private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Using a switch statement in case we want special functionality for the other statuses later on.
            switch ((PhoneEmpStatusOverride)listStatusOverride.SelectedIndex)
            case PhoneEmpStatusOverride.None:
                if (StatusOld == PhoneEmpStatusOverride.Unavailable)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Change your status from unavailable by using the small phone panel.");

            case PhoneEmpStatusOverride.OfflineAssist:
                if (StatusOld == PhoneEmpStatusOverride.Unavailable)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Change your status from unavailable by using the small phone panel.");
            if (IsNew)
                if (textEmployeeNum.Text == "")
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Unique EmployeeNum is required.");
                if (textEmpName.Text == "")
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Employee name is required.");
                PedCur.EmployeeNum = PIn.Long(textEmployeeNum.Text);
            //Get the current database state of the phone emp default (before we change it)
            PhoneEmpDefault pedFromDatabase = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetOne(PedCur.EmployeeNum);

            if (pedFromDatabase == null)
                pedFromDatabase = new PhoneEmpDefault();
            int  newExtension    = PIn.Int(textPhoneExt.Text);
            bool extensionChange = pedFromDatabase.PhoneExt != newExtension;

            if (extensionChange)              //Only check when extension has changed and clocked in.
            //We need to prevent changes to phoneempdefault table which involve employees who are currently logged in.
            //Failing to do so would cause subtle race conditions between the phone table and phoneempdefault.
            //Net result would be the phone panel looking wrong.
                if (ClockEvents.IsClockedIn(PedCur.EmployeeNum))                 //Prevent any change if employee being edited is currently clocked in.
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "You must first clock out before making changes");
                //Find out if the target extension is already being occuppied by a different employee.
                Phone phoneOccuppied = Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(Phones.GetPhoneList(), PIn.Int(textPhoneExt.Text));
                if (phoneOccuppied != null)
                    if (ClockEvents.IsClockedIn(phoneOccuppied.EmployeeNum))                      //Prevent change if employee's new extension is occupied by a different employee who is currently clocked in.
                        MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "This extension cannot be inherited because it is currently occuppied by an employee who is currently logged in.\r\n\r\nExisting employee: ") + phoneOccuppied.EmployeeName);
                    if (phoneOccuppied.EmployeeNum != PedCur.EmployeeNum)
                        //We are setting to a new employee so let's clean up the old employee.
                        //This will prevent duplicates in the phone table and subsequently prevent duplicates in the phone panel.
                        Phones.UpdatePhoneToEmpty(phoneOccuppied.EmployeeNum, -1);
                        PhoneEmpDefault pedOccuppied = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetOne(phoneOccuppied.EmployeeNum);
                        if (pedOccuppied != null)                       //prevent duplicate in phoneempdefault
                            pedOccuppied.PhoneExt = 0;
                //Get the employee that is normally assigned to this extension (assigned ext set in the employee table).
                long permanentLinkageEmployeeNum = Employees.GetEmpNumAtExtension(pedFromDatabase.PhoneExt);
                if (permanentLinkageEmployeeNum >= 1)                      //Extension is nomrally assigned to an employee.
                    if (PedCur.EmployeeNum != permanentLinkageEmployeeNum) //This is not the normally linked employee so let's revert back to the proper employee.
                        PhoneEmpDefault pedRevertTo = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetOne(permanentLinkageEmployeeNum);
                        //Make sure the employee we are about to revert is not logged in at yet a different workstation. This would be rare but it's worth checking.
                        if (pedRevertTo != null && !ClockEvents.IsClockedIn(pedRevertTo.EmployeeNum))
                            //Revert to the permanent extension for this PhoneEmpDefault.
                            pedRevertTo.PhoneExt = pedFromDatabase.PhoneExt;
                            //Update phone table to match this change.
                            Phones.SetPhoneStatus(ClockStatusEnum.Home, pedRevertTo.PhoneExt, pedRevertTo.EmployeeNum);
            //Ordering of these updates is IMPORTANT!!!
            //Phone Emp Default must be updated first
            PedCur.EmpName          = textEmpName.Text;
            PedCur.IsGraphed        = checkIsGraphed.Checked;
            PedCur.HasColor         = checkHasColor.Checked;
            PedCur.RingGroups       = (AsteriskRingGroups)listRingGroup.SelectedIndex;
            PedCur.PhoneExt         = PIn.Int(textPhoneExt.Text);
            PedCur.StatusOverride   = (PhoneEmpStatusOverride)listStatusOverride.SelectedIndex;
            PedCur.Notes            = textNotes.Text;
            PedCur.ComputerName     = textComputerName.Text;
            PedCur.IsPrivateScreen  = checkIsPrivateScreen.Checked;
            PedCur.IsTriageOperator = checkIsTriageOperator.Checked;
            if (IsNew)
                //insert the new Phone record to keep the 2 tables in sync
                Phone phoneNew = new Phone();
                phoneNew.EmployeeName = PedCur.EmpName;
                phoneNew.EmployeeNum  = PedCur.EmployeeNum;
                phoneNew.Extension    = PedCur.PhoneExt;
                phoneNew.ClockStatus  = ClockStatusEnum.Home;
            //It is now safe to update Phone table as it will draw from the newly updated Phone Emp Default row
            if ((PhoneEmpStatusOverride)listStatusOverride.SelectedIndex == PhoneEmpStatusOverride.Unavailable &&
                //We set ourselves unavailable from this window because we require an explanation.
                //This is the only status that will synch with the phone table, all others should be handled by the small phone panel.
                Phones.SetPhoneStatus(ClockStatusEnum.Unavailable, PedCur.PhoneExt, PedCur.EmployeeNum);
            if (extensionChange)
                //Phone extension has changed so update the phone table as well.
                //We have already guaranteed that this employee is Clocked Out (above) so set to home and update phone table.
                Phones.SetPhoneStatus(ClockStatusEnum.Home, PedCur.PhoneExt, PedCur.EmployeeNum);
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        private void FillData()
            DictEmployeesPerBucket = new Dictionary <int, List <Employee> >();
            labelDate.Text         = DateShowing.ToString("dddd, MMMM d");
            butEdit.Enabled        = DateShowing.Date >= DateTime.Today;  //do not allow editing of past dates
            listCalls = new List <PointF>();
            if (DateShowing.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5f, 25));               //was 0
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5.5f, 70));             //5-6am was 50
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(6.5f, 145));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(7.5f, 218));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(8.5f, 335));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9f, 363));               //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9.5f, 375));             //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10f, 364));              //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10.5f, 362));            //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(11.5f, 360));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(12.5f, 345));            //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(13.5f, 330));            //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(14.5f, 290));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(15.5f, 200));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(16.5f, 160));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17f, 100));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.5f, 50));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.5f, 0));
            else if (DateShowing.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || DateShowing.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                //do nothing, no call curve to show yet
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5f, 50));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5.5f, 325));               //5-6am
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(6.5f, 780));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(7.5f, 1248));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(8.5f, 1753));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9f, 1920));               //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9.5f, 2000));             //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10f, 1950));              //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10.5f, 1925));            //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(11.5f, 1900));            //
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(12.5f, 1860));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(13.5f, 1835));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(14.5f, 1600));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(15.5f, 1200));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(16.5f, 750));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.5f, 290));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(18f, 90));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(18f, 0));
            buckets        = new float[56];   //Number of total bucket. 4 buckets per hour * 14 hours = 56 buckets.
            _listSchedules = Schedules.GetDayList(DateShowing);
            //PhoneGraph exceptions will take precedence over employee default
            List <PhoneGraph> listPhoneGraphs = PhoneGraphs.GetAllForDate(DateShowing);
            TimeSpan          time1;
            TimeSpan          time2;
            TimeSpan          delta;

            for (int i = 0; i < _listSchedules.Count; i++)
                if (_listSchedules[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Employee)
                //get this employee
                Employee employee = Employees.GetEmp(_listSchedules[i].EmployeeNum);
                if (employee == null)               //employees will NEVER be deleted. even after they cease to work here. but just in case.
                bool hasPhoneGraphEntry = false;
                bool isGraphed          = false;
                //PhoneGraph entries will take priority over the default employee graph state
                for (int iPG = 0; iPG < listPhoneGraphs.Count; iPG++)
                    if (listPhoneGraphs[iPG].EmployeeNum == employee.EmployeeNum)
                        isGraphed          = listPhoneGraphs[iPG].IsGraphed;
                        hasPhoneGraphEntry = true;
                if (!hasPhoneGraphEntry)                 //no phone graph entry found (likely for a future date which does not have entries created yet OR past date where current employee didn't work here yet)
                    if (DateShowing <= DateTime.Today)   //no phone graph entry and we are on a past OR current date. if it's not already created then don't graph this employee for this date
                    //we are on a future date AND we don't have a PhoneGraph entry explicitly set so use the default for this employee
                    PhoneEmpDefault ped = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(_listSchedules[i].EmployeeNum, _listPhoneEmpDefaults);
                    if (ped == null)                   //we will default to PhoneEmpDefault.IsGraphed so make sure the deafult exists
                    //no entry in PhoneGraph for the employee on this date so use the default
                    isGraphed = ped.IsGraphed;
                if (!isGraphed)                 //only care about employees that are being graphed
                for (int b = 0; b < buckets.Length; b++)
                    //minutes field multiplier is a function of buckets per hour. answers the question, "how many minutes long is each bucket?"
                    time1 = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0) + new TimeSpan(0, b * 15, 0);
                    time2 = new TimeSpan(5, 15, 0) + new TimeSpan(0, b * 15, 0);
                    //situation 1: this bucket is completely within the start and stop times.
                    if (_listSchedules[i].StartTime <= time1 && _listSchedules[i].StopTime >= time2)
                        AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                    //situation 2: the start time is after this bucket
                    else if (_listSchedules[i].StartTime >= time2)
                    //situation 3: the stop time is before this bucket
                    else if (_listSchedules[i].StopTime <= time1)
                    //situation 4: start time falls within this bucket
                    if (_listSchedules[i].StartTime > time1)
                        delta = _listSchedules[i].StartTime - time1;
                        //7.5 minutes is half of one bucket.
                        if (delta.TotalMinutes > 7.5)                          //has to work more than 15 minutes to be considered *in* this bucket
                            AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                    //situation 5: stop time falls within this bucket
                    if (_listSchedules[i].StopTime < time2)
                        delta = time2 - _listSchedules[i].StopTime;
                        if (delta.TotalMinutes > 7.5)                          //has to work more than 15 minutes to be considered *in* this bucket
                            AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                //break;//just show one sched for debugging.
            //missed calls
            //missedCalls=new int[28];
            //List<DateTime> callTimes=PhoneAsterisks.GetMissedCalls(dateShowing);
            //for(int i=0;i<callTimes.Count;i++) {
            //  for(int b=0;b<missedCalls.Length;b++) {
            //    time1=new TimeSpan(5,0,0) + new TimeSpan(0,b*30,0);
            //    time2=new TimeSpan(5,30,0) + new TimeSpan(0,b*30,0);
            //    if(callTimes[i].TimeOfDay >= time1 && callTimes[i].TimeOfDay < time2) {
            //      missedCalls[b]++;
            //    }
            //  }
            //Minutes Behind
            minutesBehind = PhoneMetrics.AverageMinutesBehind(DateShowing);
        private void FillGrid()
            //do not refresh from db
            ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableSchedDay", "Provider"), 100);

            col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableSchedDay", "Employee"), 100);
            col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableSchedDay", "Start Time"), 100);
            col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableSchedDay", "Stop Time"), 100);
            col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableSchedDay", "Note"), 100);
            ODGridRow row;
            string    note;

            for (int i = 0; i < SchedList.Count; i++)
                row = new ODGridRow();
                if (SchedList[i].ProvNum != 0)
                if (SchedList[i].EmployeeNum == 0)
                if (SchedList[i].StartTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.PDateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay &&
                    SchedList[i].StopTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.PDateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay)
                note = "";
                if (SchedList[i].Status == SchedStatus.Holiday)
                    note += Lan.g(this, "Holiday: ");
                note += SchedList[i].Note;
        private void FormSiteLinkEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Site site = Sites.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.SiteNum == _siteLink.SiteNum);

            if (_siteLink.SiteNum < 1 || site == null)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Invalid SiteNum set for the passed in siteLink.");
                DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort;
            textSite.Text = site.Description;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_siteLink.OctetStart))
                string[] arrayOctets = _siteLink.OctetStart.Split('.');
                if (arrayOctets.Length > 0)
                    textOctet1.Text = arrayOctets[0];
                if (arrayOctets.Length > 1)
                    textOctet2.Text = arrayOctets[1];
                if (arrayOctets.Length > 2)
                    textOctet3.Text = arrayOctets[2];
            foreach (Employee employee in Employees.GetDeepCopy(true))
                int index = comboTriageCoordinator.Items.Add(new ODBoxItem <Employee>(Employees.GetNameFL(employee), employee));
                if (_siteLink.EmployeeNum == employee.EmployeeNum)
                    comboTriageCoordinator.SelectedIndex = index;
            panelSiteColor.BackColor  = _siteLink.SiteColor;
            panelForeColor.BackColor  = _siteLink.ForeColor;
            panelInnerColor.BackColor = _siteLink.InnerColor;
            panelOuterColor.BackColor = _siteLink.OuterColor;
            labelOpsCountPreview.SetColors(panelForeColor.BackColor, panelOuterColor.BackColor, panelInnerColor.BackColor);