public void GetByCode()
            string code1 =  Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10);
            string code2 = code1 + "foo";
            InventoryItemProxy proxy = new InventoryItemProxy();

            InventoryItemDto dto = new InventoryItemDto();
            dto.Code = code1;
            dto.Description = "New Inventory Item";

            dto = new InventoryItemDto();
            dto.Code = code2;
            dto.Description = "New Inventory Item";

            List<InventoryItemDto> list = proxy.FindList<InventoryItemDto>(InventoryItemProxy.ResponseXPath,
                                                                          "CodeBeginsWith", code1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count, string.Format("Incorrect number of items returned for code {0}",code1));
        public void GetByUtcLastModified()
            string code1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10);
            string code2 = code1 + "foo";
            InventoryItemProxy proxy = new InventoryItemProxy();

            Thread.Sleep(10000); //Wait for ten seconds. Avoid retreiving items from text fixture setup.

            InventoryItemDto dto = new InventoryItemDto();
            dto.Code = code1;
            dto.Description = "New Inventory Item";

            DateTime lastModifiedFrom = ((InventoryItemDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto.Uid)).UtcLastModified;
            Thread.Sleep(10000); //Wait for ten seconds.

            dto = new InventoryItemDto();
            dto.Code = code2;
            dto.Description = "New Inventory Item";

            DateTime lastModifiedTo = ((InventoryItemDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto.Uid)).UtcLastModified.AddSeconds(1);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Utc last modified: {0}", lastModifiedFrom.ToString());

            string utcFrom = SqlStrPrep.ToDateTime(lastModifiedFrom).ToString();
            string utcTo   = SqlStrPrep.ToDateTime(lastModifiedTo).ToString();

            utcFrom = utcFrom.Replace('/', '-');
            utcFrom = utcFrom.Replace(' ', 'T');

            utcTo = utcTo.Replace('/', '-');
            utcTo = utcTo.Replace(' ', 'T');

            List<InventoryItemDto> list = proxy.FindList<InventoryItemDto>(InventoryItemProxy.ResponseXPath,
                                                                           "UtcLastModifiedFrom", utcFrom, "UtcLastModifiedTo", utcTo);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count, string.Format("Incorrect number of items returned for UtcLastModifiedFrom {0} and UtcLastModifiedTo{1}", utcFrom, utcTo));