  * Add a particle to the grid structure.
  * \param hash cell hash, can be computed from the cellIndex (next parameter) using ComputeCellHash.
  * \param cellIndex 3-dimensional index of the cell to add the particle to.
  * \param p the particle that should be added to the grid.
 public void AddParticle(int hash, Vector3 cellIndex, ObiClothParticle p)
     //See if the cell exists and insert the particle in it:
     Cell cell = null;
     if (cells.TryGetValue(hash,out cell)){
     cell = new Cell(this,cellIndex,hash);
     cells[hash] = cell;
        public VirtualCollisionConstraint(Transform transform, ObiClothParticle particle,  ObiClothParticle particle2,  ObiClothParticle particle3, 
		                              Vector3 vpPosition,Vector3 vpBarycentricCoords,  Rigidbody rigidbody, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, float distance, float friction)
            : base(transform,particle,rigidbody,point,normal,distance,friction)
            this.particle2 = particle2;
            this.particle3 = particle3;
            this.vpPosition = vpPosition;
            this.vpBarycentricCoords = vpBarycentricCoords;
            this.vpWeight = ObiUtils.BarycentricInterpolation(particle.w,particle2.w,particle3.w,vpBarycentricCoords);
            this.scaleFactor = ObiUtils.BarycentricExtrapolationScale(vpBarycentricCoords);
            this.weightSum = vpWeight + rigidbodyWeight;
 public SelfCollisionConstraint(Transform transform, ObiClothParticle particle1, ObiClothParticle particle2, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, float distance, float friction)
     : base(transform)
     this.transform = transform;
     this.particle1 = particle1;
     this.particle2 = particle2;
     this.point = point;
     this.normal = normal;
     this.distance = distance;
     this.weightSum = particle1.w + particle2.w;
     this.frictionCoeff = friction;
 public CollisionConstraint(Transform transform, ObiClothParticle particle, Rigidbody rigidbody, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, float distance, float friction)
     : base(transform)
     this.transform = transform;
     this.particle = particle;
     this.wspoint = point;
     this.point = transform.InverseTransformPoint(point);
     this.normal = transform.InverseTransformDirection(normal);
     this.distance = distance;
     this.rigidbody = rigidbody;
     this.rigidbodyWeight = (rigidbody == null || rigidbody.isKinematic) ? 0 : 1/rigidbody.mass;
     this.weightSum = particle.w + rigidbodyWeight;
     this.frictionCoeff = friction;
        public Vector3 wind = Vector3.zero; /**< Wind force vector expressed in world space.*/

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public void ApplyAerodynamicsToParticle(ObiClothParticle p, Vector3 normal, Vector3 localSpaceWind, float dt)

            if (enabled){

            float halfAirDensity = airDensity * 0.5f; /// air density in kg/m3.

            Vector3 relVelocity = p.velocity - localSpaceWind;	//relative velocity between particle and wind force.
            float relVelSqrMag = relVelocity.sqrMagnitude; 		//squared magnitude of relative velocity.
            Vector3 relVelocityNorm = relVelocity.normalized;	//direction of relative velocity.

            // Calculate surface normal:
            Vector3 surfNormal = normal.normalized * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal,relVelocityNorm));

            // Calculate aerodynamic factor. This is just a fancy name for a common part of the lift and drag calculations.
            float aerodynamicFactor = halfAirDensity * relVelSqrMag * p.areaContribution;

            // Calculate dot product between the surface normal at the particle's position, and the relative velocity direction.
            float dotNRV = Vector3.Dot(surfNormal,relVelocity.normalized);

            // Calculate drag force:
            float dragMagnitude = dragCoefficient * aerodynamicFactor;
            Vector3 fDrag = - dragMagnitude * dotNRV * relVelocityNorm;

            // Calculate lift force:
            float liftMagnitude = liftCoefficient * aerodynamicFactor;
            Vector3 fLift = liftMagnitude * dotNRV * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(surfNormal,relVelocityNorm),relVelocityNorm).normalized;

            // Apply both forces as accelerations:
            p.velocity += fDrag * p.w * dt; // a = F/m
            p.velocity += fLift * p.w * dt; // a = F/m


             * Removes the supplied particle from this cell, then destroys the cell if no particles are stored in it.
            public void RemoveParticle(ObiClothParticle p)
                //Remove the particle from the cell.

                //If the cell is now empty, remove the cell from the grid:
                if (particles.Count == 0)
  * Adds to this cell a reference to the supplied particle.
 public void AddParticle(ObiClothParticle p)
     //Add the particle index to the cell:
  * If the supplied particle cell hash is equal to the one calculated from the supplied cellIndex, nothing is done. Else,
  * the particle is removed from its current cell and then added to the cell indicated by cellIndex.
 public void UpdateParticle(ObiClothParticle p, Vector3 cellIndex)
     int hash = ComputeCellHash(cellIndex);
     if (hash != p.gridCellHash){
     p.gridCellHash = hash;
  * Remove a particle from the grid structure.
  * \param hash cell hash, can be computed using ComputeCellHash.
  * \param p the particle that should be removed from the grid.
 public void RemoveParticle(int hash, ObiClothParticle p)
     //See if the cell exists, and in that case, remove the particle from it:
     Cell cell = null;
     if (cells.TryGetValue(hash,out cell)){