public List <ShoesDTO> FindByName(string search) //tim kiem giay theo ten, hien thi o trang search: name, category, brand, price, image { List <ShoesDTO> result = null; string sql = "Select shoesID, name, categoryID, brandID From Shoes Where isDeleted = @Deleted And name like @name"; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Consts.Consts.connectionString); if (cnn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { cnn.Open(); } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Deleted", false); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", "%" + search + "%"); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); result = new List <ShoesDTO>(); while (dr.Read()) { int shoesID = dr.GetInt32(0); string name = dr.GetString(1); int categoryID = dr.GetInt32(2); string categoryName = new CategoryData().GetCategoryNameByID(categoryID); int brandID = dr.GetInt32(3); string brandName = new BrandData().GetBrandNameByID(brandID); float price = GetPriceByShoesID(shoesID); string image = GetImageByShoesID(shoesID); result.Add(new ShoesDTO(shoesID, name, categoryName, brandName, price, image)); } cnn.Close(); return(result); }
//H public ShoesDTO GetShoesInformationByShoesID(int shoesID) { ShoesDTO shoes = null; string sql = "SELECT * FROM Shoes WHERE shoesID = @shoesID"; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Consts.Consts.connectionString); if (cnn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { cnn.Open(); } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@shoesID", shoesID); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { int shoesId = (int)dr[0]; string name = (string)dr[1]; int categoryID = (int)dr[2]; string categoryName = new CategoryData().GetCategoryNameByID(categoryID); int brandID = (int)dr[3]; string brandName = new BrandData().GetBrandNameByID(brandID); string material = (string)dr[4]; string description = (string)dr[5]; int originID = (int)dr[6]; string originName = new OriginData().GetOriginNameByID(originID); shoes = new ShoesDTO { ShoesId = shoesId, Name = name, CategoryId = categoryID, CategoryName = categoryName, BrandId = brandID, BrandName = brandName, Material = material, Description = description, OriginId = originID, OriginName = originName }; } cnn.Close(); return(shoes); }
public ShoesDTO GetShoesDetailByProductID(int productID) { int shoesID = GetShoesIDByProductID(productID); ShoesDTO shoes = null; string sql = "Select name, categoryID, brandID, material, description, originID, P.price, P.color From Shoes, Products P Where Shoes.isDeleted = @isDeleted and Shoes.shoesID = @shoesID and P.productID = @productID"; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Consts.Consts.connectionString); if (cnn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { cnn.Open(); } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", false); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@shoesID", shoesID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productID", productID); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { string name = (string)dr[0]; int categoryID = (int)dr[1]; string categoryName = new CategoryData().GetCategoryNameByID(categoryID); int brandID = (int)dr[2]; string brandName = new BrandData().GetBrandNameByID(brandID); string material = (string)dr[3]; string description = (string)dr[4]; int originID = (int)dr[5]; string originName = new OriginData().GetOriginNameByID(originID); double price = (double)dr[6]; string color = (string)dr[7]; shoes = new ShoesDTO(shoesID, name, categoryName, brandName, (float)price, null); shoes.Color = color; shoes.Material = material; shoes.Description = description; shoes.OriginName = originName; } cnn.Close(); return(shoes); }