/// <summary> /// Handle an incoming IMAP connection, from connection to completion. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">ImapProxyConnectionArguments object containing all parameters for this connection.</param> private void ProcessConnection(object parameters) { // Cast the passed-in parameters back to their original objects. ImapProxyConnectionArguments arguments = (ImapProxyConnectionArguments)parameters; try { TcpClient client = arguments.TcpClient; Stream clientStream = client.GetStream(); // Capture the client's IP information. PropertyInfo pi = clientStream.GetType().GetProperty("Socket", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); string ip = ((Socket)pi.GetValue(clientStream, null)).RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); if (ip.IndexOf(":") > -1) { ip = ip.Substring(0, ip.IndexOf(":")); } // If the IP address range filter contains the localhost entry, check if the client IP is a local address and update it to if so. if (arguments.AcceptedIPs.IndexOf("") > -1) { if (ip == "") { ip = ""; } else { IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress hostIP in hostEntry.AddressList) { if (hostIP.ToString() == ip) { ip = ""; break; } } } } // Validate that the IP address is within an accepted range. if (!ProxyFunctions.ValidateIP(arguments.AcceptedIPs, ip)) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Connection rejected from {" + ip + "} due to its IP address.", Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel); Functions.SendStreamString(clientStream, new byte[Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE], "500 IP address [" + ip + "] rejected.\r\n"); if (clientStream != null) { clientStream.Dispose(); } if (client != null) { client.Close(); } return; } ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "New connection established from {" + ip + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); // If supported, upgrade the session's security through a TLS handshake. if (arguments.LocalEnableSsl) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Starting local TLS/SSL protection for {" + ip + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); clientStream = new SslStream(clientStream); ((SslStream)clientStream).AuthenticateAsServer(arguments.Certificate); } // Connect to the remote server. TcpClient remoteServerClient = new TcpClient(arguments.RemoteServerHostName, arguments.RemoteServerPort); Stream remoteServerStream = remoteServerClient.GetStream(); // If supported, upgrade the session's security through a TLS handshake. if (arguments.RemoteServerEnableSsl) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Starting remote TLS/SSL protection with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); remoteServerStream = new SslStream(remoteServerStream); ((SslStream)remoteServerStream).AuthenticateAsClient(arguments.RemoteServerHostName); } // Relay server data to the client. TransmitArguments remoteServerToClientArguments = new TransmitArguments(); remoteServerToClientArguments.ClientStream = remoteServerStream; remoteServerToClientArguments.RemoteServerStream = clientStream; remoteServerToClientArguments.IsClient = false; remoteServerToClientArguments.ConnectionId = ConnectionId.ToString(); remoteServerToClientArguments.InstanceId = arguments.InstanceId; remoteServerToClientArguments.DebugMode = arguments.DebugMode; remoteServerToClientArguments.IPAddress = ip; remoteServerToClientArguments.ExportDirectory = arguments.ExportDirectory; Task.Run(() => RelayData(remoteServerToClientArguments)); // Relay client data to the remote server. TransmitArguments clientToRemoteServerArguments = new TransmitArguments(); clientToRemoteServerArguments.ClientStream = clientStream; clientToRemoteServerArguments.RemoteServerStream = remoteServerStream; clientToRemoteServerArguments.IsClient = true; clientToRemoteServerArguments.ConnectionId = ConnectionId.ToString(); clientToRemoteServerArguments.InstanceId = arguments.InstanceId; clientToRemoteServerArguments.DebugMode = arguments.DebugMode; clientToRemoteServerArguments.IPAddress = ip; clientToRemoteServerArguments.Credential = arguments.RemoteServerCredential; Task.Run(() => RelayData(clientToRemoteServerArguments)); } catch (SocketException ex) { if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception communicating with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "} on port {" + arguments.RemoteServerPort + "}: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel); } else { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception communicating with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "} on port {" + arguments.RemoteServerPort + "}: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel); } else { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel); } } }
/// <summary> /// Start a IMAP proxy instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="acceptedIPs">IP addresses to accept connections from.</param> /// <param name="localIPAddress">Local IP address to bind to.</param> /// <param name="localPort">Local port to listen on.</param> /// <param name="localEnableSsl">Whether the local server supports TLS/SSL.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerHostName">Remote server hostname to forward all IMAP messages to.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerPort">Remote server port to connect to.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerEnableSsl">Whether the remote IMAP server requires TLS/SSL.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerCredential">(Optional) Credentials to be used for all connections to the remote IMAP server. When set, this overrides any credentials passed locally.</param> /// <param name="exportDirectory">(Optional) Location where all incoming messages are saved as EML files.</param> /// <param name="logFile">File where event logs and exception information will be written.</param> /// <param name="logLevel">Proxy logging level, determining how much information is logged.</param> /// <param name="instanceId">The instance number of the proxy.</param> /// <param name="debugMode">Whether the proxy instance is running in DEBUG mode and should output full exception messages.</param> public void Start(string acceptedIPs, IPAddress localIPAddress, int localPort, bool localEnableSsl, string remoteServerHostName, int remoteServerPort, bool remoteServerEnableSsl, NetworkCredential remoteServerCredential, string exportDirectory, string logFile, LogLevel logLevel, int instanceId, bool debugMode) { // Create the log writer. string logFileName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFile)) { logFileName = ProxyFunctions.GetLogFileName(logFile, instanceId, localIPAddress.ToString(), remoteServerHostName, localPort, remoteServerPort); LogWriter = new StreamWriter(logFileName, true, Encoding.UTF8, Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE); LogWriter.AutoFlush = true; LogLevel = logLevel; } // Make sure the remote server isn't an infinite loop back to this server. string fqdn = Functions.GetLocalFQDN(); if (remoteServerHostName.ToUpper() == fqdn.ToUpper() && remoteServerPort == localPort) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Cannot start service because the remote server host name {" + remoteServerHostName + "} and port {" + remoteServerPort.ToString() + "} is the same as this proxy, which would cause an infinite loop.", Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); return; } IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress hostIP in hostEntry.AddressList) { if (remoteServerHostName == hostIP.ToString() && remoteServerPort == localPort) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Cannot start service because the remote server hostname {" + remoteServerHostName + "} and port {" + remoteServerPort.ToString() + "} is the same as this proxy, which would cause an infinite loop.", Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); return; } } ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Starting service.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); // Attempt to start up to 3 times in case another service using the port is shutting down. int startAttempts = 0; while (startAttempts < 3) { startAttempts++; // If we've failed to start once, wait an extra 10 seconds. if (startAttempts > 1) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Attempting to start for the " + (startAttempts == 2 ? "2nd" : "3rd") + " time.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); Thread.Sleep(10000 * startAttempts); } try { X509Certificate serverCertificate = null; // Generate a unique session ID for logging. SessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ConnectionId = 0; // If local SSL is supported via STARTTLS, ensure we have a valid server certificate. if (localEnableSsl) { // Load the SSL certificate for the listening server name. serverCertificate = CertHelper.GetCertificateBySubjectName(StoreLocation.LocalMachine, fqdn); // In case the service as running as the current user, check the Current User certificate store as well. if (serverCertificate == null) { serverCertificate = CertHelper.GetCertificateBySubjectName(StoreLocation.CurrentUser, fqdn); } // If no certificate was found, generate a self-signed certificate. if (serverCertificate == null) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "No signing certificate found, so generating new certificate.", Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel); List <DerObjectIdentifier> oids = new List <DerObjectIdentifier>(); oids.Add(new DerObjectIdentifier("")); // Server Authentication. // Generate the certificate with a duration of 10 years, 4096-bits, and a key usage of server authentication. serverCertificate = CertHelper.CreateSelfSignedCertificate(fqdn, fqdn, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, true, 4096, 10, oids); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Certificate generated with Serial Number {" + serverCertificate.GetSerialNumberString() + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); } } Listener = new TcpListener(localIPAddress, localPort); Listener.Start(); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Service started.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Listening on address {" + localIPAddress.ToString() + "}, port {" + localPort + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); Started = true; // Accept client requests, forking each into its own thread. while (Started) { TcpClient client = Listener.AcceptTcpClient(); string newLogFileName = ProxyFunctions.GetLogFileName(logFile, instanceId, localIPAddress.ToString(), remoteServerHostName, localPort, remoteServerPort); if (newLogFileName != logFileName) { if (LogWriter != null) { LogWriter.Close(); } LogWriter = new StreamWriter(newLogFileName, true, Encoding.UTF8, Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE); LogWriter.AutoFlush = true; } try { // Prepare the arguments for our new thread. ImapProxyConnectionArguments arguments = new ImapProxyConnectionArguments(); arguments.AcceptedIPs = acceptedIPs; arguments.TcpClient = client; arguments.Certificate = serverCertificate; arguments.ExportDirectory = exportDirectory; arguments.LocalIpAddress = localIPAddress; arguments.LocalPort = localPort; arguments.LocalEnableSsl = localEnableSsl; arguments.RemoteServerHostName = remoteServerHostName; arguments.RemoteServerPort = remoteServerPort; arguments.RemoteServerEnableSsl = remoteServerEnableSsl; arguments.RemoteServerCredential = remoteServerCredential; // Increment the connection counter; arguments.ConnectionId = (unchecked (++ConnectionId)).ToString(); arguments.InstanceId = instanceId; arguments.DebugMode = debugMode; // Fork the thread and continue listening for new connections. Task.Run(() => ProcessConnection(arguments)); } catch (Exception ex) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Error while processing connection: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel); } } return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (debugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception when starting proxy: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); } else { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception when starting proxy: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Start a IMAP proxy instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="acceptedIPs">IP addresses to accept connections from.</param> /// <param name="localIPAddress">Local IP address to bind to.</param> /// <param name="localPort">Local port to listen on.</param> /// <param name="localEnableSsl">Whether the local server supports TLS/SSL.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerHostName">Remote server hostname to forward all IMAP messages to.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerPort">Remote server port to connect to.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerEnableSsl">Whether the remote IMAP server requires TLS/SSL.</param> /// <param name="remoteServerCredential">(Optional) Credentials to be used for all connections to the remote IMAP server. When set, this overrides any credentials passed locally.</param> /// <param name="exportDirectory">(Optional) Location where all incoming messages are saved as EML files.</param> /// <param name="logFile">File where event logs and exception information will be written.</param> /// <param name="logLevel">Proxy logging level, determining how much information is logged.</param> /// <param name="instanceId">The instance number of the proxy.</param> /// <param name="debugMode">Whether the proxy instance is running in DEBUG mode and should output full exception messages.</param> public void Start(string acceptedIPs, IPAddress localIPAddress, int localPort, bool localEnableSsl, string remoteServerHostName, int remoteServerPort, bool remoteServerEnableSsl, NetworkCredential remoteServerCredential, string exportDirectory, string logFile, LogLevel logLevel, int instanceId, bool debugMode) { // Create the log writer. string logFileName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFile)) { logFileName = ProxyFunctions.GetLogFileName(logFile, instanceId, localIPAddress.ToString(), remoteServerHostName, localPort, remoteServerPort); LogWriter = new StreamWriter(logFileName, true, Encoding.UTF8, Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE); LogWriter.AutoFlush = true; LogLevel = logLevel; } // Make sure the remote server isn't an infinite loop back to this server. string fqdn = Functions.GetLocalFQDN(); if (remoteServerHostName.ToUpper() == fqdn.ToUpper() && remoteServerPort == localPort) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Cannot start service because the remote server host name {" + remoteServerHostName + "} and port {" + remoteServerPort.ToString() + "} is the same as this proxy, which would cause an infinite loop.", Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); return; } IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress hostIP in hostEntry.AddressList) { if (remoteServerHostName == hostIP.ToString() && remoteServerPort == localPort) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Cannot start service because the remote server hostname {" + remoteServerHostName + "} and port {" + remoteServerPort.ToString() + "} is the same as this proxy, which would cause an infinite loop.", Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); return; } } ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Starting service.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); // Attempt to start up to 3 times in case another service using the port is shutting down. int startAttempts = 0; while (startAttempts < 3) { startAttempts++; // If we've failed to start once, wait an extra 10 seconds. if (startAttempts > 1) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Attempting to start for the " + (startAttempts == 2 ? "2nd" : "3rd") + " time.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); Thread.Sleep(10000 * startAttempts); } try { X509Certificate serverCertificate = null; // Generate a unique session ID for logging. SessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ConnectionId = 0; // If local SSL is supported via STARTTLS, ensure we have a valid server certificate. if (localEnableSsl) { serverCertificate = CertHelper.GetCertificateBySubjectName(StoreLocation.LocalMachine, fqdn); // In case the service as running as the current user, check the Current User certificate store as well. if (serverCertificate == null) serverCertificate = CertHelper.GetCertificateBySubjectName(StoreLocation.CurrentUser, fqdn); // If no certificate was found, generate a self-signed certificate. if (serverCertificate == null) { ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "No signing certificate found, so generating new certificate.", Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel); List<string> oids = new List<string>(); oids.Add(""); // Server Authentication. // Generate the certificate with a duration of 10 years, 4096-bits, and a key usage of server authentication. serverCertificate = CertHelper.CreateSelfSignedCertificate(fqdn, fqdn, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, true, 4096, 10, oids); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Certificate generated with Serial Number {" + serverCertificate.GetSerialNumberString() + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); } } Listener = new TcpListener(localIPAddress, localPort); Listener.Start(); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Service started.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Listening on address {" + localIPAddress.ToString() + "}, port {" + localPort + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel); Started = true; // Accept client requests, forking each into its own thread. while (Started) { TcpClient client = Listener.AcceptTcpClient(); string newLogFileName = ProxyFunctions.GetLogFileName(logFile, instanceId, localIPAddress.ToString(), remoteServerHostName, localPort, remoteServerPort); if (newLogFileName != logFileName) { LogWriter.Close(); LogWriter = new StreamWriter(newLogFileName, true, Encoding.UTF8, Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE); LogWriter.AutoFlush = true; } // Prepare the arguments for our new thread. ImapProxyConnectionArguments arguments = new ImapProxyConnectionArguments(); arguments.AcceptedIPs = acceptedIPs; arguments.TcpClient = client; arguments.Certificate = serverCertificate; arguments.ExportDirectory = exportDirectory; arguments.LocalIpAddress = localIPAddress; arguments.LocalPort = localPort; arguments.LocalEnableSsl = localEnableSsl; arguments.RemoteServerHostName = remoteServerHostName; arguments.RemoteServerPort = remoteServerPort; arguments.RemoteServerEnableSsl = remoteServerEnableSsl; arguments.RemoteServerCredential = remoteServerCredential; // Increment the connection counter; arguments.ConnectionId = (unchecked(++ConnectionId)).ToString(); arguments.InstanceId = instanceId; arguments.DebugMode = debugMode; // Fork the thread and continue listening for new connections. Thread processThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessConnection)); processThread.Name = "OpaqueMail IMAP Proxy Connection"; processThread.Start(arguments); } return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (debugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception when starting proxy: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); else ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception when starting proxy: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Critical, LogLevel); } } }