/// <summary>This method grabs all unread webmails, and creates/modifies/deletes alerts for the providers and linked users the webmails are addressed to.</summary> public static void CreateAlertsForNewWebmail(Logger.IWriteLine log) { //This method first collect all unread webmails, and counts how many each provider has. //It then fetches all WebMailRecieved alerts, and will create/modify alerts for each provider who was counted before. //Finally, it will sync the alerts in the database with the ones we created. //If the user has unread webmail and an existing alert, it is modified. //If the user has unread webmail and no existing alert, an alert is created. //If the user has no unread webmail and an existing alert, it will be deleted. //Key: ProvNum, Value: Number of unread webmails Dictionary <long, long> dictRecievedCount = EmailMessages.GetProvUnreadWebMailCount(); log.WriteLine("Collected Webmails for the following providers (ProvNum: # Webmails): " + String.Join(", ", dictRecievedCount.Select(x => POut.Long(x.Key) + ":" + POut.Long(x.Value))), LogLevel.Verbose); //This list contains every single WebMailRecieved alert and is synced with listAlerts later. List <AlertItem> listOldAlerts = AlertItems.RefreshForType(AlertType.WebMailRecieved); log.WriteLine("Fetched current alerts for users: " + String.Join(", ", listOldAlerts.Select(x => POut.Long(x.UserNum))), LogLevel.Verbose); //If a user doesn't have any unread webmail, they won't be placed on this list, and any alert they have in listOldAlerts will be deleted. List <AlertItem> listAlerts = new List <AlertItem>(); List <long> listChangedAlertItemNums = new List <long>(); //Go through each provider value, and create/update alerts for each patnum under that provider. //There will only be a value if they have atleast 1 unread webmail. foreach (KeyValuePair <long, long> kvp in dictRecievedCount) { List <Userod> listUsers = Providers.GetAttachedUsers(kvp.Key); //Go through each usernum and create/update their alert item. foreach (long usernum in listUsers.Select(x => x.UserNum)) { AlertItem alertForUser = listOldAlerts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserNum == usernum); //If an alert doesn't exist for the user, we'll create it. if (alertForUser == null) { alertForUser = new AlertItem(); alertForUser.Type = AlertType.WebMailRecieved; alertForUser.FormToOpen = FormType.FormEmailInbox; alertForUser.Actions = ActionType.MarkAsRead | ActionType.OpenForm; //Removed delete because the alert will just be re-added next time it checks. alertForUser.Severity = SeverityType.Normal; alertForUser.ClinicNum = -1; //The alert is user dependent, not clinic dependent. alertForUser.UserNum = usernum; alertForUser.Description = POut.Long(kvp.Value); listAlerts.Add(alertForUser); log.WriteLine("Created webmail alert for user " + POut.Long(usernum), LogLevel.Verbose); } else { //If the alert already exists, we'll be updating it and usually mark it as unread. AlertItem selectedAlert = alertForUser.Copy(); long previousValue = PIn.Long(selectedAlert.Description); //We only need to modify the alert if the amount of unread webmails changed. if (previousValue != kvp.Value) { selectedAlert.Description = POut.Long(kvp.Value); //If the new value is greater, the user has recieved more webmails so we want to mark the alert as "Unread". if (previousValue < kvp.Value) { listChangedAlertItemNums.Add(selectedAlert.AlertItemNum); } } listAlerts.Add(selectedAlert); log.WriteLine("Modified webmail alert for user " + POut.Long(usernum), LogLevel.Verbose); } } } //Push our changes to the database. AlertItems.Sync(listAlerts, listOldAlerts); List <AlertItem> listDeletedAlerts = listOldAlerts.Where(x => !listAlerts.Any(y => y.AlertItemNum == x.AlertItemNum)).ToList(); log.WriteLine("Deleted webmail alerts for users: " + String.Join(", ", listDeletedAlerts.Select(x => POut.Long(x.UserNum))), LogLevel.Verbose); //Make sure to mark alerts that were deleted, modified (not created) and increased as unread. listChangedAlertItemNums.AddRange(listDeletedAlerts.Select(x => x.AlertItemNum)); AlertReads.DeleteForAlertItems(listChangedAlertItemNums); }