public AssemblyDocumenter(string library) { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(library); var loader = new AssemblyLoader(dir); _library = loader.Load(Path.GetFileName(library)); // add to dictinary _typesDict = new TypesDictionary(); }
public AssemblyDocumenter(string library, string xmldoc) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(xmldoc)) { _xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(reader); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(library); var loader = new AssemblyLoader(dir); _library = loader.Load(Path.GetFileName(library)); // add to dictinary _typesDict = new TypesDictionary(); FillTypesDictionary(); }
public AssemblyDocumenter(string library, string xmldoc) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(xmldoc)) { _xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(reader); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(library); var loader = new AssemblyLoader(dir); _library = loader.Load(Path.GetFileName(library)); // add to dictinary _typesDict = new TypesDictionary(); // Пока топорное заполнение... var globalContexts = _library.GetMarkedTypes(ScriptMemberType.GlobalContext); foreach (var globalContext in globalContexts) { var attrib = _library.GetMarkup(globalContext, ScriptMemberType.GlobalContext); if (attrib == null) { continue; } TypeInfo curTypeInfo = new TypeInfo(); curTypeInfo.fullName = globalContext.FullName; curTypeInfo.ShortName = globalContext.Name; if (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count > 0) { curTypeInfo.nameEng = (string)attrib.ConstructorArguments[1].Value; curTypeInfo.nameRus = (string)attrib.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; } _typesDict.add(curTypeInfo); } var contextTypes = _library.GetMarkedTypes(ScriptMemberType.Class); foreach (var classType in contextTypes) { var attrib = _library.GetMarkup(classType, ScriptMemberType.Class); if (attrib == null) { continue; } TypeInfo curTypeInfo = new TypeInfo(); curTypeInfo.fullName = classType.FullName; curTypeInfo.ShortName = classType.Name; if (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count > 0) { curTypeInfo.nameEng = (string)attrib.ConstructorArguments[1].Value; curTypeInfo.nameRus = (string)attrib.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; } _typesDict.add(curTypeInfo); }; }