/// <summary> /// Adds a node to the set. /// </summary> public void Export(ISystemContext context, NodeState node, bool outputRedundantNames = true) { if (node == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node)); } if (Opc.Ua.NodeId.IsNull(node.NodeId)) { throw new ArgumentException("A non-null NodeId must be specified."); } UANode exportedNode = null; switch (node.NodeClass) { case NodeClass.Object: { BaseObjectState o = (BaseObjectState)node; UAObject value = new UAObject(); value.EventNotifier = o.EventNotifier; if (o.Parent != null) { value.ParentNodeId = ExportAlias(o.Parent.NodeId, context.NamespaceUris); } exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.Variable: { BaseVariableState o = (BaseVariableState)node; UAVariable value = new UAVariable(); value.DataType = ExportAlias(o.DataType, context.NamespaceUris); value.ValueRank = o.ValueRank; value.ArrayDimensions = Export(o.ArrayDimensions); value.AccessLevel = o.AccessLevelEx; value.MinimumSamplingInterval = o.MinimumSamplingInterval; value.Historizing = o.Historizing; if (o.Parent != null) { value.ParentNodeId = ExportAlias(o.Parent.NodeId, context.NamespaceUris); } if (o.Value != null) { XmlEncoder encoder = CreateEncoder(context); Variant variant = new Variant(o.Value); encoder.WriteVariantContents(variant.Value, variant.TypeInfo); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.InnerXml = encoder.Close(); value.Value = document.DocumentElement; } exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.Method: { MethodState o = (MethodState)node; UAMethod value = new UAMethod(); value.Executable = o.Executable; if (o.TypeDefinitionId != null && !o.TypeDefinitionId.IsNullNodeId && o.TypeDefinitionId != o.NodeId) { value.MethodDeclarationId = Export(o.TypeDefinitionId, context.NamespaceUris); } if (o.Parent != null) { value.ParentNodeId = ExportAlias(o.Parent.NodeId, context.NamespaceUris); } exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.View: { ViewState o = (ViewState)node; UAView value = new UAView(); value.ContainsNoLoops = o.ContainsNoLoops; exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.ObjectType: { BaseObjectTypeState o = (BaseObjectTypeState)node; UAObjectType value = new UAObjectType(); value.IsAbstract = o.IsAbstract; exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.VariableType: { BaseVariableTypeState o = (BaseVariableTypeState)node; UAVariableType value = new UAVariableType(); value.IsAbstract = o.IsAbstract; value.DataType = ExportAlias(o.DataType, context.NamespaceUris); value.ValueRank = o.ValueRank; value.ArrayDimensions = Export(o.ArrayDimensions); if (o.Value != null) { XmlEncoder encoder = CreateEncoder(context); Variant variant = new Variant(o.Value); encoder.WriteVariantContents(variant.Value, variant.TypeInfo); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.InnerXml = encoder.Close(); value.Value = document.DocumentElement; } exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.DataType: { DataTypeState o = (DataTypeState)node; UADataType value = new UADataType(); value.IsAbstract = o.IsAbstract; value.Definition = Export(o, o.DataTypeDefinition, context.NamespaceUris, outputRedundantNames); value.Purpose = o.Purpose; exportedNode = value; break; } case NodeClass.ReferenceType: { ReferenceTypeState o = (ReferenceTypeState)node; UAReferenceType value = new UAReferenceType(); value.IsAbstract = o.IsAbstract; if (!Opc.Ua.LocalizedText.IsNullOrEmpty(o.InverseName)) { value.InverseName = Export(new Opc.Ua.LocalizedText[] { o.InverseName }); } value.Symmetric = o.Symmetric; exportedNode = value; break; } } exportedNode.NodeId = Export(node.NodeId, context.NamespaceUris); exportedNode.BrowseName = Export(node.BrowseName, context.NamespaceUris); if (outputRedundantNames || node.DisplayName.Text != node.BrowseName.Name) { exportedNode.DisplayName = Export(new Opc.Ua.LocalizedText[] { node.DisplayName }); } else { exportedNode.DisplayName = null; } if (node.Description != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Description.Text)) { exportedNode.Description = Export(new Opc.Ua.LocalizedText[] { node.Description }); } else { exportedNode.Description = new LocalizedText[0]; } exportedNode.Documentation = node.NodeSetDocumentation; exportedNode.Category = (node.Categories != null && node.Categories.Count > 0) ? new List <string>(node.Categories).ToArray() : null; exportedNode.ReleaseStatus = node.ReleaseStatus; exportedNode.WriteMask = (uint)node.WriteMask; exportedNode.UserWriteMask = (uint)node.UserWriteMask; exportedNode.Extensions = node.Extensions; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(node.SymbolicName) && node.SymbolicName != node.BrowseName.Name) { exportedNode.SymbolicName = node.SymbolicName; } // export references. INodeBrowser browser = node.CreateBrowser(context, null, null, true, BrowseDirection.Both, null, null, true); List <Reference> exportedReferences = new List <Reference>(); IReference reference = browser.Next(); while (reference != null) { if (node.NodeClass == NodeClass.Method) { if (!reference.IsInverse && reference.ReferenceTypeId == ReferenceTypeIds.HasTypeDefinition) { reference = browser.Next(); continue; } } Reference exportedReference = new Reference(); exportedReference.ReferenceType = ExportAlias(reference.ReferenceTypeId, context.NamespaceUris); exportedReference.IsForward = !reference.IsInverse; exportedReference.Value = Export(reference.TargetId, context.NamespaceUris, context.ServerUris); exportedReferences.Add(exportedReference); reference = browser.Next(); } exportedNode.References = exportedReferences.ToArray(); // add node to list. UANode[] nodes = null; int count = 1; if (this.Items == null) { nodes = new UANode[count]; } else { count += this.Items.Length; nodes = new UANode[count]; Array.Copy(this.Items, nodes, this.Items.Length); } nodes[count - 1] = exportedNode; this.Items = nodes; // recusively process children. List <BaseInstanceState> children = new List <BaseInstanceState>(); node.GetChildren(context, children); for (int ii = 0; ii < children.Count; ii++) { Export(context, children[ii], outputRedundantNames); } }