		public static long Insert(EmailMessageUid emailMessageUid) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return emailMessageUid.EmailMessageUidNum;
			return Crud.EmailMessageUidCrud.Insert(emailMessageUid);
 public static long Insert(EmailMessageUid emailMessageUid)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         emailMessageUid.EmailMessageUidNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), emailMessageUid);
		///<summary>Fetches up to fetchCount number of messages from a POP3 server.  Set fetchCount=0 for all messages.  Typically, fetchCount is 0 or 1.
		///Example host name, pop3.live.com. Port is Normally 110 for plain POP3, 995 for SSL POP3.</summary>
		private static List<EmailMessage> ReceiveFromInboxThreadSafe(int receiveCount,EmailAddress emailAddressInbox) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			List<EmailMessage> retVal=new List<EmailMessage>();
			//This code is modified from the example at: http://hpop.sourceforge.net/exampleFetchAllMessages.php
			using(OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client client=new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client()) {//The client disconnects from the server when being disposed.
				client.Connect(emailAddressInbox.Pop3ServerIncoming,emailAddressInbox.ServerPortIncoming,emailAddressInbox.UseSSL,180000,180000,null);//3 minute timeout, just as for sending emails.
				List <string> listMsgUids=client.GetMessageUids();//Get all unique identifiers for each email in the inbox.
				List<EmailMessageUid> listDownloadedMsgUids=EmailMessageUids.GetForRecipientAddress(emailAddressInbox.EmailUsername.Trim());
				int msgDownloadedCount=0;
				for(int i=0;i<listMsgUids.Count;i++) {
					int msgIndex=i+1;//The message indicies are 1-based.
					string strMsgUid=listMsgUids[i];
					if(strMsgUid.Length==0) {
						//Message Uids are commonly used, but are optional according to the RFC822 email standard.
						//Uids are assgined by the sending client application, so they could be anything, but are supposed to be unique.
						//Additionally, most email servers are probably smart enough to create a Uid for any message where the Uid is missing.
						//In the worst case scenario, we create a Uid for the message based off of the message header information, which takes a little extra time, 
						//but is better than downloading old messages again, especially if some of those messages contain large attachments.
						OpenPop.Mime.Header.MessageHeader messageHeader=client.GetMessageHeaders(msgIndex);//Takes 1-2 seconds to get this information from the server.  The message, minus body and minus attachments.
					else if(strMsgUid.Length>4000) {//The EmailMessageUid.MsgId field is only 4000 characters in size.
					//Skip any email messages matching Uids which have been previously downloaded.
					bool isDownloaded=false;
					for(int j=0;j<listDownloadedMsgUids.Count;j++) {
						if(listDownloadedMsgUids[j].MsgId==strMsgUid) {
					if(isDownloaded) {
					//At this point, we know that the email is one which we have not downloaded yet.
					try {
						OpenPop.Mime.Message openPopMsg=client.GetMessage(msgIndex);//This is where the entire raw email is downloaded.
						string strRawEmail=openPopMsg.MessagePart.BodyEncoding.GetString(openPopMsg.RawMessage);
						EmailMessage emailMessage=ProcessRawEmailMessage(strRawEmail,0,emailAddressInbox);//Inserts to db.
						EmailMessageUid emailMessageUid=new EmailMessageUid();
						EmailMessageUids.Insert(emailMessageUid);//Remember Uid was downloaded, to avoid email duplication the next time the inbox is refreshed.
					catch(ThreadAbortException) {
						//This can happen if the application is exiting. We need to leave right away so the program does not lock up.
						//Otherwise, this loop could continue for a while if there are a lot of messages to download.
					catch {
						//If one particular email fails to download, then skip it for now and move on to the next email.
					if(receiveCount>0 && msgDownloadedCount>=receiveCount) {
			//Since this function is fired automatically based on the inbox check interval, we also try to send the oldest unsent Ack.
			//The goal is to keep trying to send the Acks at a reasonable interval until they are successfully delivered.
			return retVal;
文件: EmailMessages.cs 项目: mnisl/OD
		///<summary>Fetches up to fetchCount number of messages from a POP3 server.  Set fetchCount=0 for all messages.  Typically, fetchCount is 0 or 1.
		///Example host name, pop3.live.com. Port is Normally 110 for plain POP3, 995 for SSL POP3.</summary>
		private static List<EmailMessage> ReceiveFromInboxThreadSafe(int receiveCount,EmailAddress emailAddressInbox) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			List<EmailMessage> retVal=new List<EmailMessage>();
			//This code is modified from the example at: http://hpop.sourceforge.net/exampleFetchAllMessages.php
			using(OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client client=new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client()) {//The client disconnects from the server when being disposed.
				client.Connect(emailAddressInbox.Pop3ServerIncoming,emailAddressInbox.ServerPortIncoming,emailAddressInbox.UseSSL,180000,180000,null);//3 minute timeout, just as for sending emails.
				List <string> listMsgUids=client.GetMessageUids();//Get all unique identifiers for each email in the inbox.
				List<EmailMessageUid> listDownloadedMsgUids=EmailMessageUids.GetForRecipientAddress(emailAddressInbox.EmailUsername.Trim());
				List<string> listDownloadedMsgUidStrs=new List<string>();
				for(int i=0;i<listDownloadedMsgUids.Count;i++) {
				int msgDownloadedCount=0;
				for(int i=0;i<listMsgUids.Count;i++) {
					int msgIndex=i+1;//The message indicies are 1-based.
					string strMsgUid=listMsgUids[i];//Example: 1420562540.886638.p3plgemini22-06.prod.phx.2602059520
					OpenPop.Mime.Header.MessageHeader messageHeader=null;
					if(strMsgUid.Length==0) {
						//Message Uids are commonly used, but are optional according to the RFC822 email standard.
						//Uids are assgined by the sending client application, so they could be anything, but are supposed to be unique.
						//Additionally, most email servers are probably smart enough to create a Uid for any message where the Uid is missing.
						//In the worst case scenario, we create a Uid for the message based off of the message header information, which takes a little extra time, 
						//but is better than downloading old messages again, especially if some of those messages contain large attachments.
						messageHeader=client.GetMessageHeaders(msgIndex);//Takes 1-2 seconds to get this information from the server.  The message, minus body and minus attachments.
					if(strMsgUid.Length>4000) {//The EmailMessageUid.MsgId field is only 4000 characters in size.
					if(listDownloadedMsgUidStrs.Contains(strMsgUid)) {
						continue;//Skip emails which have already been downloaded.
					//messageHeader will only be defined if we created our own unique ID manually above.  MessageId is optional, just as the message UIDs are.
					if(messageHeader!=null && messageHeader.MessageId!="") {
						//The MessageId is usually generated by the email server.
						//The message does not have a UID, and the ID that we made up has not been downloaded before.  As a last resort we check the MessageId in 
						//the message header.  MessageId is different than the UID.  We should have used the MessageId as the second option in the past, but now 
						//we are stuck using it as a third option, because using MessageId as a second option would cause old emails to download again.
						strMsgUid=messageHeader.MessageId;//Example: [email protected]
						if(strMsgUid.Length>4000) {//The EmailMessageUid.MsgId field is only 4000 characters in size.
						if(listDownloadedMsgUidStrs.Contains(strMsgUid)) {
							continue;//Skip emails which have already been downloaded.
					//At this point, we know that the email is one which we have not downloaded yet.
					try {
						OpenPop.Mime.Message openPopMsg=client.GetMessage(msgIndex);//This is where the entire raw email is downloaded.
						bool isEmailFromInbox=true;
						if(openPopMsg.Headers.From.ToString().ToLower().Contains(emailAddressInbox.EmailUsername.Trim().ToLower())) {//The email Recipient and email From addresses are the same.
							//The email Recipient and email To or CC or BCC addresses are the same.  We have verified that a user can send an email to themself using only CC or BCC.
							if(String.Join(",",openPopMsg.Headers.To).ToLower().Contains(emailAddressInbox.EmailUsername.Trim().ToLower()) ||
								String.Join(",",openPopMsg.Headers.Cc).ToLower().Contains(emailAddressInbox.EmailUsername.Trim().ToLower()) ||
								//Download this message because it was clearly sent from the user to theirself.
							else {
								//Gmail will report sent email as if it is part of the Inbox. These emails will have the From address as the Recipient address, but the To address will be a different address.
						if(isEmailFromInbox) {
							string strRawEmail=openPopMsg.MessagePart.BodyEncoding.GetString(openPopMsg.RawMessage);
							EmailMessage emailMessage=ProcessRawEmailMessageIn(strRawEmail,0,emailAddressInbox,true);//Inserts to db.
						EmailMessageUid emailMessageUid=new EmailMessageUid();
						EmailMessageUids.Insert(emailMessageUid);//Remember Uid was downloaded, to avoid email duplication the next time the inbox is refreshed.
					catch(ThreadAbortException) {
						//This can happen if the application is exiting. We need to leave right away so the program does not lock up.
						//Otherwise, this loop could continue for a while if there are a lot of messages to download.
					catch {
						//If one particular email fails to download, then skip it for now and move on to the next email.
					if(receiveCount>0 && msgDownloadedCount>=receiveCount) {
			//Since this function is fired automatically based on the inbox check interval, we also try to send the oldest unsent Ack.
			//The goal is to keep trying to send the Acks at a reasonable interval until they are successfully delivered.
			return retVal;