///<summary>Will not create a group if there are less than 2 items in listProcs. Also sends signal and refreshes cache.</summary> public static void CreateGroup(List <Procedure> listProcs) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. if (listProcs.Count < 2) //No reason to make a "group" with 0 or 1 items. { return; } List <ProcMultiVisit> listPmvs = new List <ProcMultiVisit>(); for (int i = 0; i < listProcs.Count; i++) { ProcMultiVisit pmv = new ProcMultiVisit(); pmv.ProcNum = listProcs[i].ProcNum; pmv.ProcStatus = listProcs[i].ProcStatus; listPmvs.Add(pmv); } bool isGroupInProcess = ProcMultiVisits.IsGroupInProcess(listPmvs); //Could be in process if grouped procs which are different statuses via menu. long groupProcMultiVisitNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listPmvs.Count; i++) { ProcMultiVisit pmv = listPmvs[i]; pmv.IsInProcess = isGroupInProcess; if (i == 0) { groupProcMultiVisitNum = ProcMultiVisits.Insert(pmv); ProcMultiVisit oldPmv = pmv.Copy(); pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum = groupProcMultiVisitNum; ProcMultiVisits.Update(pmv, oldPmv); //Have to update after insert, or else we cannot know what the primary key is. } else { pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum = groupProcMultiVisitNum; ProcMultiVisits.Insert(pmv); } } Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.ProcMultiVisits); RefreshCache(); }
///<summary>If carrierName is blank (empty string) this will throw an ApplicationException. If a carrier is not found with the exact name, ///including capitalization, a new carrier is created, inserted in the database, and returned.</summary> public static Carrier GetByNameAndPhone(string carrierName, string phone, bool updateCacheIfNew = false) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierName)) { throw new ApplicationException("Carrier cannot be blank"); } Carrier carrier = GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.CarrierName == carrierName && x.Phone == phone); if (carrier == null) { carrier = new Carrier(); carrier.CarrierName = carrierName; carrier.Phone = phone; Insert(carrier); //Insert function takes care of logging. if (updateCacheIfNew) { Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Carriers); RefreshCache(); } } return(carrier); }
///<summary>Process all Signals and Acks Since a given DateTime. Only to be used by OpenDentalWebService. ///Returns latest valid signal Date/Time and the list of InvalidTypes that were refreshed. ///Can throw exception.</summary> public static List <InvalidType> RefreshForWeb() { int defaultProcessSigsIntervalInSecs = 7; ODException.SwallowAnyException(() => defaultProcessSigsIntervalInSecs = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.ProcessSigsIntervalInSecs)); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_signalLastRefreshedWeb) <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(defaultProcessSigsIntervalInSecs)) { return(new List <InvalidType>()); } InvalidType[] arrayInvalidTypes = new InvalidType[0]; //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. try { if (_signalLastRefreshedWeb.Year < 1880) { _signalLastRefreshedWeb = MiscData.GetNowDateTime(); } arrayInvalidTypes = Signalods.GetInvalidTypesForWeb(Signalods.RefreshTimed(_signalLastRefreshedWeb)); //Get all invalid types since given time and refresh the cache for those given invalid types. Cache.Refresh(arrayInvalidTypes); } catch (Exception e) { //Most likely cause for an exception here would be a thread collision between 2 consumers trying to refresh the cache at the exact same instant. //There is a chance that performing as subsequent refresh here would cause yet another collision but it's the best we can do without redesigning the entire cache pattern. Cache.Refresh(InvalidType.AllLocal); throw new Exception("Server cache may be invalid. Please try again. Error: " + e.Message); } finally { DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now; try { dateTimeNow = OpenDentBusiness.MiscData.GetNowDateTime(); } catch (Exception) { } _signalLastRefreshedWeb = dateTimeNow; } return(arrayInvalidTypes.ToList()); }
///<summary>Upserts the InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount signal which tells all client machines to update the received unread SMS ///message count. There should only be max one of this signal IType in the database.</summary> public static List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> UpsertSmsNotification() { if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { return(Meth.GetObject <List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod())); } string command = "SELECT ClinicNum,COUNT(*) AS CountUnread FROM smsfrommobile WHERE SmsStatus=0 AND IsHidden=0 GROUP BY ClinicNum " + "ORDER BY ClinicNum"; List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> ret = Db.GetTable(command).AsEnumerable() .Select(x => new SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification() { ClinicNum = PIn.Long(x["ClinicNum"].ToString()), Count = PIn.Int(x["CountUnread"].ToString()), }).ToList(); //Insert as structured data signal so all workstations won't have to query the db to get the counts. They will get it directly from Signalod.MsgValue. string json = SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification.GetJsonFromList(ret); //FKeyType SmsMsgUnreadCount is written to db as a string. command = "SELECT * FROM signalod WHERE IType=" + POut.Int((int)InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount) + " AND FKeyType='" + POut.String(KeyType.SmsMsgUnreadCount.ToString()) + "' ORDER BY SigDateTime DESC LIMIT 1"; DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command); Signalod sig = Crud.SignalodCrud.TableToList(table).FirstOrDefault(); if (sig != null && sig.MsgValue == json) //No changes, not need to insert a new signal. { return(ret); //Return the list of notifications, but do not update the existing signal. } Signalods.Insert(new Signalod() { IType = InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount, FKeyType = KeyType.SmsMsgUnreadCount, MsgValue = json, RemoteRole = RemotingClient.RemotingRole }); return(ret); }
///<summary>Called by local practice db to query HQ for EService setup info. Must remain very lite and versionless. Will be used by signup portal. ///If HasClinics==true then any SignupOut.EServices entries where ClinicNum==0 are invalid and should be ignored. ///If HasClinics==false then SignupOut.EServices should only pay attention items where ClinicNum==0. ///This list is kept completely unfiltered by ClinicNum for forward compatibility reasons. ///The ClinicNum 0 items are always used by the Signup portal to determine default signup preferences. ///However, these items are only used for validation and billing in the case where HasClinics==true.</summary> public static EServiceSetup.SignupOut GetEServiceSetupFull(SignupPortalPermission permission, bool isSwitchClinicPref = false) { //Clinics will be stored in this order at HQ to allow signup portal to display them in proper order. List <Clinic> clinics = Clinics.GetDeepCopy().OrderBy(x => x.ItemOrder).ToList(); if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ClinicListIsAlphabetical)) { clinics = clinics.OrderBy(x => x.Abbr).ToList(); } #if DEBUG bool isMockChanged = false; if (WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ == null) { WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ = new WebServiceMainHQMockDemo(); isMockChanged = true; } #endif EServiceSetup.SignupOut signupOut = ReadXml <EServiceSetup.SignupOut> ( WebSerializer.DeserializePrimitiveOrThrow <string> ( GetWebServiceMainHQInstance().EServiceSetup ( CreateWebServiceHQPayload ( WriteXml(new EServiceSetup.SignupIn() { MethodNameInt = (int)EServiceSetup.SetupMethod.GetSignupOutFull, HasClinics = PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled, //ClinicNum is not currently used as input. ClinicNum = 0, ProgramVersionStr = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ProgramVersion), SignupPortalPermissionInt = (int)permission, Clinics = clinics .Select(x => new EServiceSetup.SignupIn.ClinicLiteIn() { ClinicNum = x.ClinicNum, ClinicTitle = x.Abbr, IsHidden = x.IsHidden, }).ToList(), IsSwitchClinicPref = isSwitchClinicPref, }), eServiceCode.Undefined ) ) ) ); #if DEBUG if (isMockChanged) { WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ = null; } #endif //We just got the latest sync info from HQ so update the local db to reflect what HQ says is true. #region Reconcile Phones List <SmsPhone> listPhonesHQ = signupOut.Phones.Select(x => new SmsPhone() { ClinicNum = x.ClinicNum, CountryCode = x.CountryCode, DateTimeActive = x.DateTimeActive, DateTimeInactive = x.DateTimeInactive, InactiveCode = x.InactiveCode, PhoneNumber = x.PhoneNumber, }).ToList(); SmsPhones.UpdateOrInsertFromList(listPhonesHQ); #endregion #region Reconcile practice and clinics List <EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms> smsSignups = GetSignups <EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms>(signupOut, eServiceCode.IntegratedTexting); bool isCacheInvalid = false; bool isSmsEnabled = false; if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled) //Clinics are ON so loop through all clinics and reconcile with HQ. { List <Clinic> listClinicsAll = Clinics.GetDeepCopy(); foreach (Clinic clinicDb in listClinicsAll) { WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms clinicSignup = smsSignups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == clinicDb.ClinicNum) ?? new WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms() { //Not found so turn it off. SmsContractDate = DateTime.MinValue, MonthlySmsLimit = 0, IsEnabled = false, }; Clinic clinicNew = clinicDb.Copy(); clinicNew.SmsContractDate = clinicSignup.SmsContractDate; clinicNew.SmsMonthlyLimit = clinicSignup.MonthlySmsLimit; isCacheInvalid |= Clinics.Update(clinicNew, clinicDb); isSmsEnabled |= clinicSignup.IsEnabled; } } else //Clinics are off so ClinicNum 0 is the practice clinic. { WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms practiceSignup = smsSignups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == 0) ?? new WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms() { //Not found so turn it off. SmsContractDate = DateTime.MinValue, MonthlySmsLimit = 0, IsEnabled = false, }; isCacheInvalid |= Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.SmsContractDate, practiceSignup.SmsContractDate) | Prefs.UpdateLong(PrefName.TextingDefaultClinicNum, 0) | Prefs.UpdateDouble(PrefName.SmsMonthlyLimit, practiceSignup.MonthlySmsLimit); isSmsEnabled |= practiceSignup.IsEnabled; } #endregion #region Reconcile CallFire //Turn off CallFire if SMS has been activated. //This only happens the first time SMS is turned on and CallFire is still activated. if (isSmsEnabled && Programs.IsEnabled(ProgramName.CallFire)) { Program callfire = Programs.GetCur(ProgramName.CallFire); if (callfire != null) { callfire.Enabled = false; Programs.Update(callfire); Signalods.Insert(new Signalod() { IType = InvalidType.Providers }); signupOut.Prompts.Add("Call Fire has been disabled. Cancel Integrated Texting and access program properties to retain Call Fire."); } } #endregion #region eConfirmations if (Prefs.UpdateBool(PrefName.ApptConfirmAutoSignedUp, IsEServiceActive(signupOut, eServiceCode.ConfirmationRequest))) { //HQ does not match the local pref. Make it match with HQ. isCacheInvalid = true; SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.Setup, 0, "Automated appointment eConfirmations automatically changed by HQ. Local pref set to " + IsEServiceActive(signupOut, eServiceCode.ConfirmationRequest).ToString() + "."); } #endregion if (isCacheInvalid) //Something changed in the db. Alert other workstations and change this workstation immediately. { Signalods.Insert(new Signalod() { IType = InvalidType.Prefs }); Prefs.RefreshCache(); Signalods.Insert(new Signalod() { IType = InvalidType.Providers }); Providers.RefreshCache(); Clinics.RefreshCache(); } return(signupOut); }
///<summary>Updates writeoff estimated for claimprocs for the passed in clinics. Called only in FormFeeSchedTools, located here to allow unit ///testing. Requires an ODProgressExtended to display UI updates. If clinics are enabled and the user is not clinic restricted and chooses to run ///for all clinics, set doUpdatePrevClinicPref to true so that the ClinicNums will be stored in the preference table as they are finished to allow ///for pausing/resuming the process.</summary> public static long GlobalUpdateWriteoffs(List <long> listWriteoffClinicNums, ODProgressExtended progress, bool doUpdatePrevClinicPref = false) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. long totalWriteoffsUpdated = 0; List <Fee> listFeesHQ = Fees.GetByClinicNum(0);//All HQ fees Dictionary <long, List <Procedure> > dictPatProcs; List <FamProc> listFamProcs; Dictionary <long, List <ClaimProc> > dictClaimProcs; List <Fee> listFeesHQandClinic; Lookup <FeeKey2, Fee> lookupFeesByCodeAndSched; List <InsSub> listInsSubs; List <InsPlan> listInsPlans; List <PatPlan> listPatPlans; List <Benefit> listBenefits; List <Action> listActions; //Get all objects needed to check if procedures are linked to an orthocase here to avoid querying in loops. List <OrthoProcLink> listOrthoProcLinksAll = new List <OrthoProcLink>(); Dictionary <long, OrthoProcLink> dictOrthoProcLinksAll = new Dictionary <long, OrthoProcLink>(); Dictionary <long, OrthoCase> dictOrthoCases = new Dictionary <long, OrthoCase>(); Dictionary <long, OrthoSchedule> dictOrthoSchedules = new Dictionary <long, OrthoSchedule>(); OrthoCases.GetDataForAllProcLinks(ref listOrthoProcLinksAll, ref dictOrthoProcLinksAll, ref dictOrthoCases, ref dictOrthoSchedules); OrthoProcLink orthoProcLink = null; OrthoCase orthoCase = null; OrthoSchedule orthoSchedule = null; List <OrthoProcLink> listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase = null; foreach (long clinicNumCur in listWriteoffClinicNums) { progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur), "0%", 0, 100, ProgBarStyle.Blocks, "WriteoffProgress")); long rowCurIndex = 0; //reset for each clinic. object lockObj = new object(); //used to lock rowCurIndex so the threads will correctly increment the count progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Lans.g("FeeSchedEvent", "Getting list to update writeoffs..."), progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg)); listFeesHQandClinic = Fees.GetByClinicNum(clinicNumCur); //could be empty for some clinics that don't use overrides listFeesHQandClinic.AddRange(listFeesHQ); lookupFeesByCodeAndSched = (Lookup <FeeKey2, Fee>)listFeesHQandClinic.ToLookup(x => new FeeKey2(x.CodeNum, x.FeeSched)); dictPatProcs = Procedures.GetAllTp(clinicNumCur) .GroupBy(x => x.PatNum) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => Procedures.SortListByTreatPlanPriority(x.ToList()).ToList()); #region Has Paused or Cancelled while (progress.IsPaused) { progress.AllowResume(); if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } } if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled if (dictPatProcs.Count == 0) { continue; } int procCount = dictPatProcs.Sum(x => x.Value.Count); listFamProcs = Patients.GetFamilies(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList()).Where(x => x.Guarantor != null) .Select(x => new FamProc { GuarNum = x.Guarantor.PatNum, ListPatProcs = x.ListPats.Select(y => new PatProc { PatNum = y.PatNum, Age = y.Age, ListProcs = dictPatProcs.TryGetValue(y.PatNum, out List <Procedure> listProcsCurr)?listProcsCurr:new List <Procedure>() }).ToList() }).ToList(); listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPats(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList()); listInsSubs = InsSubs.GetListInsSubs(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList()); List <long> listInsSubNums = listInsSubs.Select(x => x.InsSubNum).ToList(); listInsSubs.AddRange(InsSubs.GetMany(listPatPlans.Select(x => x.InsSubNum).Distinct().Where(x => !listInsSubNums.Contains(x)).ToList())); listInsSubs = listInsSubs.DistinctBy(x => x.InsSubNum).ToList(); listInsPlans = InsPlans.RefreshForSubList(listInsSubs); listBenefits = Benefits.GetAllForPatPlans(listPatPlans, listInsSubs); #region Has Paused or Cancelled while (progress.IsPaused) { progress.AllowResume(); if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } } if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled //dictionary of key=PatNum, value=list of claimprocs, i.e. a dictionary linking each PatNum to a list of claimprocs for the given procs dictClaimProcs = ClaimProcs.GetForProcs(dictPatProcs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Select(y => y.ProcNum)).ToList(), useDataReader: true) .GroupBy(x => x.PatNum) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); #region Has Paused or Cancelled while (progress.IsPaused) { progress.AllowResume(); if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } } if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Lans.g("FeeSchedEvent", "Updating writeoff estimates for patients..."), progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg)); listActions = listFamProcs.Select(x => new Action(() => { #region Has Cancelled if (progress.IsCanceled) { return; } #endregion Has Cancelled List <long> listPatNums = x.ListPatProcs.Select(y => y.PatNum).ToList(); List <long> listInsSubNumsPatPlanCur = listPatPlans.Where(y => y.PatNum.In(listPatNums)).Select(y => y.InsSubNum).ToList(); List <InsSub> listInsSubsCur = listInsSubs.FindAll(y => listPatNums.Contains(y.Subscriber) || y.InsSubNum.In(listInsSubNumsPatPlanCur)); List <long> listInsSubPlanNumsCur = listInsSubsCur.Select(y => y.PlanNum).ToList(); List <InsPlan> listInsPlansCur = listInsPlans.FindAll(y => listInsSubPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PlanNum)); List <SubstitutionLink> listSubstitutionLinks = SubstitutionLinks.GetAllForPlans(listInsPlansCur); List <PatPlan> listPatPlansCur; List <Benefit> listBenefitsCur; foreach (PatProc patProc in x.ListPatProcs) //foreach patient in the family { if (patProc.ListProcs.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } listPatPlansCur = listPatPlans.FindAll(y => y.PatNum == patProc.PatNum); List <long> listInsPlanNumsCur = listInsPlansCur.Select(y => y.PlanNum).ToList(); List <long> listPatPlanNumsCur = listPatPlansCur.Select(y => y.PatPlanNum).ToList(); listBenefitsCur = listBenefits .FindAll(y => listInsPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PlanNum) || listPatPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PatPlanNum)); listBenefitsCur.Sort(Benefits.SortBenefits); if (!dictClaimProcs.TryGetValue(patProc.PatNum, out List <ClaimProc> listClaimProcsCur)) { listClaimProcsCur = new List <ClaimProc>(); } foreach (Procedure procCur in patProc.ListProcs) //foreach proc for this patient { OrthoCases.FillOrthoCaseObjectsForProc(procCur.ProcNum, ref orthoProcLink, ref orthoCase, ref orthoSchedule , ref listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase, dictOrthoProcLinksAll, dictOrthoCases, dictOrthoSchedules, listOrthoProcLinksAll); Procedures.ComputeEstimates(procCur, patProc.PatNum, ref listClaimProcsCur, false, listInsPlansCur, listPatPlansCur, listBenefitsCur, null, null, true, patProc.Age, listInsSubsCur, listSubstLinks: listSubstitutionLinks, lookupFees: lookupFeesByCodeAndSched, orthoProcLink: orthoProcLink, orthoCase: orthoCase, orthoSchedule: orthoSchedule, listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase: listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase); double percentage = 0; lock (lockObj) { percentage = Math.Ceiling(((double)(++rowCurIndex) / procCount) * 100); } progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur), (int)percentage + "%", (int)percentage, 100, ProgBarStyle.Blocks, "WriteoffProgress")); } } })).ToList(); ODThread.RunParallel(listActions, TimeSpan.FromHours(3), onException: new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate((ex) => { //Notify the user what went wrong via the text box. progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper("Error updating writeoffs: " + ex.Message, progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg)); }) ); if (listWriteoffClinicNums.Count > 1) //only show if more than one clinic { progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(rowCurIndex + " " + Lans.g("FeeSchedTools", "procedures processed from") + " " + Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur), progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg)); } totalWriteoffsUpdated += rowCurIndex; if (doUpdatePrevClinicPref && rowCurIndex == procCount) { //if storing previously completed clinic and we actually completed this clinic's procs, update the pref if (listWriteoffClinicNums.Last() == clinicNumCur) { //if this is the last clinic in the list, clear the last clinic pref so the next time it will run for all clinics Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.GlobalUpdateWriteOffLastClinicCompleted, ""); } else { Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.GlobalUpdateWriteOffLastClinicCompleted, POut.Long(clinicNumCur)); } Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Prefs); } #region Has Cancelled if (progress.IsCanceled) { break; } #endregion Has Cancelled } progress.OnProgressDone(); progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper("Writeoffs updated. " + totalWriteoffsUpdated + " procedures processed.\r\nDone.", progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg)); return(totalWriteoffsUpdated); }
public static void SetRingGroups(int extension, AsteriskRingGroups ringGroups) { DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection("", "asterisk", "opendental", "secret", DatabaseType.MySql); string command = "SELECT grpnum,grplist FROM ringgroups WHERE grpnum = '601' OR grpnum = '609'"; DataTable table = null; try { table = dcon.GetTable(command); } catch { //if remotely connecting from home return; } string rawExtensions601 = ""; string rawExtensions609 = ""; string[] arrayExtensions601 = new string[0]; string[] arrayExtensions609 = new string[0]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (table.Rows[i]["grpnum"].ToString() == "601") //there should always be exactly one { rawExtensions601 = table.Rows[i]["grplist"].ToString(); arrayExtensions601 = rawExtensions601.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } if (table.Rows[i]["grpnum"].ToString() == "609") //there should always be exactly one { rawExtensions609 = table.Rows[i]["grplist"].ToString(); arrayExtensions609 = rawExtensions609.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } } List <string> listExtension601 = new List <string>(); bool isIn601 = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrayExtensions601.Length; i++) { //we won't test to make sure each item is a pure number. listExtension601.Add(arrayExtensions601[i]); if (arrayExtensions601[i] == extension.ToString()) { isIn601 = true; } } List <string> listExtension609 = new List <string>(); bool isIn609 = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrayExtensions609.Length; i++) { //we won't test to make sure each item is a pure number. listExtension609.Add(arrayExtensions609[i]); if (arrayExtensions609[i] == extension.ToString()) { isIn609 = true; } } if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.All) { if (!isIn601) { AddToRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions601); } if (!isIn609) { AddToRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions609); } } if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.None) { if (isIn601) { RemoveFromRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), listExtension601, rawExtensions601); } if (isIn609) { RemoveFromRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), listExtension609, rawExtensions609); } } if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.Backup) { if (isIn601) { RemoveFromRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), listExtension601, rawExtensions601); } if (!isIn609) { AddToRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions609); } } Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.PhoneAsteriskReload); }
///<summary>Kicks all of the occupants within the passed in conference room.</summary> public static void KickConfRoom(long confRoomExtension) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.PhoneAsteriskReload, KeyType.ConfKick, confRoomExtension); }