private void InsertDefaultValues() { CountryInfo country = new CountryInfo(); country.Name = "International"; country.Code = "None"; CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); countryGateway.Create(country); Upgrade(); }
internal override void GetVersion() { /*this version is for putting default values in db (the names of all existing countries)*/ /*-- get countries from text file --*/ if (File.Exists(_fileWithCountries)) { List <CountryInfo> countries = new List <CountryInfo>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(_fileWithCountries)) { String ln; while ((ln = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { String[] arr = ln.Split(' '); List <String> arr2 = new List <string>(); foreach (var s in arr) { if (s != "") { arr2.Add(s); } } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < arr2.Count - 3; i++) { str.AppendFormat(arr2[i]); str.AppendFormat(" "); } countries.Add(new CountryInfo { Code = arr2[arr2.Count - 2], Name = str.ToString() }); } } CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); foreach (var country in countries) { countryGateway.Create(country); } Upgrade(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Can't find file {_fileWithCountries}"); } }
public ArticleInfo Get(Int32 id) { ArticleInfo article = new ArticleInfo(); String sqlExpression = "sp_GetArticleById"; CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); CTagGateway tagGateway = new CTagGateway(); using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter idParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@articleId", Value = id }; command.Parameters.Add(idParam); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { Int32 countryId = (Int32)reader["CountryID"]; article.ID = (Int32)reader["ID"]; article.Url = (String)reader["URL"]; article.Title = (String)reader["Title"]; article.Content = (String)reader["Content"]; article.Html = (byte[])reader["HTML"]; article.Date = (DateTime)reader[5]; article.Country = countryGateway.Get(countryId); article.Tags = tagGateway.GetAllRelatedToArticle(article.ID).Select(x => tagGateway.Get(x)).ToArray(); } } } } return(article); }
public List <ArticleInfo> GetByTag(CTag tag) { List <ArticleInfo> articles = new List <ArticleInfo>(); CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); String sqlExpression = "sp_GetArticleByTag"; using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter tagParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@tag", Value = tag.ID }; cmd.Parameters.Add(tagParam); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ArticleInfo article = new ArticleInfo(); article.Country = countryGateway.Get((Int32)reader["CountryID"]); article.Date = (DateTime)reader["Date"]; article.Content = (String)reader["Content"]; article.Html = (byte[])reader["Html"]; article.Url = (String)reader["Url"]; article.Title = (String)reader["Title"]; article.ID = (Int32)reader["ID"]; articles.Add(article); } } } } return(articles); }
public CJob GetByQueryInfo(QueryInfo info) { CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); CJob job = new CJob(); String sqlExpression = "sp_GetJobByUserQuery"; // $@" WITH JobTable AS (SELECT Job.ID AS JobID, CurPairNamed.BaseCurrency, CurPairNamed.QuotedCurrency,Country.Name AS Country, Tag.Name AS Tag // FROM [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Job] AS Job // JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Country] AS Country // ON Job.[CountryID] = Country.ID // Join [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Tag] AS Tag // ON Job.TagID = Tag.ID // JOIN( //SELECT CurPair.ID, CurTypeBase.CurrencyCode AS BaseCurrency, CurTypeQuoted.CurrencyCode AS QuotedCurrency //FROM [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyPair] AS CurPair //JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeBase //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeBase.ID //JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeQuoted //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeQuoted.ID //) AS CurPairNamed //ON CurPairNamed.ID = Job.CurrencyPairID) //SELECT * FROM JobTable //WHERE BaseCurrency = '{info.CurrencyPair.BaseCurrency.Code}' AND QuotedCurrency = '{info.CurrencyPair.QuotedCurrency.Code}' AND Country = '{info.Country.Name}' AND Tag = '{info.Tag.Value}'"; using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter baseParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@base", Value = info.CurrencyPair.BaseCurrency.Code }; command.Parameters.Add(baseParam); SqlParameter quotedParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@quoted", Value = info.CurrencyPair.QuotedCurrency.Code }; command.Parameters.Add(quotedParam); SqlParameter countryParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@country", Value = info.Country.Name }; command.Parameters.Add(countryParam); SqlParameter tagParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@tag", Value = info.Tag.Value }; command.Parameters.Add(tagParam); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { job.CurrencyPair = new CCurrencyPair() { BaseCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["BaseCurrency"], QuotedCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["QuotedCurrency"] }; job.ID = (Int32)reader["JobID"]; job.Tag = new CTag((String)reader["Tag"]); job.Country = countryGateway.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => String.Compare(x.Name, (String)reader["Country"], StringComparison.InvariantCulture) == 0); } } else { job = null; } } } return(job); }