private static User _GetUser(OpenCbsReader pReader) { User user = new User { Id = pReader.GetInt("user_id"), UserName = pReader.GetString("user_name"), FirstName = pReader.GetString("first_name"), LastName = pReader.GetString("last_name"), Mail = pReader.GetString("mail"), IsDeleted = pReader.GetBool("deleted"), HasContract = (pReader.GetInt("contract_count") != 0), Sex = pReader.GetChar("sex"), Phone = pReader.GetString("phone") }; user.SetRole(pReader.GetString("role_code")); user.UserRole = new Role { RoleName = pReader.GetString("role_name"), Id = pReader.GetInt("role_id"), IsRoleForLoan = pReader.GetBool("role_of_loan"), IsRoleForSaving = pReader.GetBool("role_of_saving"), IsRoleForTeller = pReader.GetBool("role_of_teller") }; return(user); }
private List <District> GetDistrictsCache() { List <Province> provinces = GetProvinces(); List <District> districts = new List <District>(); const string q = "SELECT [id], [name], [province_id] FROM [Districts] WHERE [deleted]=0 ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader reader = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { District district = new District(); district.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); district.Name = reader.GetString("name"); int province_id = reader.GetInt("province_id"); foreach (Province p in provinces) { if (p.Id == province_id) { district.Province = p; } } districts.Add(district); } } } return(districts); }
public Dictionary <int, List <int> > SelectBranchRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, branch_id FROM dbo.UsersBranches ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary <int, List <int> > retval = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(retval); } while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (!retval.ContainsKey(userId)) { retval.Add(userId, new List <int>()); } retval[userId].Add(r.GetInt("branch_id")); } } return(retval); }
public List <District> SelectDistrictsByProvinceId(int pProvinceId) { List <District> districts = new List <District>(); const string q = "SELECT,, Districts.province_id, " + " AS province_id, AS province_name " + "FROM Districts INNER JOIN " + "Provinces ON Districts.province_id = " + "WHERE @id AND Districts.deleted = 0 ORDER BY"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", pProvinceId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { District district = new District(); district.Province = new Province(); district.Id = r.GetInt("id"); district.Name = r.GetString("name"); district.Province.Id = r.GetInt("province_id"); district.Province.Name = r.GetString("province_name"); districts.Add(district); } } } } return(districts); }
private IEnumerable <FollowUp> SelectFollowUps(int pProjectId) { List <FollowUp> list = new List <FollowUp>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT * FROM FollowUp WHERE project_id = @pId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { select.AddParam("@pId", pProjectId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader == null || reader.Empty) { return(new List <FollowUp>()); } while (reader.Read()) { FollowUp followUp = new FollowUp(); followUp.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); followUp.Year = reader.GetInt("year"); followUp.Jobs1 = reader.GetInt("Jobs1"); followUp.Jobs2 = reader.GetInt("Jobs2"); followUp.CA = reader.GetMoney("CA"); followUp.PersonalSituation = reader.GetString("PersonalSituation"); followUp.Activity = reader.GetString("activity"); followUp.Comment = reader.GetString("comment"); list.Add(followUp); } return(list); } } }
public Teller SelectVault(int branchId) { var teller = new Teller(); const string q = @"SELECT id , name , description , account_id , deleted , branch_id , currency_id FROM dbo.Tellers WHERE branch_id = @branch_id AND deleted = 0 AND user_id = 0"; using (var conn = GetConnection()) using (var c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@branch_id", branchId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { r.Read(); if (r.Empty) { return(null); } teller.Id = r.GetInt("id"); teller.Name = r.GetString("name"); teller.Description = r.GetString("description"); teller.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); teller.Account = accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")); teller.Branch = branchManager.Select(r.GetInt("branch_id")); teller.Currency = currencyManager.SelectCurrencyById(r.GetInt("currency_id")); } } return(teller); }
public District SelectDistrictByName(string name) { District district = null; const string q = "SELECT,, Districts.province_id, " + " AS province_id, AS province_name " + "FROM Districts INNER JOIN " + "Provinces ON Districts.province_id = " + "WHERE @name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); district = new District(); district.Province = new Province(); district.Id = r.GetInt("id"); district.Name = r.GetString("name"); district.Province.Id = r.GetInt("province_id"); district.Province.Name = r.GetString("province_name"); } } } } return(district); }
public List <PaymentMethod> GetPaymentMethodsWithoutBranch() { string q = @"SELECT pm.[id] ,[name] ,[description] ,[pending] ,0 AS [account_id] FROM [PaymentMethods] pm ORDER BY pm.[id]"; List <PaymentMethod> paymentMethods = new List <PaymentMethod>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null && !r.Empty) { while (r.Read()) { PaymentMethod paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("name"), Description = r.GetString("description"), IsPending = r.GetBool("pending"), Account = _accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")) }; paymentMethods.Add(paymentMethod); } } } return(paymentMethods); }
public Dictionary <int, int> SelectUserToRole() { const string q = @"SELECT AS user_id, AS role_id FROM dbo.Users AS u LEFT JOIN dbo.Roles AS r ON r.code = u.role_code"; Dictionary <int, int> userToRole = new Dictionary <int, int>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(userToRole); } while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); int roleId = r.GetInt("role_id"); userToRole.Add(userId, roleId); } } } } return(userToRole); }
public Dictionary <int, List <int> > SelectSubordinateRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, subordinate_id FROM dbo.UsersSubordinates ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary <int, List <int> > retval = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(retval); } int currentId = 0; while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (currentId != userId) { currentId = userId; retval.Add(currentId, new List <int>()); } retval[currentId].Add(r.GetInt("subordinate_id")); } } return(retval); }
public FundingLine SelectFundingLineByNameAndPurpose(FundingLine lookupFundingLine, SqlTransaction sqlTransac, bool includeAll) { FundingLine newFL = new FundingLine(); string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], [deleted], [currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE [purpose] = @purpose AND FundingLines.[name] = @name"; if (!includeAll) { q += "and [deleted]=@deleted"; } using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, sqlTransac.Connection, sqlTransac)) { c.AddParam("@purpose", lookupFundingLine.Purpose); c.AddParam("@name", lookupFundingLine.Name); if (!includeAll) { c.AddParam("@deleted", lookupFundingLine.Deleted); } using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); newFL.Id = r.GetInt("id"); newFL.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); newFL.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; } } } } SetLazyLoader(newFL); return(newFL); }
public List <Teller> SelectAllOfUser(int userId) { var tellers = new List <Teller>(); const string q = @"SELECT id , name , [desc] , account_id , deleted , branch_id , user_id , currency_id , amount_min , amount_max , deposit_amount_min , deposit_amount_max , withdrawal_amount_min , withdrawal_amount_max FROM dbo.Tellers WHERE user_id = @user_id AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@user_id", userId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(tellers); } while (r.Read()) { var teller = new Teller(); teller.Id = r.GetInt("id"); teller.Name = r.GetString("name"); teller.Description = r.GetString("desc"); teller.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); teller.Account = accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")); teller.Branch = branchManager.Select(r.GetInt("branch_id")); int uId = r.GetInt("user_id"); teller.User = uId == 0 ? new User { Id = 0 } : userManager.SelectUser(uId, false); teller.Currency = currencyManager.SelectCurrencyById(r.GetInt("currency_id")); teller.MinAmountTeller = r.GetMoney("amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountTeller = r.GetMoney("amount_max"); teller.MinAmountDeposit = r.GetMoney("deposit_amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountDeposit = r.GetMoney("deposit_amount_max"); teller.MinAmountWithdrawal = r.GetMoney("withdrawal_amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountWithdrawal = r.GetMoney("withdrawal_amount_max"); tellers.Add(teller); } } } return(tellers); }
public FundingLine SelectFundingLineByName(string name) { FundingLine fundingLine = null; string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], FundingLines.[name], FundingLines.[deleted], FundingLines.[amount], FundingLines.[begin_date], FundingLines.[end_date], FundingLines.[purpose], FundingLines.[currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_is_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE FundingLines.[name]=@name AND [deleted]=0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); fundingLine = new FundingLine(); fundingLine.Id = r.GetInt("id"); fundingLine.Name = r.GetString("name"); fundingLine.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); fundingLine.StartDate = r.GetDateTime("begin_date"); fundingLine.Purpose = r.GetString("purpose"); fundingLine.EndDate = r.GetDateTime("end_date"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; } } } } SetLazyLoader(fundingLine); return(fundingLine); }
private static InstallmentType GetInstallmentTypeFromReader(OpenCbsReader r) { return(new InstallmentType { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("name"), NbOfDays = r.GetInt("nb_of_days"), NbOfMonths = r.GetInt("nb_of_months") }); }
private PaymentMethod GetPaymentMethodFromReader(OpenCbsReader r) { //Do not change this calling of constructor by Object initializer PaymentMethod pm = new PaymentMethod( r.GetInt("id"), r.GetString("name"), r.GetString("description"), r.GetBool("pending") ); pm.Account = _accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")); return(pm); }
public List <FundingLine> SelectFundingLines() { List <FundingLine> list = new List <FundingLine>(); string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], FundingLines.[name], [begin_date], [end_date], [amount], [purpose], [deleted], [currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_is_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE [deleted] = 0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { FundingLine fundingLine = new FundingLine(); fundingLine.Id = r.GetInt("id"); fundingLine.Name = r.GetString("name"); fundingLine.StartDate = r.GetDateTime("begin_date"); fundingLine.EndDate = r.GetDateTime("end_date"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Purpose = r.GetString("purpose"); fundingLine.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); fundingLine.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; SetLazyLoader(fundingLine); list.Add(fundingLine); } } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// This methods allows us to find all domains of application /// </summary> /// <returns>hierarchic collection of DomainOfApplication /// </returns> public List <EconomicActivity> SelectAllEconomicActivities() { List <EconomicActivity> doaList = new List <EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id FROM EconomicActivities WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectAll = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectAll.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) { doaList[i] = SelectEconomicActivity(doaList[i].Id); } return(doaList); }
public bool ThisActivityAlreadyExist(string pName, int pParentId, bool isLoanPurpose) { int id = 0; if (isLoanPurpose) { const string sqlText = @"SELECT id, name, deleted FROM LoanPurpose WHERE parent_id = @id AND name = @name AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@name", pName); sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); id = reader.GetInt("id"); } } } } else { ThisActivityAlreadyExist(pName, pParentId); } return(id != 0); }
public List <Project> SelectProjectsByClientId(int pClientId) { var list = new List <Project>(); var listIds = new List <int>(); const string query = "SELECT id FROM Projects WHERE tiers_id = @tiersId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(query, conn)) { select.AddParam("@tiersId", pClientId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { if (!reader.Empty) { while (reader.Read()) { listIds.Add(reader.GetInt("id")); } } } } foreach (int id in listIds) { list.Add(SelectProject(id)); } } return(list); }
public List <City> SelectCityByDistrictId(int pDistrictId) { List <City> cities = new List <City>(); const string q = "SELECT name, id FROM City WHERE district_id = @id and deleted = 0 ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", pDistrictId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { City city = new City { Name = r.GetString("name"), Id = r.GetInt("id"), DistrictId = pDistrictId }; cities.Add(city); } } } } return(cities); }
public int GetNumberProject(string pQuery) { string SELECT_FROM_PROJET_ = @" SELECT DISTINCT,pro.code, as name_project,pro.aim,pers.first_name, pers.last_name,tie.client_type_code, as tiers_id, as companyName FROM (Projects as pro INNER JOIN Tiers tie on ) LEFT JOIN Corporates corp on LEFT JOIN Persons pers on ) maTable" ; string CloseWhere = @" WHERE ( companyName LIKE @companyName OR code LIKE @code OR name_project LIKE @nameProject OR aim LIKE @aim OR last_name LIKE @lastName OR first_name LIKE @firtName )) maTable "; QueryEntity q = new QueryEntity(pQuery, SELECT_FROM_PROJET_, CloseWhere); string pSqlText = q.ConstructSQLEntityNumberProxy(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(pSqlText, conn)) { foreach (var item in q.DynamiqParameters()) { select.AddParam(item.Key, string.Format("%{0}%", item.Value)); } using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); return(reader.GetInt(0)); } } }
private List <EconomicActivity> GetCasheEconomicActivities() { List <EconomicActivity> doaList = new List <EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id,name,deleted,parent_id FROM EconomicActivities WHERE deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectAll = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectAll.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id"), Name = reader.GetString("name"), ParentId = reader.GetNullInt("parent_id") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } foreach (var economicActivity in doaList) { economicActivity.Parent = doaList.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Id == economicActivity.ParentId); economicActivity.Childrens = doaList.Where(val => economicActivity.Id == val.ParentId).ToList(); } return(doaList); }
private static Installment GetInstallment(OpenCbsReader r) { var installment = new Installment { Number = r.GetInt("number"), ExpectedDate = r.GetDateTime("expected_date"), InterestsRepayment = r.GetMoney("interest_repayment"), CapitalRepayment = r.GetMoney("capital_repayment"), PaidDate = r.GetNullDateTime("paid_date"), PaidCapital = r.GetMoney("paid_capital"), FeesUnpaid = r.GetMoney("fees_unpaid"), PaidInterests = r.GetMoney("paid_interest"), PaidFees = r.GetMoney("paid_fees"), Comment = r.GetString("comment"), IsPending = r.GetBool("pending"), StartDate = r.GetDateTime("start_date"), OLB = r.GetMoney("olb"), Commission = r.GetMoney("commission"), PaidCommissions = r.GetMoney("paid_commission"), LastInterestAccrualDate = r.GetDateTime("last_interest_accrual_date"), ExtraAmount1 = r.GetMoney("extra_amount_1"), ExtraAmount2 = r.GetMoney("extra_amount_2") }; return(installment); }
public int SelectUserForThisRole(string pRoleName) { string q = @"SELECT TOP 1 [user_id] FROM UserRole INNER JOIN Roles ON UserRole.role_id = INNER JOIN Users ON = UserRole.[user_id] WHERE Roles.code = @roleCode AND Users.deleted = 0"; int foundId = 0; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@roleCode", pRoleName); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); foundId = r.GetInt("user_id"); } } } return(foundId); } } }
public List <MenuObject> GetMenuList(OSecurityObjectTypes[] securityObjectTypes) { string q = @"SELECT [id], [component_name] FROM [MenuItems]"; if (securityObjectTypes.Any()) { string[] types = securityObjectTypes.Select(t => Convert.ToString((int)t)).ToArray(); string condition = string.Format(" WHERE [type] in ({0})", string.Join(",", types)); q += condition; } List <MenuObject> menus = new List <MenuObject>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null && !r.Empty) { while (r.Read()) { menus.Add(new MenuObject { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("component_name").Trim(), NotSavedInDBYet = false }); } } } } return(menus); }
public Branch SelectBranchByName(string name) { string query = @"SELECT id , name , deleted , code , address , description FROM dbo.Branches WHERE name LIKE '%{0}%'"; query = string.Format(query, name); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(query, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(null); } if (!r.Read()) { return(null); } return(new Branch { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Code = r.GetString("code"), Name = r.GetString("name"), Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), Description = r.GetString("description") }); } }
public List <Province> SelectAllProvinces() { List <Province> provinces = new List <Province>(); const string q = "SELECT id,name FROM Provinces ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { Province province = new Province { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("name") }; provinces.Add(province); } } } return(provinces); }
public bool FieldValuesExistForFieldId(int fieldId) { string sqlText = @"SELECT COUNT(*) AS [number] FROM dbo.AdvancedFieldsValues WHERE field_id = @field_id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectCmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { selectCmd.AddParam("@field_id", fieldId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader == null || reader.Empty) { return(false); } reader.Read(); if (reader.GetInt("number") > 0) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool CustomizableFieldsExistFor(OCustomizableFieldEntities entity) { string sqlText = @"SELECT COUNT(*) AS [number] FROM dbo.AdvancedFields WHERE [entity_id] = @entity_id "; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectCmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { selectCmd.AddParam("@entity_id", (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(OCustomizableFieldEntities), entity.ToString())); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader == null || reader.Empty) { return(false); } reader.Read(); if (reader.GetInt("number") > 0) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
private List <EconomicActivity> SelectLPChildren(int pParentId) { List <EconomicActivity> doaList = new List <EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id, name, deleted FROM LoanPurpose WHERE parent_id = @id AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id"), Name = reader.GetString("name"), Deleted = reader.GetBool("deleted") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) { doaList[i].Childrens = SelectLPChildren(doaList[i].Id); } return(doaList); }
private Project GetProject(OpenCbsReader reader) { Project project = new Project(); project.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); project.ProjectStatus = (OProjectStatus)reader.GetSmallInt("status"); project.Code = reader.GetString("code"); project.Name = reader.GetString("name"); project.Aim = reader.GetString("aim"); project.BeginDate = reader.GetDateTime("begin_date"); project.Abilities = reader.GetString("abilities"); project.Experience = reader.GetString("experience"); project.Market = reader.GetString("market"); project.Concurrence = reader.GetString("concurrence"); project.Purpose = reader.GetString("purpose"); project.CorporateName = reader.GetString("corporate_name"); project.CorporateJuridicStatus = reader.GetString("corporate_juridicStatus"); project.CorporateFiscalStatus = reader.GetString("corporate_FiscalStatus"); project.CorporateSIRET = reader.GetString("corporate_siret"); project.CorporateRegistre = reader.GetString("corporate_registre"); project.CorporateCA = reader.GetMoney("corporate_CA"); project.CorporateNbOfJobs = reader.GetNullInt("corporate_nbOfJobs"); project.CorporateFinancialPlanType = reader.GetString("corporate_financialPlanType"); project.CorporateFinancialPlanAmount = reader.GetMoney("corporateFinancialPlanAmount"); project.CorporateFinancialPlanTotalAmount = reader.GetMoney("corporate_financialPlanTotalAmount"); project.Address = reader.GetString("address"); project.City = reader.GetString("city"); project.ZipCode = reader.GetString("zipCode"); int? districtId = reader.GetNullInt("district_id"); if (districtId.HasValue) project.District = new District { Id = districtId.Value }; project.HomePhone = reader.GetString("home_phone"); project.PersonalPhone = reader.GetString("personalPhone"); project.Email = reader.GetString("Email"); project.HomeType = reader.GetString("hometype"); return project; }
private static Role GetRole(OpenCbsReader r) { return new Role { Id = r.GetInt("id"), RoleName = r.GetString("code"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), Description = r.GetString("description") };; }
private static User _GetUser(OpenCbsReader pReader) { User user = new User { Id = pReader.GetInt("user_id"), UserName = pReader.GetString("user_name"), FirstName = pReader.GetString("first_name"), LastName = pReader.GetString("last_name"), Mail = pReader.GetString("mail"), IsDeleted = pReader.GetBool("deleted"), HasContract = (pReader.GetInt("contract_count") != 0), Sex = pReader.GetChar("sex"), Phone = pReader.GetString("phone") }; user.SetRole(pReader.GetString("role_code")); user.UserRole = new Role { RoleName = pReader.GetString("role_name"), Id = pReader.GetInt("role_id") }; return user; }
private static Role GetRoleForFrmRoles(OpenCbsReader r) { return new Role { Id = r.GetInt("id"), RoleName = r.GetString("code"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), Description = r.GetString("description"), DefaultStartPage = (OStartPages.StartPages)Enum.Parse(typeof(OStartPages.StartPages), (r.GetString("default_start_view")), true) }; ; }
private static Role GetRole(OpenCbsReader r) { return new Role { Id = r.GetInt("id"), RoleName = r.GetString("code"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), Description = r.GetString("description"), IsRoleForLoan = r.GetBool("role_of_loan"), IsRoleForSaving = r.GetBool("role_of_saving"), IsRoleForTeller = r.GetBool("role_of_teller") };; }
private PaymentMethod GetPaymentMethodFromReader(OpenCbsReader r) { //Do not change this calling of constructor by Object initializer PaymentMethod pm = new PaymentMethod( r.GetInt("id"), r.GetString("name"), r.GetString("description"), r.GetBool("pending") ); pm.Account = _accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")); return pm; }
private static InstallmentType GetInstallmentTypeFromReader(OpenCbsReader r) { return new InstallmentType { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("name"), NbOfDays = r.GetInt("nb_of_days"), NbOfMonths = r.GetInt("nb_of_months") }; }
private static EconomicActivity GetEconomicActivity(OpenCbsReader pReader) { EconomicActivity doa = new EconomicActivity(); if (pReader != null) { if (!pReader.Empty) { pReader.Read(); doa.Id = pReader.GetInt("id"); doa.Name = pReader.GetString("name"); doa.Deleted = pReader.GetBool("deleted"); } } return doa; }
private static Installment GetInstallmentHistoryFromReader(OpenCbsReader r) { var i = new Installment { Number = r.GetInt("number"), ExpectedDate = r.GetDateTime("expected_date"), StartDate = r.GetDateTime("start_date"), CapitalRepayment = r.GetMoney("capital_repayment"), InterestsRepayment = r.GetMoney("interest_repayment"), PaidInterests = r.GetMoney("paid_interest"), PaidCapital = r.GetMoney("paid_capital"), PaidFees = r.GetMoney("paid_fees"), FeesUnpaid = r.GetMoney("fees_unpaid"), PaidDate = r.GetNullDateTime("paid_date"), Comment = r.GetString("comment"), OLB = r.GetMoney("olb"), IsPending = r.GetBool("pending") }; return i; }