/// <summary> /// Updates the aggregate descriptions. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="aggregates">The aggregates.</param> private void UpdateAggregateDescriptions(Session session, List<HdaAggregate> aggregates) { ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); ; for (int ii = 0; ii < aggregates.Count; ii++) { HdaAggregate aggregate = aggregates[ii]; ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = aggregate.RemoteId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.Description; nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); } DataValueCollection values = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; // read values from the UA server. ResponseHeader responseHeader = session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, nodesToRead, out values, out diagnosticInfos); // validate response from the UA server. ClientBase.ValidateResponse(values, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); for (int ii = 0; ii < aggregates.Count; ii++) { HdaAggregate aggregate = aggregates[ii]; if (StatusCode.IsBad(values[ii].StatusCode)) { aggregate.Description = null; continue; } aggregate.Description = values[ii].WrappedValue.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the targets for the specified reference. /// </summary> private static void UpdateInstanceDescriptions(Session session, List<InstanceDeclaration> instances, bool throwOnError) { try { ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); for (int ii = 0; ii < instances.Count; ii++) { ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = instances[ii].NodeId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.Description; nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = instances[ii].NodeId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.DataType; nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = instances[ii].NodeId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.ValueRank; nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); } // start the browse operation. DataValueCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, nodesToRead, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); // update the instances. for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToRead.Count; ii += 3) { InstanceDeclaration instance = instances[ii / 3]; instance.Description = results[ii].GetValue<LocalizedText>(LocalizedText.Null).Text; instance.DataType = results[ii + 1].GetValue<NodeId>(NodeId.Null); instance.ValueRank = results[ii + 2].GetValue<int>(ValueRanks.Any); if (!NodeId.IsNull(instance.DataType)) { instance.BuiltInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(instance.DataType, session.TypeTree); instance.DataTypeDisplayText = session.NodeCache.GetDisplayText(instance.DataType); if (instance.ValueRank >= 0) { instance.DataTypeDisplayText += "[]"; } } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (throwOnError) { throw new ServiceResultException(exception, StatusCodes.BadUnexpectedError); } } }
/// <summary> /// Validates the items by reading the attributes required to add them to the group. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="group">The group.</param> /// <param name="requests">The requests.</param> /// <param name="items">The items.</param> /// <param name="start">The start index.</param> /// <param name="count">The number of items to process.</param> private void ValidateItems( Session session, ComDaGroup group, ComDaCreateItemRequest[] requests, ComDaGroupItem[] items, int start, int count) { // build list of the UA attributes that need to be read. ReadValueIdCollection attributesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); for (int ii = start; ii < start + count && ii < requests.Length; ii++) { // create the group item. ComDaCreateItemRequest request = requests[ii]; ComDaGroupItem item = items[ii] = new ComDaGroupItem(group, request.ItemId); item.NodeId = m_mapper.GetRemoteNodeId(request.ItemId); item.Active = request.Active; item.ClientHandle = request.ClientHandle; item.RequestedDataType = request.RequestedDataType; item.SamplingRate = -1; item.Deadband = -1; // add attributes. ReadValueId attributeToRead; attributeToRead = new ReadValueId(); attributeToRead.NodeId = item.NodeId; attributeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.NodeClass; attributesToRead.Add(attributeToRead); attributeToRead = new ReadValueId(); attributeToRead.NodeId = item.NodeId; attributeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.DataType; attributesToRead.Add(attributeToRead); attributeToRead = new ReadValueId(); attributeToRead.NodeId = item.NodeId; attributeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.ValueRank; attributesToRead.Add(attributeToRead); attributeToRead = new ReadValueId(); attributeToRead.NodeId = item.NodeId; attributeToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.UserAccessLevel; attributesToRead.Add(attributeToRead); } // read attribute values from the server. DataValueCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; try { session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, attributesToRead, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, attributesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, attributesToRead); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.Trace(e, "Unexpected error reading attributes for items."); // set default values on error. for (int ii = start; ii < start + count && ii < requests.Length; ii++) { requests[ii].Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDITEMID; } return; } // process results. int first = 0; for (int ii = start; ii < start + count && ii < requests.Length; ii++, first += 4) { ComDaGroupItem item = items[ii]; // verify node class. NodeClass nodeClass = (NodeClass)results[first].GetValue<int>((int)NodeClass.Unspecified); if (nodeClass != NodeClass.Variable) { requests[ii].Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDITEMID; continue; } // verify data type. NodeId dataTypeId = results[first+1].GetValue<NodeId>(null); if (dataTypeId == null) { requests[ii].Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDITEMID; continue; } // get value rank. int valueRank = results[first+2].GetValue<int>(ValueRanks.Scalar); // update datatypes. BuiltInType builtInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(dataTypeId, session.TypeTree); item.RemoteDataType = new TypeInfo(builtInType, valueRank); item.CanonicalDataType = (short)ComUtils.GetVarType(item.RemoteDataType); // update access rights. byte userAccessLevel = results[first+3].GetValue<byte>(0); if ((userAccessLevel & AccessLevels.CurrentRead) != 0) { item.AccessRights |= OpcRcw.Da.Constants.OPC_READABLE; } if ((userAccessLevel & AccessLevels.CurrentWrite) != 0) { item.AccessRights |= OpcRcw.Da.Constants.OPC_WRITEABLE; } } }
/// <summary> /// Prompts the user to enter a value to write. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session to use.</param> /// <param name="nodeId">The identifier for the node to write to.</param> /// <param name="attributeId">The attribute being written.</param> /// <returns>True if successful. False if the operation was cancelled.</returns> public bool ShowDialog(Session session, NodeId nodeId, uint attributeId) { m_session = session; m_nodeId = nodeId; m_attributeId = attributeId; ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = nodeId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = attributeId; ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); // read current value. DataValueCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; m_session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, nodesToRead, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); m_value = results[0]; ValueTB.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", m_value.WrappedValue); // display the dialog. if (ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the item handles. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="itemIds">The item ids.</param> /// <param name="clientHandles">The client handles.</param> /// <param name="validateOnly">if set to <c>true</c> handles are not created and item ids are only validated.</param> /// <returns>The handles containing any error information.</returns> public HdaItemHandle[] GetItemHandles(Session session, string[] itemIds, int[] clientHandles, bool validateOnly) { HdaItemHandle[] handles = new HdaItemHandle[itemIds.Length]; ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); for (int ii = 0; ii < itemIds.Length; ii++) { InternalHandle handle = new InternalHandle(); handles[ii] = handle; if (clientHandles != null) { handle.ClientHandle = clientHandles[ii]; } string itemId = itemIds[ii]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId)) { handle.Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDITEMID; continue; } // check if item has already been assigned. Item item = null; if (!validateOnly) { lock (m_lock) { if (m_items.TryGetValue(itemId, out item)) { handle.NodeId = item.NodeId; handle.ServerHandle = ++m_lastServerHandle; handle.Item = item; item.Refs++; m_handles[handle.ServerHandle] = handle; Utils.Trace("Created Handle: {0} {1}", handle.ServerHandle, handle.NodeId); continue; } } } // create a new item. handle.Item = item = new Item(); item.ItemId = itemId; handle.Error = ResultIds.S_OK; // assume valid for no - set to an error when detected. handle.NodeId = item.NodeId = m_mapper.GetRemoteNodeId(itemId); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.UserAccessLevel)); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.DisplayName)); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.Description)); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.DataType)); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.ValueRank)); nodesToRead.Add(Construct(handle, Attributes.Historizing)); } // check if nothing to do. if (nodesToRead.Count == 0) { return handles; } DataValueCollection values = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; // read values from the UA server. session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, nodesToRead, out values, out diagnosticInfos); // validate response from the UA server. ClientBase.ValidateResponse(values, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); // assign a local handle to all valid items. NodeIdCollection nodesToRegister = new NodeIdCollection(); List<InternalHandle> items = new List<InternalHandle>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToRead.Count; ii++) { InternalHandle handle = (InternalHandle)nodesToRead[ii].Handle; DataValue value = values[ii]; Item item = handle.Item; // check status codes. if (StatusCode.IsBad(value.StatusCode)) { // description is an optional attribute. if (nodesToRead[ii].AttributeId != Attributes.Description) { handle.Error = ResultIds.E_UNKNOWNITEMID; } continue; } // check access level. if (nodesToRead[ii].AttributeId == Attributes.UserAccessLevel) { byte accessLevel = value.GetValue<byte>(AccessLevels.None); if ((accessLevel & AccessLevels.HistoryRead) == 0) { handle.Error = ResultIds.E_UNKNOWNITEMID; continue; } } // save attribute. switch (nodesToRead[ii].AttributeId) { case Attributes.DisplayName: { item.DisplayName = value.GetValue<LocalizedText>(null); break; } case Attributes.Description: { item.Description = value.GetValue<LocalizedText>(null); break; } case Attributes.DataType: { item.DataType = value.GetValue<NodeId>(null); break; } case Attributes.ValueRank: { item.ValueRank = value.GetValue<int>(ValueRanks.Scalar); break; } case Attributes.Historizing: { item.Historizing = value.GetValue<bool>(false); break; } } // should have all item metadata when processing the historizing attribute result. if (nodesToRead[ii].AttributeId == Attributes.Historizing) { // check for a fatal error with one or more mandatory attributes. if (handle.Error != ResultIds.S_OK) { continue; } BuiltInType builtInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(item.DataType, session.TypeTree); item.RemoteType = new TypeInfo(builtInType, item.ValueRank); if (!validateOnly) { nodesToRegister.Add(item.NodeId); items.Add(handle); lock (m_lock) { m_items[handle.Item.ItemId] = handle.Item; handle.ServerHandle = ++m_lastServerHandle; handle.NodeId = handle.Item.NodeId; handle.Item.Refs++; m_handles[handle.ServerHandle] = handle; Utils.Trace("Created Handle: {0} {1}", handle.ServerHandle, handle.NodeId); } } } } return handles; }
/// <summary> /// Reads the current values for the specified attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="itemHandle">The item handle.</param> /// <param name="attributeIds">The attribute ids.</param> /// <returns></returns> public DaValue[] ReadCurrentValues(Session session, HdaItemHandle itemHandle, uint[] attributeIds) { DaValue[] results = new DaValue[attributeIds.Length]; // check handle. InternalHandle handle = itemHandle as InternalHandle; if (handle == null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < results.Length; ii++) { results[ii] = new DaValue(); results[ii].Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDHANDLE; } return results; } // look up the supported attributes for an item. ReadValueIdCollection supportedAttributes = handle.Item.SupportedAttributes; if (supportedAttributes == null) { handle.Item.SupportedAttributes = supportedAttributes = GetAvailableAttributes(session, handle.NodeId); } // build list of values to read. ReadValueIdCollection valuesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); List<int> indexes = new List<int>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < attributeIds.Length; ii++) { ReadValueId valueToRead = GetReadValueId(supportedAttributes, attributeIds[ii]); if (valueToRead == null) { results[ii] = new DaValue(); results[ii].Error = ResultIds.E_INVALIDATTRID; continue; } valuesToRead.Add(valueToRead); indexes.Add(ii); // need to fetch the value rank as well. if (attributeIds[ii] == Constants.OPCHDA_DATA_TYPE) { valuesToRead.Add(GetReadValueId(supportedAttributes, ComHdaProxy.INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_RANK)); indexes.Add(-1); } } // nothing to do. if (valuesToRead.Count == 0) { return results; } // read values from the UA server. DataValueCollection values = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, valuesToRead, out values, out diagnosticInfos); // validate response from the UA server. ClientBase.ValidateResponse(values, valuesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, valuesToRead); // assign a local handle to all valid items. for (int ii = 0; ii < valuesToRead.Count; ii++) { int index = indexes[ii]; uint attributeId = (uint)valuesToRead[ii].Handle; // check for values which are combined with other values to create the value (e.g. ValueRank). if (index == -1) { continue; } results[index] = GetAttributeValue(session, attributeId, values, ii); // only support current value for now. if (results[index].Error == ResultIds.S_OK) { results[index].Error = ResultIds.S_CURRENTVALUE; } } return results; }
/// <summary> /// Sends the read request to the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="nodesToRead">The nodes to read.</param> /// <returns></returns> private DataValueCollection Read(Session session, ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead) { // read attribute values from the server. DataValueCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; try { session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Source, nodesToRead, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); } catch (Exception e) { // convert to item level errors. ServiceResult error = new ServiceResult(e, StatusCodes.BadUnexpectedError); results = new DataValueCollection(); for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToRead.Count; ii++) { results.Add(new DataValue(error.StatusCode)); } } return results; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the expected data type. /// </summary> private TypeInfo GetExpectedType(Session session, NodeId nodeId) { // build list of attributes to read. ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); foreach (uint attributeId in new uint[] { Attributes.DataType, Attributes.ValueRank }) { ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId(); nodeToRead.NodeId = nodeId; nodeToRead.AttributeId = attributeId; nodesToRead.Add(nodeToRead); } // read the attributes. DataValueCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, nodesToRead, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead); // this call checks for error and checks the data type of the value. // if an error or mismatch occurs the default value is returned. NodeId dataTypeId = results[0].GetValue<NodeId>(null); int valueRank = results[1].GetValue<int>(ValueRanks.Scalar); // use the local type cache to look up the base type for the data type. BuiltInType builtInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(dataTypeId, session.NodeCache.TypeTree); // the type info object is used in cast and compare functions. return new TypeInfo(builtInType, valueRank); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the list of references. /// </summary> private void UpdateArguments(Session session, NodeId nodeId) { ArgumentsLV.Items.Clear(); // need to fetch the node ids for the argument properties. BrowsePathCollection browsePaths = new BrowsePathCollection(); foreach (string browseName in new string[] { BrowseNames.InputArguments, BrowseNames.OutputArguments }) { BrowsePath browsePath = new BrowsePath(); browsePath.StartingNode = nodeId; browsePath.Handle = browseName; RelativePathElement element = new RelativePathElement(); element.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HasProperty; element.IsInverse = false; element.IncludeSubtypes = true; element.TargetName = browseName; browsePath.RelativePath.Elements.Add(element); browsePaths.Add(browsePath); } // translate property names. BrowsePathResultCollection results = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; session.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds( null, browsePaths, out results, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, browsePaths); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, browsePaths); // create a list of values to read. ReadValueIdCollection valuesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection(); for (int ii = 0; ii < results.Count; ii++) { if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[ii].StatusCode) || results[ii].Targets.Count <= 0) { continue; } ReadValueId valueToRead = new ReadValueId(); valueToRead.NodeId = (NodeId)results[ii].Targets[0].TargetId; valueToRead.AttributeId = Attributes.Value; valueToRead.Handle = browsePaths[ii].Handle; valuesToRead.Add(valueToRead); } // read the values. if (valuesToRead.Count > 0) { DataValueCollection values = null; session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Neither, valuesToRead, out values, out diagnosticInfos); ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, valuesToRead); ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, valuesToRead); // update the list control. for (int ii = 0; ii < values.Count; ii++) { // all structures are wrapped in extension objects. ExtensionObject[] extensions = values[ii].GetValue<ExtensionObject[]>(null); if (extensions != null) { // convert to an argument structure. Argument[] arguments = (Argument[])ExtensionObject.ToArray(extensions, typeof(Argument)); UpdateList(session, arguments, (string)valuesToRead[ii].Handle); } } } // auto size the columns. for (int ii = 0; ii < ArgumentsLV.Columns.Count; ii++) { ArgumentsLV.Columns[ii].Width = -2; } }