public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { CookieContainer newCc = new CookieContainer(); foreach (Cookie c in cc.GetCookies(new Uri(@""))) { newCc.Add(c); } NameValueCollection headers = new NameValueCollection(); headers.Add("Accept", "*/*"); headers.Add("User-Agent", userAgent); headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); string webdata = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl, (string)video.Other, newCc, headers: headers); JToken jt = JObject.Parse(webdata) as JToken; JArray streams = jt.Value<JArray>("streams"); video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (JToken stream in streams) { string serverUrl = stream.Value<string>("url"); RtmpUrl res = new RtmpUrl(serverUrl); res.Live = true; res.PlayPath = stream.Value<string>("name"); int p = serverUrl.IndexOf("live/?id"); res.App = serverUrl.Substring(p); video.PlaybackOptions.Add(stream.Value<string>("quality"), res.ToString()); } return video.PlaybackOptions.First().Value; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { string webData = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl); Match m = regEx_FileUrl.Match(webData); if (m.Success) { string newUrl = m.Groups["m0"].Value + "?authenticity_token=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(m.Groups["m1"].Value); webData = GetWebData(newUrl); m = Regex.Match(webData, @"url:\s\\""(?<url>[^\\]*)\\[^{]*{[^{]*{\\n\s*url:\s\\""[^""]*"",\\n\s*netConnectionUrl:\s\\""(?<netConnectionUrl>[^\\]*)\\""", defaultRegexOptions); if (m.Success) { string ncUrl = m.Groups["netConnectionUrl"].Value; string[] parts = ncUrl.Split('/'); string playPath = parts[4]; bool live = webData.Contains("live = true"); if (live) { int p = playPath.IndexOf("stream"); if (p >= 0) playPath = playPath.Insert(p, "/"); } RtmpUrl result = new RtmpUrl(ncUrl) { PlayPath = m.Groups["url"].Value, App = String.Format("{0}/{1}{2}", parts[3], parts[4], m.Groups["m1"].Value), Live = live }; return result.ToString(); } } return String.Empty; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { string res = base.GetVideoUrl(video); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string[] urlParts = video.VideoUrl.Split('.'); if (urlParts[1] == "four") res = res.Replace("@@", "c4"); else res = res.Replace("@@", "tv3"); doc.Load(res); video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string meta_base = @"rtmpe://"; // found with wireshark. apparently value in //meta/base (rtmpe:// is just a decoy //old: doc.SelectSingleNode("//smil/head/meta").Attributes["base"].Value; foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//smil/body/switch/video")) { int bitRate = int.Parse(node.Attributes["system-bitrate"].Value) / 1024; RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(meta_base + "/" + node.Attributes["src"].Value) { SwfVerify = true, SwfUrl = @"" }; video.PlaybackOptions.Add(bitRate.ToString() + "K", rtmpUrl.ToString()); } return video.PlaybackOptions.Last().Value; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { string res = base.GetVideoUrl(video); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(res) && res.StartsWith("rtmp:")) { RtmpUrl theUrl = new RtmpUrl(res); int p = res.IndexOf('/', 9); int q = res.LastIndexOf('/'); theUrl.App = res.Substring(p + 1, q - p); theUrl.PlayPath = "mp4:" + res.Substring(q + 1); return theUrl.ToString(); } return res; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { string webData = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl); Match m = Regex.Match(webData, fileUrlRegEx, defaultRegexOptions); if (m.Success) { Match tokenMatch = Regex.Match(webData, @"getJSON\(""(?<url>[^""]*)"",\sfunction", defaultRegexOptions); if (tokenMatch.Success) { string tokenData = GetWebData(tokenMatch.Groups["url"].Value, referer: video.VideoUrl); JToken token = JToken.Parse(tokenData); RtmpUrl result = new RtmpUrl(deJSON(m.Groups["rtmpurl"].Value)); result.PageUrl = video.VideoUrl; result.SwfUrl = deJSON(m.Groups["swfurl"].Value); result.PlayPath = deJSON(m.Groups["playpath"].Value); result.App = "edge/_definst_/?" + deJSON(m.Groups["app"].Value); result.Token = token.Value<string>("token"); return result.ToString(); } } return String.Empty; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { JToken videoInfo = GetWebData<JToken>(video.VideoUrl); JArray subTitles = videoInfo["media"]["subtitles"] as JArray; if (subTitles != null && subTitles.Count > 0) { try { video.SubtitleText = GetWebData(subTitles[0].Value<string>("url"), forceUTF8: true); } catch { } } string papiurl = base.GetVideoUrl(video); string data = GetWebData(papiurl); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data); RijndaelManaged rijndael = new RijndaelManaged(); byte[] iv = new byte[16]; Array.Copy(bytes, iv, 16); rijndael.IV = iv; rijndael.Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("hjsadf89hk123ghk"); rijndael.Mode = CipherMode.CFB; rijndael.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijndael.CreateDecryptor(rijndael.Key, rijndael.IV); int padLen = 16 - bytes.Length % 16; byte[] newbytes = new byte[bytes.Length - 16 + padLen]; Array.Copy(bytes, 16, newbytes, 0, bytes.Length - 16); Array.Clear(newbytes, newbytes.Length - padLen, padLen); string result = null; using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(newbytes)) { using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt)) { result = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd(); int p = result.IndexOf("</media>"); result = result.Substring(0, p + 8); } } } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(result); XmlNode urlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//media/onlineAsset/url"); string rtmpUrl = urlNode.SelectSingleNode("connect").InnerText; string stream = urlNode.SelectSingleNode("stream").InnerText; RtmpUrl theUrl = new RtmpUrl(rtmpUrl.Split('?')[0]) { PlayPath = stream, SwfUrl = @"", App = "ondemand?" + rtmpUrl.Split('?')[1], PageUrl = video.VideoUrl.Substring(0, video.VideoUrl.Length - 5), TcUrl = rtmpUrl }; return theUrl.ToString(); }
public override List<string> GetMultipleVideoUrls(VideoInfo video, bool inPlaylist = false) { List<string> result = new List<string>(); if ("livestream".Equals(video.Other)) { result.Add(video.VideoUrl + "&swfVfy="); return result; } string xmlData = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl); xmlData = Regex.Replace(xmlData, @"url=""http[^""]*""", @"url="""""); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlData); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = GetNameSpaceManager(doc); XmlNode nd = doc.SelectSingleNode("//a:feed/a:entry/m:group", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//a:feed/a:entry/m:group/m:content[@r:format!='advertising']", nsmgr)) { string s = node.Attributes["url"].Value; RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(s) { SwfVerify = true, App = "rtevod", SwfUrl = @"" }; result.Add(rtmpUrl.ToString()); } return result; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(string url) { string webdata = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url); string timeToWait = Regex.Match(webdata, @"<span\sid=""countdown_str"">[^>]*>(?<time>[^<]+)</span>").Groups["time"].Value; if (Convert.ToInt32(timeToWait) < 10) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(timeToWait) * 1001); webdata = GetFromPost(url, webdata, false, null, new[] { "imhuman=+" }); string file = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webdata, @"file: """, @""""); string streamer = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webdata, @"streamer: """, @""""); RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(streamer) { PlayPath = file }; return rtmpUrl.ToString(); } return String.Empty; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(string url) { CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer(); string webData = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url, cookies: cc); if (url.Contains("humancheck.php")) { CookieCollection ccol = cc.GetCookies(new Uri("")); CookieContainer newcc = new CookieContainer(); foreach (Cookie c in ccol) { c.Path = String.Empty; newcc.Add(c); } url = url.Replace("humancheck", "toshare"); webData = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url, "submit=I+am+human+now+let+me+watch+this+video", newcc); } string file = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webData, "'file','", "'"); string streamer = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webData, "'streamer','", "'"); // not tested, couldn't find a video hosted by xtshare RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(streamer + file) { SwfVerify = true, SwfUrl = @"", PageUrl = url, TcUrl = streamer }; return rtmpUrl.ToString(); }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { if ("livestream".Equals(video.Other)) { string data = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl); Match m2 = Regex.Match(data, @"<param\sname=""flashvars""\svalue=""assetID=(?<assetid>[^_]*)_"); if (m2.Success) { data = GetWebData(String.Format(@"{0}/config/portada.json", m2.Groups["assetid"].Value)); m2 = Regex.Match(data, @"""file"":""(?<url>[^""]*)"""); if (m2.Success) { RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(m2.Groups["url"].Value) { Live = true, SwfUrl = @"" }; return rtmpUrl.ToString(); } } return null; } //source: // thanks to aabilio and tvalacarta string[] parts = video.VideoUrl.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string data2 = GetWebData(String.Format(@"{0}.png", parts[parts.Length - 1]), referer: @""); data2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(data2)); Match mm = Regex.Match(data2, ".*tEXt(?<cypher>.*)#[\x00]*(?<key>[0-9]*).*"); if (mm.Success) { string cypher = mm.Groups["cypher"].Value; string key = mm.Groups["key"].Value; string int_cypher = ""; int inc = 1; int ti = 0; while (ti < cypher.Length) { ti = ti + inc; if (ti > 0 && ti <= cypher.Length) int_cypher += cypher[ti - 1]; inc++; if (inc == 5) inc = 1; } string plaintext = ""; int key_ind = 0; inc = 4; while (key_ind < key.Length) { key_ind++; ti = ((byte)key[key_ind - 1] - 48) * 10; key_ind += inc; if (key_ind <= key.Length) ti += (byte)key[key_ind - 1] - 48; ti++; inc++; if (inc == 5) inc = 1; if (ti > 0 && ti <= int_cypher.Length) plaintext += int_cypher[ti - 1]; } int p = plaintext.IndexOf("/resources"); string url = @"" + plaintext.Substring(p) + "?v=2.6.8&fp=WIN%2016,0,0,305&r=TDBDO&g=UZEYDOLYKFLY"; string data = GetWebData(url); p = data.IndexOf('?'); string finalUrl = plaintext.Substring(0, p) + data.Substring(0, p); finalUrl = Regex.Replace(finalUrl, @"(//.*?", @"//"); HttpUrl res = new HttpUrl(finalUrl); res.Cookies.Add(new Cookie("odin", "odin=banebdyede")); return res.ToString(); } return null; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(string url) { string webdata = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url); string timeToWait = Regex.Match(webdata, @"<span\sid=""countdown_str"">[^>]*>(?<time>[^<]+)</span>").Groups["time"].Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(timeToWait) && webdata.Length < 50) throw new OnlineVideosException(webdata); int time; if (Int32.TryParse(timeToWait, out time) && time < 10) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(time * 1001); webdata = GetFromPost(url, webdata, false, null, new[] { "imhuman=+" }); string file = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webdata, @"file: """, @""""); string streamer = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(webdata, @"streamer: """, @""""); RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(streamer) { PlayPath = file }; return rtmpUrl.ToString(); }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string xmlData = GetWebData(@"", userAgent: "FireFox"); doc.LoadXml(xmlData); XmlNamespaceManager nsmRequest = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmRequest.AddNamespace("a", ""); string auth = doc.SelectSingleNode(@"a:iview/a:token", nsmRequest).InnerText; if (video.VideoUrl.StartsWith("rtmp://")) { string[] parts = video.VideoUrl.Split('/'); string fileName = parts[parts.Length - 1]; return new RtmpUrl(video.VideoUrl) { SwfVerify = true, SwfUrl = @"", PlayPath = fileName, App = "live/" + fileName + "?auth=" + auth, Live = true }.ToString(); } string host = doc.SelectSingleNode(@"a:iview/a:host", nsmRequest).InnerText; RtmpUrl rtmpUrl; //if (host.Equals("Akamai", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(@"rtmp://" + video.VideoUrl) { TcUrl = @"rtmp://" + auth }; } /*else { string authUrl = doc.SelectSingleNode(@"a:iview/a:server", nsmRequest).InnerText + "?auth=" + auth; string vidUrl = video.VideoUrl; if (vidUrl.EndsWith(".mp4", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) vidUrl = "mp4:" + vidUrl.Substring(0, vidUrl.Length - 4); rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(authUrl) { PlayPath = vidUrl }; }*/ rtmpUrl.SwfVerify = true; rtmpUrl.SwfUrl = @""; return rtmpUrl.ToString(); }
public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video) { string webdata = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string hoster = video.Other as string; switch (hoster) { case "own3d": { doc.LoadXml(webdata); XmlNodeList streams = doc.SelectNodes("//config/channels/channel/clip/item[starts-with(@base, 'rtmp')]/stream"); foreach (XmlNode stream in streams) { string label = stream.Attributes["label"].Value; RtmpUrl theUrl = new RtmpUrl(stream.ParentNode.Attributes["base"].Value) { PlayPath = stream.Attributes["name"].Value, Live = true }; if (!video.PlaybackOptions.ContainsKey(label)) video.PlaybackOptions.Add(label, theUrl.ToString()); }; break; } case "justin": { string s2 = Regex.Replace(webdata, @"<((?:/)?)(\d)", "<$1a$2"); // fix illegal <number items doc.LoadXml(s2); SortedDictionary<int, string> urls = new SortedDictionary<int, string>(); foreach (XmlNode stream in doc.SelectSingleNode("nodes").ChildNodes) { string node = stream.SelectSingleNode("node").InnerText; string play = stream.SelectSingleNode("play").InnerText; string bitrate = stream.SelectSingleNode("bitrate").InnerText; int br = Convert.ToInt32(double.Parse(bitrate)); string token = stream.SelectSingleNode("token").InnerText; string connect = stream.SelectSingleNode("connect").InnerText; RtmpUrl theUrl = new RtmpUrl(connect) { Jtv = token, Live = true, PlayPath = play, SwfUrl = @"" }; if (!urls.ContainsKey(br)) urls.Add(br, theUrl.ToString()); } video.PlaybackOptions = urls.ToDictionary(u => u.Key.ToString() + "b/s", u => u.Value); }; break; } string resultUrl; if (video.PlaybackOptions.Count == 0) return String.Empty; else resultUrl = video.PlaybackOptions.Last().Value; if (video.PlaybackOptions.Count == 1) video.PlaybackOptions = null; return resultUrl; }
protected new string FillPlaybackOptions(VideoInfo video, AMFArray renditions, Match m) { video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (AMFObject rendition in renditions.OrderBy(u => u.GetIntProperty("encodingRate"))) { string nm = String.Format("{0}x{1} {2}K", rendition.GetIntProperty("frameWidth"), rendition.GetIntProperty("frameHeight"), rendition.GetIntProperty("encodingRate") / 1024); string url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(rendition.GetStringProperty("defaultURL")); //"rtmp://" if (url.StartsWith("rtmp")) { //tested with ztele string auth = String.Empty; if (url.Contains('?')) auth = '?' + url.Split('?')[1]; string[] parts = url.Split('&'); string rtmp = parts[0] + auth; //"rtmp://" string playpath = parts[1].Split('?')[0] + auth; //"mp4:102076681001/102076681001_986209826001_26930-20110610-122117.mp4" if (url.IndexOf("") != -1) { /*rtmpdump --rtmp "rtmp://" --app="ondemand?__nn__=1497926354001&slist=102076681001/&auth=daEbVc2bZd2bpcZdcbxbVdld6cEdWcpb4dC-brKM2q-bWG-rnBBssvx_ABAo_DDCB_GuD&aifp=bcosuds&videoId=1506302142001&lineUpId=&pubId=102076681001&playerId=2202962695001" --swfUrl="" --playpath="mp4:102076681001/102076681001_1506435728001_66034-20120314-120404.mp4?__nn__=1497926354001&slist=102076681001/&auth=daEbVc2bZd2bpcZdcbxbVdld6cEdWcpb4dC-brKM2q-bWG-rnBBssvx_ABAo_DDCB_GuD&aifp=bcosuds&videoId=1506302142001" --pageUrl="" -o "Aduriz-La_cocina_de_las_palabras_-_Aduriz-Hitzen_sukaldea-.mp4"*/ url = new MPUrlSourceFilter.RtmpUrl(rtmp) { PlayPath = playpath }.ToString(); } else { /* rtmpdump --rtmp "rtmp://" --app="a500/e1/uds/rtmp/ondemand?videoId=986121629001&lineUpId=&pubId=102076681001&playerId=2202962695001" --swfUrl="" --playpath="mp4:102076681001/102076681001_986252687001_26930-20110610-122117.mp4?videoId=986121629001&lineUpId=&pubId=102076681001&playerId=2202962695001" --pageUrl="" -C "B:0" -C "S:mp4:102076681001/102076681001_986252687001_26930-20110610-122117.mp4&1368558000000&0aa762d184c16de09a21fe533394c3ea" -o "Sukalde_maisuak_-_Aduriz-Hitzen_sukaldea-.mp4" */ string cadena = url.Substring(url.IndexOf(".net/") + 5); cadena = cadena.Remove(cadena.IndexOf("/&")); cadena += "?videoId=" + video.VideoUrl.Substring(video.VideoUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "&lineUpId=&pubId=" + array4 + "&playerId=" + m.Groups["experienceId"].Value; RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(rtmp) { PlayPath = playpath, //App = "a500/e1/uds/rtmp/ondemand?videoId=986121629001&lineUpId=&pubId=102076681001&playerId=2202962695001" App = cadena }; RtmpBooleanArbitraryData p1 = new RtmpBooleanArbitraryData(false); RtmpStringArbitraryData p2 = new RtmpStringArbitraryData(parts[1]+"&"+parts[2]+"&"+parts[3]); rtmpUrl.ArbitraryData.Add(p1); rtmpUrl.ArbitraryData.Add(p2); url = rtmpUrl.ToString(); } } video.PlaybackOptions.Add(nm, url); } if (video.PlaybackOptions.Count == 0) return "";// if no match, return empty url -> error else if (video.PlaybackOptions.Count == 1) { string resultUrl = video.PlaybackOptions.Last().Value; video.PlaybackOptions = null;// only one url found, PlaybackOptions not needed return resultUrl; } else { return video.PlaybackOptions.Last().Value; } }