public void ApproveCertificateRequest(NodeId requestId, bool isRejected) { if (NodeId.IsNull(requestId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requestId)); } Guid?id = requestId.Identifier as Guid?; if (id == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdInvalid); } using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var request = (from x in entities.CertificateRequests where x.RequestId == id select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (request == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown); } request.State = (int)((isRejected)?CertificateRequestState.Rejected:CertificateRequestState.Approved); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public bool SetApplicationTrustLists(NodeId applicationId, NodeId trustListId, NodeId httpsTrustListId) { if (NodeId.IsNull(applicationId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationId)); } if (applicationId.IdType != IdType.Guid || NamespaceIndex != applicationId.NamespaceIndex) { throw new ArgumentException("The application id is not recognized.", nameof(applicationId)); } Guid id = (Guid)applicationId.Identifier; using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var result = (from x in entities.Applications where x.ApplicationId == id select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) { return(false); } result.TrustListId = null; result.HttpsTrustListId = null; if (trustListId != null) { string storePath = trustListId.ToString(); var result2 = (from x in entities.CertificateStores where x.Path == storePath select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (result2 != null) { result.TrustListId = result2.ID; } } if (httpsTrustListId != null) { string storePath = httpsTrustListId.ToString(); var result2 = (from x in entities.CertificateStores where x.Path == storePath select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (result2 != null) { result.HttpsTrustListId = result2.ID; } } entities.SaveChanges(); } return(true); }
public NodeId CreateCertificateRequest( NodeId applicationId, byte[] certificate, byte[] privateKey, string authorityId) { if (NodeId.IsNull(applicationId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationId)); } Guid?id = applicationId.Identifier as Guid?; if (id == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdInvalid); } using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var application = (from x in entities.Applications where x.ApplicationId == id select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (application == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown); } var request = (from x in application.CertificateRequests where x.AuthorityId == authorityId select x).SingleOrDefault(); bool isNew = false; if (request == null) { request = new CertificateRequest() { RequestId = Guid.NewGuid(), AuthorityId = authorityId }; isNew = true; } request.State = (int)CertificateRequestState.New; request.Certificate = certificate; request.PrivateKey = privateKey; if (isNew) { application.CertificateRequests.Add(request); } entities.SaveChanges(); return(new NodeId(request.RequestId, NamespaceIndex)); } }
public ApplicationRecordDataType[] FindApplications(string applicationUri) { using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var results = from x in entities.Applications where x.ApplicationUri == applicationUri select x; List <ApplicationRecordDataType> records = new List <ApplicationRecordDataType>(); foreach (var result in results) { LocalizedText[] names = null; if (result.ApplicationName != null) { names = new LocalizedText[] { result.ApplicationName }; } StringCollection discoveryUrls = null; if (result.ServerEndpoints != null) { discoveryUrls = new StringCollection(); foreach (var endpoint in result.ServerEndpoints) { discoveryUrls.Add(endpoint.DiscoveryUrl); } } string[] capabilities = null; if (result.ServerCapabilities != null) { capabilities = result.ServerCapabilities.Split(','); } records.Add(new ApplicationRecordDataType() { ApplicationId = new NodeId(result.ApplicationId, NamespaceIndex), ApplicationUri = result.ApplicationUri, ApplicationType = (ApplicationType)result.ApplicationType, ApplicationNames = new LocalizedTextCollection(names), ProductUri = result.ProductUri, DiscoveryUrls = discoveryUrls, ServerCapabilities = capabilities }); } return(records.ToArray()); } }
public void UnregisterApplication( NodeId applicationId, out byte[] certificate, out byte[] httpsCertificate) { if (NodeId.IsNull(applicationId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationId)); } Guid?id = applicationId.Identifier as Guid?; if (id == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown); } List <byte[]> certificates = new List <byte[]>(); using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var result = (from ii in entities.Applications where ii.ApplicationId == id.Value select ii).SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) { throw new ArgumentException("A record with the specified application id does not exist.", nameof(applicationId)); } certificate = result.Certificate; httpsCertificate = result.HttpsCertificate; foreach (var entry in new List <CertificateRequest>(result.CertificateRequests)) { entities.CertificateRequests.Remove(entry); } foreach (var entry in new List <ApplicationName>(result.ApplicationNames)) { entities.ApplicationNames.Remove(entry); } foreach (var entry in new List <ServerEndpoint>(result.ServerEndpoints)) { entities.ServerEndpoints.Remove(entry); } entities.Applications.Remove(result); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public void InitializeTables() { using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { Assembly assembly = typeof(ApplicationsDatabase).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; StreamReader istrm = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Opc.Ua.GdsServer.DB.Tables.sql")); string tables = istrm.ReadToEnd(); entities.Database.Initialize(true); entities.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); var parts = tables.Split(new string[] { "GO" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (var part in parts) { entities.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(part); } entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public bool SetApplicationCertificate(NodeId applicationId, byte[] certificate, bool isHttpsCertificate) { if (NodeId.IsNull(applicationId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationId)); } if (applicationId.IdType != IdType.Guid || NamespaceIndex != applicationId.NamespaceIndex) { throw new ArgumentException("The application id is not recognized.", nameof(applicationId)); } Guid id = (Guid)applicationId.Identifier; using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var results = from x in entities.Applications where x.ApplicationId == id select x; var result = results.SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) { return(false); } if (isHttpsCertificate) { result.HttpsCertificate = certificate; } else { result.Certificate = certificate; } entities.SaveChanges(); } return(true); }
public NodeId RegisterApplication(ApplicationRecordDataType application) { if (application == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(application)); } if (application.ApplicationUri == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ApplicationUri"); } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(application.ApplicationUri, UriKind.Absolute)) { throw new ArgumentException(application.ApplicationUri + " is not a valid URI.", "ApplicationUri"); } if (application.ApplicationType < ApplicationType.Server || application.ApplicationType > ApplicationType.DiscoveryServer) { throw new ArgumentException(application.ApplicationType.ToString() + " is not a valid ApplicationType.", "ApplicationType"); } if (application.ApplicationNames == null || application.ApplicationNames.Count == 0 || LocalizedText.IsNullOrEmpty(application.ApplicationNames[0])) { throw new ArgumentException("At least one ApplicationName must be provided.", "ApplicationNames"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(application.ProductUri)) { throw new ArgumentException("A ProductUri must be provided.", "ProductUri"); } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(application.ProductUri, UriKind.Absolute)) { throw new ArgumentException(application.ProductUri + " is not a valid URI.", "ProductUri"); } if (application.DiscoveryUrls != null) { foreach (var discoveryUrl in application.DiscoveryUrls) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(discoveryUrl)) { continue; } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(discoveryUrl, UriKind.Absolute)) { throw new ArgumentException(discoveryUrl + " is not a valid URL.", "DiscoveryUrls"); } } } if (application.ApplicationType != ApplicationType.Client) { if (application.DiscoveryUrls == null || application.DiscoveryUrls.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("At least one DiscoveryUrl must be provided.", "DiscoveryUrls"); } } else { if (application.DiscoveryUrls != null && application.DiscoveryUrls.Count > 0) { throw new ArgumentException("DiscoveryUrls must not be specified for clients.", "DiscoveryUrls"); } } StringBuilder capabilities = new StringBuilder(); if (application.ServerCapabilities != null) { foreach (var capability in application.ServerCapabilities) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(capability)) { continue; } if (capabilities.Length > 0) { capabilities.Append(','); } capabilities.Append(capability); } } if (application.ApplicationType != ApplicationType.Client) { if (application.ServerCapabilities == null || application.ServerCapabilities.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("At least one Server Capability must be provided.", "ServerCapabilities"); } } Guid applicationId = Guid.Empty; if (!NodeId.IsNull(application.ApplicationId)) { if (application.ApplicationId.IdType != IdType.Guid) { throw new ArgumentException("The ApplicationId to does refer to a existing record.", "ApplicationId"); } applicationId = (Guid)application.ApplicationId.Identifier; } using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { Application record = null; if (applicationId != Guid.Empty) { var results = from ii in entities.Applications where ii.ApplicationId == applicationId select ii; record = results.SingleOrDefault(); if (record != null) { var endpoints = from ii in entities.ServerEndpoints where ii.ApplicationId == record.ID select ii; foreach (var endpoint in endpoints) { entities.ServerEndpoints.Remove(endpoint); } var names = from ii in entities.ApplicationNames where ii.ApplicationId == record.ID select ii; foreach (var name in names) { entities.ApplicationNames.Remove(name); } entities.SaveChanges(); } } bool isNew = false; if (record == null) { record = new Application() { ApplicationId = Guid.NewGuid() }; isNew = true; } record.ApplicationUri = application.ApplicationUri; record.ApplicationName = application.ApplicationNames[0].Text; record.ApplicationType = (int)application.ApplicationType; record.ProductUri = application.ProductUri; record.ServerCapabilities = capabilities.ToString(); if (isNew) { entities.Applications.Add(record); } entities.SaveChanges(); if (application.DiscoveryUrls != null) { foreach (var discoveryUrl in application.DiscoveryUrls) { entities.ServerEndpoints.Add(new ServerEndpoint() { ApplicationId = record.ID, DiscoveryUrl = discoveryUrl }); } } if (application.ApplicationNames != null && application.ApplicationNames.Count > 1) { foreach (var applicationName in application.ApplicationNames) { entities.ApplicationNames.Add(new ApplicationName() { ApplicationId = record.ID, Locale = applicationName.Locale, Text = applicationName.Text }); } } entities.SaveChanges(); return(new NodeId(record.ApplicationId, NamespaceIndex)); } }
public ServerOnNetwork[] QueryServers( uint startingRecordId, uint maxRecordsToReturn, string applicationName, string applicationUri, string productUri, string[] serverCapabilities, out DateTime lastCounterResetTime) { lastCounterResetTime = DateTime.MinValue; using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var results = from x in entities.ServerEndpoints join y in entities.Applications on x.ApplicationId equals y.ID where ((int)startingRecordId == 0 || (int)startingRecordId < x.ID) orderby x.ID select new { x.ID, y.ApplicationName, y.ApplicationUri, y.ProductUri, x.DiscoveryUrl, y.ServerCapabilities }; List <ServerOnNetwork> records = new List <ServerOnNetwork>(); foreach (var result in results) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationName)) { if (!Match(result.ApplicationName, applicationName)) { continue; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationUri)) { if (!Match(result.ApplicationUri, applicationUri)) { continue; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(productUri)) { if (!Match(result.ProductUri, productUri)) { continue; } } string[] capabilities = null; if (result.ServerCapabilities != null) { capabilities = result.ServerCapabilities.Split(','); } if (serverCapabilities != null && serverCapabilities.Length > 0) { bool match = true; for (int ii = 0; ii < serverCapabilities.Length; ii++) { if (capabilities == null || !capabilities.Contains(serverCapabilities[ii])) { match = false; break; } } if (!match) { continue; } } records.Add(new ServerOnNetwork() { RecordId = (uint)result.ID, ServerName = result.ApplicationName, DiscoveryUrl = result.DiscoveryUrl, ServerCapabilities = capabilities }); } return(records.ToArray()); } }
public ApplicationRecordDataType GetApplication(NodeId applicationId) { if (NodeId.IsNull(applicationId)) { return(null); } if (applicationId.IdType != IdType.Guid || NamespaceIndex != applicationId.NamespaceIndex) { return(null); } Guid id = (Guid)applicationId.Identifier; using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var results = from x in entities.Applications where x.ApplicationId == id select x; var result = results.SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) { return(null); } LocalizedText[] names = null; if (result.ApplicationName != null) { names = new LocalizedText[] { result.ApplicationName }; } StringCollection discoveryUrls = null; if (result.ServerEndpoints != null) { discoveryUrls = new StringCollection(); foreach (var endpoint in result.ServerEndpoints) { discoveryUrls.Add(endpoint.DiscoveryUrl); } } string[] capabilities = null; if (result.ServerCapabilities != null) { capabilities = result.ServerCapabilities.Split(','); } return(new ApplicationRecordDataType() { ApplicationId = new NodeId(result.ApplicationId, NamespaceIndex), ApplicationUri = result.ApplicationUri, ApplicationType = (ApplicationType)result.ApplicationType, ApplicationNames = new LocalizedTextCollection(names), ProductUri = result.ProductUri, DiscoveryUrls = discoveryUrls, ServerCapabilities = capabilities }); } }
public bool CompleteCertificateRequest( NodeId applicationId, NodeId requestId, out byte[] certificate, out byte[] privateKey) { certificate = null; privateKey = null; if (NodeId.IsNull(requestId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requestId)); } Guid?id = requestId.Identifier as Guid?; if (id == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdInvalid); } using (gdsdbEntities entities = new gdsdbEntities()) { var request = (from x in entities.CertificateRequests where x.RequestId == id select x).SingleOrDefault(); if (request == null) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown); } if (request.State == (int)CertificateRequestState.New) { return(false); } if (request.State == (int)CertificateRequestState.Rejected) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied, "The certificate request has been rejected by the administrator."); } certificate = request.Certificate; privateKey = request.PrivateKey; if (request.State == (int)CertificateRequestState.Approved) { if (request.AuthorityId != "https") { request.Application.Certificate = certificate; } else { request.Application.HttpsCertificate = certificate; } request.State = (int)CertificateRequestState.Accepted; } entities.SaveChanges(); return(true); } }