.SoundPlayer soundplay=new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.notify); soundplay.Play(); this.BringToFront();//don't know if this is doing anything. FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(tasksPopup[i],tasksPopup[i].Copy()); FormT.IsPopup=true; FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } } if(areAnySignalsTasks || tasksPopup.Count>0) { //if user has the Task dialog open, we can't easily tell it to refresh, //So that dialog is responsible for auto refreshing every minute on a timer. //Improve this. if(userControlTasks1.Visible) { userControlTasks1.RefreshTasks(); } } List<int> itypes=Signalods.GetInvalidTypes(sigList); InvalidType[] itypeArray=new InvalidType[itypes.Count]; for(int i=0;i<itypeArray.Length;i++) { itypeArray[i]=(InvalidType)itypes[i]; } //InvalidTypes invalidTypes=Signalods.GetInvalidTypes(sigList); if(itypes.Count>0) {//invalidTypes!=0){ RefreshLocalData(itypeArray); } List<Signalod> sigListButs=Signalods.GetButtonSigs(sigList); ContrManage2.LogMsgs(sigListButs); FillSignalButtons(sigListButs); //Need to add a test to this: do not play messages that are over 2 minutes old. Thread newThread=new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(PlaySounds)); newThread.Start(sigListButs); } catch { signalLastRefreshed=DateTime.Now; } }
private void gridMain_CellDoubleClick(object sender,ODGridClickEventArgs e) { if(e.Col==0){ //no longer allow double click on checkbox, because it's annoying. return; } if(e.Row >= TaskListsList.Count) {//is task //It's important to grab the task directly from the db because the status in this list is fake, being the "unread" status instead. Task task=Tasks.GetOne(TasksList[e.Row-TaskListsList.Count].TaskNum); FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(task,task.Copy()); FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } }
private void OnTasklist_Click() { FormTaskListSelect FormT=new FormTaskListSelect(TaskObjectType.Patient);//,CurPatNum); FormT.Location=new Point(50,50); FormT.ShowDialog(); if(FormT.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } Task task=new Task(); task.TaskListNum=-1;//don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld=task.Copy(); task.KeyNum=CurPatNum; task.ObjectType=TaskObjectType.Patient; task.TaskListNum=FormT.SelectedTaskListNum; task.UserNum=Security.CurUser.UserNum; FormTaskEdit FormTE=new FormTaskEdit(task,taskOld); FormTE.IsNew=true; FormTE.Show(); }
private void butTask_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) { if(!UpdateToDB()) { return; } FormTaskListSelect FormT=new FormTaskListSelect(TaskObjectType.Appointment);//,AptCur.AptNum); FormT.ShowDialog(); if(FormT.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } Task task=new Task(); task.TaskListNum=-1;//don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld=task.Copy(); task.KeyNum=AptCur.AptNum; task.ObjectType=TaskObjectType.Appointment; task.TaskListNum=FormT.SelectedTaskListNum; task.UserNum=Security.CurUser.UserNum; FormTaskEdit FormTE=new FormTaskEdit(task,taskOld); FormTE.IsNew=true; FormTE.ShowDialog(); }
private void AddTask_Clicked() { if(Plugins.HookMethod(this,"UserControlTasks.AddTask_Clicked")) { return; } //if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabUser && TreeHistory.Count==0) {//trunk of user tab // MsgBox.Show(this,"Not allowed to add a task to the trunk of the user tab. Add it to a child list instead."); // return; //} //if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabNew) {//new tab // MsgBox.Show(this,"Not allowed to add items to the 'New' tab."); // return; //} Task task=new Task(); task.TaskListNum=-1;//don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld=task.Copy(); //if this is a child of any taskList if(TreeHistory.Count>0) { task.TaskListNum=TreeHistory[TreeHistory.Count-1].TaskListNum; } else if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabNew) {//new tab task.TaskListNum=-1; } else if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabUser && TreeHistory.Count==0) {//trunk of user tab task.TaskListNum=-1; } else { task.TaskListNum=0; if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabDate) { task.DateTask=cal.SelectionStart; task.DateType=TaskDateType.Day; } else if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabWeek) { task.DateTask=cal.SelectionStart; task.DateType=TaskDateType.Week; } else if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabMonth) { task.DateTask=cal.SelectionStart; task.DateType=TaskDateType.Month; } } if(tabContr.SelectedTab==tabRepeating) { task.IsRepeating=true; } task.UserNum=Security.CurUser.UserNum; FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(task,taskOld); FormT.IsNew=true; FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal }
private void Edit_Clicked() { if(clickedI < TaskListsList.Count) {//is list FormTaskListEdit FormT=new FormTaskListEdit(TaskListsList[clickedI]); FormT.ShowDialog(); FillGrid(); } else {//task FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(TasksList[clickedI-TaskListsList.Count],TasksList[clickedI-TaskListsList.Count].Copy()); FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } }
private void phoneSmall_GoToChanged(object sender,EventArgs e) { if(phoneSmall.GotoPatNum==0) { return; } CurPatNum=phoneSmall.GotoPatNum; Patient pat=Patients.GetPat(CurPatNum); RefreshCurrentModule(); FillPatientButton(pat); Commlog commlog=Commlogs.GetIncompleteEntry(Security.CurUser.UserNum,CurPatNum); PhoneEmpDefault ped=PhoneEmpDefaults.GetByExtAndEmp(phoneSmall.Extension,Security.CurUser.EmployeeNum); if(ped!=null && ped.IsTriageOperator) { if(Plugins.HookMethod(this,"FormOpenDental.phoneSmall_GoToChanged_IsTriage",pat,phoneSmall.Extension)) { return; } Task task=new Task(); task.TaskListNum=-1;//don't show it in any list yet. Tasks.Insert(task); Task taskOld=task.Copy(); task.KeyNum=CurPatNum; task.ObjectType=TaskObjectType.Patient; task.TaskListNum=1697;//Hardcoded for internal Triage task list. task.UserNum=Security.CurUser.UserNum; task.Descript=Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(Phones.GetPhoneList(),phoneSmall.Extension).CustomerNumberRaw+" ";//Prefill description with customers number. FormTaskEdit FormTE=new FormTaskEdit(task,taskOld); FormTE.IsNew=true; FormTE.Show(); } else {//Not a triage operator. if(Plugins.HookMethod(this,"FormOpenDental.phoneSmall_GoToChanged_NotTriage",pat)) { return; } if(commlog==null) { commlog = new Commlog(); commlog.PatNum = CurPatNum; commlog.CommDateTime = DateTime.Now; commlog.CommType =Commlogs.GetTypeAuto(CommItemTypeAuto.MISC); commlog.Mode_=CommItemMode.Phone; commlog.SentOrReceived=CommSentOrReceived.Received; commlog.UserNum=Security.CurUser.UserNum; FormCommItem FormCI=new FormCommItem(commlog); FormCI.IsNew = true; FormCI.ShowDialog(); if(FormCI.DialogResult==DialogResult.OK) { RefreshCurrentModule(); } } else { FormCommItem FormCI=new FormCommItem(commlog); FormCI.ShowDialog(); if(FormCI.DialogResult==DialogResult.OK) { RefreshCurrentModule(); } } } }
private void gridProg_CellDoubleClick(object sender,ODGridClickEventArgs e) { Chartscrollval=gridProg.ScrollValue; DataRow row=(DataRow)gridProg.Rows[e.Row].Tag; if(row["ProcNum"].ToString()!="0"){ if(checkAudit.Checked){ MsgBox.Show(this,"Not allowed to edit procedures when in audit mode."); return; } Procedure proc=Procedures.GetOneProc(PIn.Long(row["ProcNum"].ToString()),true); if(ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(proc.CodeNum)==ProcedureCodes.GroupProcCode){ FormProcGroup FormP=new FormProcGroup(); List<ProcGroupItem> groupItemList=ProcGroupItems.GetForGroup(proc.ProcNum); List<Procedure> procList=new List<Procedure>(); for(int i=0;i<groupItemList.Count;i++){ procList.Add(Procedures.GetOneProc(groupItemList[i].ProcNum,false)); } FormP.GroupCur=proc; FormP.GroupItemList=groupItemList; FormP.ProcList=procList; FormP.ShowDialog(); if(FormP.DialogResult==DialogResult.OK){ ModuleSelected(PatCur.PatNum); FillProgNotes(); } return; } else{ FormProcEdit FormP=new FormProcEdit(proc,PatCur,FamCur); Plugins.HookAddCode(this, "ContrChart.gridProg_CellDoubleClick_proc", proc, FormP); if(!FormP.IsDisposed) { //Form might be disposed by the above hook. FormP.ShowDialog(); } Plugins.HookAddCode(this, "ContrChart.gridProg_CellDoubleClick_proc2", proc, FormP); if(FormP.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } } } else if(row["CommlogNum"].ToString()!="0"){ Commlog comm=Commlogs.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["CommlogNum"].ToString())); FormCommItem FormC=new FormCommItem(comm); FormC.ShowDialog(); if(FormC.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK){ return; } } else if(row["RxNum"].ToString()!="0") { RxPat rx=RxPats.GetRx(PIn.Long(row["RxNum"].ToString())); FormRxEdit FormRxE=new FormRxEdit(PatCur,rx); FormRxE.ShowDialog(); if(FormRxE.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK){ return; } } else if(row["LabCaseNum"].ToString()!="0") { LabCase lab=LabCases.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["LabCaseNum"].ToString())); FormLabCaseEdit FormL=new FormLabCaseEdit(); FormL.CaseCur=lab; FormL.ShowDialog(); //needs to always refresh due to complex ok/cancel } else if(row["TaskNum"].ToString()!="0") { Task task=Tasks.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["TaskNum"].ToString())); if(task==null) { MsgBox.Show(this,"This task has been deleted by another user."); } else { FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(task,task.Copy()); FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } } else if(row["AptNum"].ToString()!="0") { //Appointment apt=Appointments.GetOneApt( FormApptEdit FormA=new FormApptEdit(PIn.Long(row["AptNum"].ToString())); //PinIsVisible=false FormA.IsInChartModule=true; FormA.ShowDialog(); if(FormA.CloseOD) { ((Form)this.Parent).Close(); return; } if(FormA.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["EmailMessageNum"].ToString()!="0") { EmailMessage msg=EmailMessages.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["EmailMessageNum"].ToString())); if(msg.SentOrReceived==EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailReceived || msg.SentOrReceived==EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailRecdRead || msg.SentOrReceived==EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailSent || msg.SentOrReceived==EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailSentRead) { //web mail uses special secure messaging portal FormWebMailMessageEdit FormWMME=new FormWebMailMessageEdit(PatCur.PatNum,msg.EmailMessageNum); if(FormWMME.ShowDialog()!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else { FormEmailMessageEdit FormE=new FormEmailMessageEdit(msg); FormE.ShowDialog(); if(FormE.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } } } else if(row["SheetNum"].ToString()!="0") { Sheet sheet=Sheets.GetSheet(PIn.Long(row["SheetNum"].ToString())); FormSheetFillEdit FormSFE=new FormSheetFillEdit(sheet); FormSFE.ShowDialog(); if(FormSFE.DialogResult!=DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["FormPatNum"].ToString()!="0"){ FormPat form=FormPats.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["FormPatNum"].ToString())); FormFormPatEdit FormP=new FormFormPatEdit(); FormP.FormPatCur=form; FormP.ShowDialog(); if(FormP.DialogResult==DialogResult.OK) { ModuleSelected(PatCur.PatNum);//Why is this called here and down 3 lines? Do we need the Allocator, or should we return here? } } ModuleSelected(PatCur.PatNum); Reporting.Allocators.MyAllocator1_ProviderPayment.AllocateWithToolCheck(this.PatCur.Guarantor); }
private void SendToMe_Clicked() { if(Security.CurUser.TaskListInBox==0) { MsgBox.Show(this,"You do not have an inbox."); return; } Task oldTask; Task task; try { //If a user right clicks on a task and then the task list is updated soon after, it is possible that clickedI-TaskListsList.Count will be an index out bounds. //This try catch simply solves the one scenario where the user right clicked on the last task in the list, the list auto-refreshed and the task was moved, then send to me was clicked. //This fix does not fix the root of the problem because a user could right click on a task in the middle of the list which will cause a different task right to be sent. //Because this is such a rare bug and no customers are complaining about it (yet), Jordan has decided to only fix the potential UE because the correct fix is very time consuming. oldTask=TasksList[clickedI-TaskListsList.Count]; task=oldTask.Copy(); task.TaskListNum=Security.CurUser.TaskListInBox; } catch { MsgBox.Show(this,"Not allowed to save changes because the task has been altered by someone else."); return; } try { Tasks.Update(task,oldTask); //At HQ the refresh interval wasn't quick enough for the task to pop up. //We will immediately show the task instead of waiting for the refresh interval. DataValid.SetInvalidTask(task.TaskNum,false); FormTaskEdit FormT=new FormTaskEdit(task,task.Copy()); FormT.IsPopup=true; FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } }
private void gridProg_CellDoubleClick(object sender,ODGridClickEventArgs e) { //Chartscrollval = gridProg.ScrollValue; DataRow row = (DataRow)gridProg.Rows[e.Row].Tag; if(row["ProcNum"].ToString() != "0") { if(checkAudit.Checked) { MsgBox.Show(this,"Not allowed to edit procedures when in audit mode."); return; } Procedure proc = Procedures.GetOneProc(PIn.Long(row["ProcNum"].ToString()),true); FormProcEdit FormP = new FormProcEdit(proc,PatCur,FamCur); FormP.ShowDialog(); if(FormP.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["CommlogNum"].ToString() != "0") { Commlog comm = Commlogs.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["CommlogNum"].ToString())); FormCommItem FormC = new FormCommItem(comm); FormC.ShowDialog(); if(FormC.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["RxNum"].ToString() != "0") { RxPat rx = RxPats.GetRx(PIn.Long(row["RxNum"].ToString())); FormRxEdit FormRxE = new FormRxEdit(PatCur,rx); FormRxE.ShowDialog(); if(FormRxE.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["LabCaseNum"].ToString() != "0") { LabCase lab = LabCases.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["LabCaseNum"].ToString())); FormLabCaseEdit FormL = new FormLabCaseEdit(); FormL.CaseCur = lab; FormL.ShowDialog(); } else if(row["TaskNum"].ToString() != "0") { Task task = Tasks.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["TaskNum"].ToString())); FormTaskEdit FormT = new FormTaskEdit(task,task.Copy()); FormT.Closing+=new CancelEventHandler(TaskGoToEvent); FormT.Show();//non-modal } else if(row["AptNum"].ToString() != "0") { //Appointment apt=Appointments.GetOneApt( FormApptEdit FormA = new FormApptEdit(PIn.Long(row["AptNum"].ToString())); //PinIsVisible=false FormA.ShowDialog(); if(FormA.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } else if(row["EmailMessageNum"].ToString() != "0") { EmailMessage msg = EmailMessages.GetOne(PIn.Long(row["EmailMessageNum"].ToString())); FormEmailMessageEdit FormE = new FormEmailMessageEdit(msg); FormE.ShowDialog(); if(FormE.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } ModuleSelected(PatCur.PatNum); }