        public void SanityCheck_VersionComment()
            CatalogDto priceListDto = new CatalogDto()
                CatalogTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                CatalogDesc  = Rand.AnyDescription,

            int numItemsToAdd = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToAdd; ++i)
                CatalogEntryDto productConfigDto = new CatalogEntryDto()
                    EntryTitle   = Rand.AnyTitle,
                    DisplayPrice = 100,
                    SalePrice    = 10,
                }.SetObjectAsReady() as CatalogEntryDto;


            // First version should get saved here:
            string comment0 = Rand.AnyComment;


            var versions = OdCepManager.Versioning.GetAllVersions(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, versions.Count, "Did not retrieve correct number of versions.");

            var kvPair = versions[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(comment0, kvPair.Value, "Version comment not as expected.");
        public void SanityCheck_WithCollection()
            CatalogDto priceListDto = new CatalogDto()
                CatalogTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                CatalogDesc  = Rand.AnyDescription,

            int numItemsToAdd = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToAdd; ++i)
                CatalogEntryDto productConfigDto = new CatalogEntryDto()
                    EntryTitle   = Rand.AnyTitle,
                    DisplayPrice = 100,
                    SalePrice    = 10,
                }.SetObjectAsReady() as CatalogEntryDto;



            // Let's retrieve the object now:
            string     retrUuid = OdCepManager.Indexing.GetUuidForUniqueValue(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.CatalogTitle);
            CatalogDto retrObj  = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), retrUuid, out string comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAdd, retrObj.CatalogItems.Count(), "Does not show same number of objects as saved.");
        public void SanityCheck_NethVersions()
            CatalogDto priceListDto = new CatalogDto()
                CatalogTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                CatalogDesc  = Rand.AnyDescription,

            int numItemsToAddBeforeReady = 2;

            // Since object is not ready yet, this will be the zeroeth version
            // regardless of the number of items that we add.
            for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToAddBeforeReady; ++i)
                CatalogEntryDto productConfigDto = new CatalogEntryDto()
                    EntryTitle   = Rand.AnyTitle,
                    DisplayPrice = 100,
                    SalePrice    = 10,
                }.SetObjectAsReady() as CatalogEntryDto;


            // First version should get saved here:

            int numItemsToAddAfterReady = 3;

            // Each item addition will result in a new version:
            for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToAddAfterReady; ++i)
                CatalogEntryDto productConfigDto = new CatalogEntryDto()
                    EntryTitle   = Rand.AnyTitle,
                    DisplayPrice = 100,
                    SalePrice    = 10,
                }.SetObjectAsReady() as CatalogEntryDto;


            // At this point, there should be numItemsToAddAfterReady + 1 versions of PriceListDto.
            // 0eth version should have numItemsToAddBeforeReady items;
            // 1eth version should have numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 1 items;
            // 2eth version should have numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 2 items;
            // 3eth version should have numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 3 items;
            // Head version should have numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 3 items, same as 3eth version.

            string     comment;
            CatalogDto p0 = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetNEthVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid, 0, out comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAddBeforeReady, p0.CatalogItems.Count, "Did not return correct number of items.");
            CatalogDto p1 = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetNEthVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid, 1, out comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 1, p1.CatalogItems.Count, "Did not return correct number of items.");
            CatalogDto p2 = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetNEthVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid, 2, out comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 2, p2.CatalogItems.Count, "Did not return correct number of items.");
            CatalogDto p3 = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetNEthVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid, 3, out comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 3, p3.CatalogItems.Count, "Did not return correct number of items.");
            CatalogDto pH = (CatalogDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(CatalogDto), priceListDto.Uuid, out comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(numItemsToAddBeforeReady + 3, pH.CatalogItems.Count, "Did not return correct number of items.");