Event arguments for handling the window close event.
Inheritance: CancelEventArgs
        public string OnBeforeUnload()
            // Setup initial conditions.
            if (WindowClosing == null) return null;

            // Check with event-listeners to see if any of them want to cancel the window-close operation.
            var args = new HtmlWindowCloseEventArgs();
            OnWindowClosing(this, args);
            if (!args.Cancel) return null; // No one wanted to stop the window from closing.

            // Present the 'Are you sure' dialog to the use (via the browser).
            var message = args.DialogMessage.AsNullWhenEmpty() != null 
                        ? args.DialogMessage 
                        : DefaultDialogMessage;
            return message;
 private void DontCancelOnClose(object sender, HtmlWindowCloseEventArgs e)
     Debug.WriteLine("!! Event: WindowClosing (Non-Cancel Handler)");
     e.Cancel = false;
 private static void OnWindowClosing(object sender, HtmlWindowCloseEventArgs e) { if (WindowClosing != null) WindowClosing(sender, e); }
 private void CancelOnClose(object sender, HtmlWindowCloseEventArgs e)
     Debug.WriteLine("!! Event: WindowClosing (Cancel Handler)");
     e.DialogMessage = GetMessage();
     e.Cancel = true;