        /// <summary>
        /// Checks each filter level to see if this item should be ignored.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool IsNotIgnored(SimpleWorkItem simpleWorkItem)
            // If there's no filter provided, it's not ignored.
            var filterCollection = _globalManager.FilterLevels;
            if (filterCollection == null)
                return true;

            // Check if any filter level's filter wants this item ignored.
            foreach (var filterLevel in SimpleWorkItem.NonPbiLevels)
                // Get the filter level keys.
                HashSet<string> filterKeys;
                if (filterCollection.TryGetValue(filterLevel, out filterKeys))
                    // Check if the item's associated key is not contained in the filter level keys.
                    var keyToCheck = simpleWorkItem.GetKey(filterLevel);
                    if (!filterKeys.Contains(keyToCheck))
                        return false;

            // It was not found in any of the filters.
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the work item to the main nested collection, creating branches as necessary.
        /// </summary>
        internal void AddToTree(SimpleWorkItem simpleWorkItem)
            // Start from the beginning of the collection and work down the tree levels.
            var currentTree = _globalManager.Tree;
            foreach (var treeLevel in _globalManager.TreeLevels)
                // Should never happen.
                if (currentTree == null)
                    throw new Exception("Tree was null.");

                // Get the relevant data from this item for this tree level to use as a key.
                var itemKey = simpleWorkItem.GetKey(treeLevel);

                // Every item has a set of properties associated with it.
                var propertiesManager = new PropertiesManager(_globalManager);

                if (treeLevel == "PBI") // Final level reached, add the work item. This level is optional.
                    currentTree.Add(itemKey, propertiesManager.Properties);
                else // Get the appropriate collection, making a new one if necessary.
                    if (!currentTree.ContainsKey(itemKey)) // This key's collection doesn't exist.
                        // Since it's new, add it to a grouping list for synchronizing size/color across a tree level.
                        var group = _globalManager.Groupings.GetOrAdd(treeLevel, new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>());
                        group.TryAdd(itemKey, "");

                        // The last level won't have children so don't make a new list for children.
                        // This distinction is helpful in other places for determining if there are any children by checking if properties["children"] = null.
                        if (treeLevel != _globalManager.TreeLevels.Last())

                        // Some tree levels have specific properties.
                        propertiesManager.SetLevelProperties(treeLevel, itemKey);

                        // Now that properties are determined, add it to the collection.
                        currentTree.Add(itemKey, propertiesManager.Properties);
                    else // This key's collection already exists.
                        // Get the existing properties instead.
                        propertiesManager.Properties = currentTree[itemKey];

                    // Go a level deeper for the next iteration.
                    currentTree = propertiesManager.GetChildren();

                // Add to the total effort for this grouping/item at this tree level.
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores filter names into a collection.
 /// </summary>
 void StoreFilter(SimpleWorkItem simpleWorkItem)
     foreach (var dataLevel in SimpleWorkItem.NonPbiLevels)
         var dataKey = simpleWorkItem.GetKey(dataLevel);
         var group = _globalManager.Groupings.GetOrAdd(dataLevel, new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>());
         group.TryAdd(dataKey, "");