public static CoordinateSystemBase Create(CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase csDef) { Check.ArgumentNotNull(csDef, nameof(csDef)); return(Create(csDef.WKT)); }
public override CoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[] EnumerateCoordinateSystems(string category) { CoordinateSystemCategory cat = null; foreach (CoordinateSystemCategory csc in this.Categories) { if (csc.Name == category) { cat = csc; break; } } if (cat == null) return new CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[0]; string req = this.RequestBuilder.EnumerateCoordinateSystems(category); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(m_con.OpenRead(req)); XmlNodeList lst = doc.SelectNodes("BatchPropertyCollection/PropertyCollection"); CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[] data = new CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[lst.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) data[i] = new HttpCoordinateSystemDefinition(cat, lst[i]); return data; }
public static CoordinateSystemBase Create(CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase csDef) { Check.NotNull(csDef, "csDef"); return Create(csDef.WKT); }
private void ValidateWKT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { m_wktCoordSys = null; if (_cat.IsValid(WKTText.Text)) { try { string coordcode = _cat.ConvertWktToCoordinateSystemCode(WKTText.Text); m_wktCoordSys = _cat.FindCoordSys(coordcode); } catch { } if (m_wktCoordSys == null) { m_wktCoordSys = _cat.CreateEmptyCoordinateSystem(); m_wktCoordSys.Code = null; m_wktCoordSys.Description = null; m_wktCoordSys.WKT = WKTText.Text; } } else { if (MessageBox.Show(Strings.ConfirmNonMapGuideSupportedCsWkt, Strings.NonMapGuideSupportedCsWkt, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { m_wktCoordSys = _cat.CreateEmptyCoordinateSystem(); m_wktCoordSys.Code = null; m_wktCoordSys.Description = null; m_wktCoordSys.WKT = WKTText.Text; } } } catch { if (MessageBox.Show(Strings.ConfirmNonMapGuideSupportedCsWkt, Strings.NonMapGuideSupportedCsWkt, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { m_wktCoordSys = _cat.CreateEmptyCoordinateSystem(); m_wktCoordSys.Code = null; m_wktCoordSys.Description = null; m_wktCoordSys.WKT = WKTText.Text; } } UpdateOKButton(); }
private void WKTText_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (m_isUpdating) return; // if (!WKTText.Focused) // return; m_wktCoordSys = null; if (WKTText.Focused) UpdateOKButton(); }
private void ValidateEPSG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { m_epsgCoordSys = null; m_epsgCoordSys = _cat.FindCoordSys("EPSG:" + EPSGCodeText.Text); //NOXLATE if (m_epsgCoordSys == null) { string s = _cat.ConvertEpsgCodeToWkt(EPSGCodeText.Text); s = _cat.ConvertWktToCoordinateSystemCode(s); m_epsgCoordSys = _cat.FindCoordSys(s); } } catch { } UpdateOKButton(); }
private void ValidateCoordSysCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { m_coordsysCodeCoordSys = null; string s = _cat.ConvertCoordinateSystemCodeToWkt(CoordSysCodeText.Text); m_coordsysCodeCoordSys = _cat.FindCoordSys(CoordSysCodeText.Text); } catch { } UpdateOKButton(); }
private void OKBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SelectByList.Checked) m_selectedCoordsys = CoordinateSystem.SelectedItem as CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase; else if (SelectByCoordSysCode.Checked) m_selectedCoordsys = m_coordsysCodeCoordSys; else if (SelectByWKT.Checked && _cat == null) { m_selectedCoordsys = _cat.CreateEmptyCoordinateSystem(); m_selectedCoordsys.Code = null; m_selectedCoordsys.Description = null; m_selectedCoordsys.WKT = WKTText.Text; } else if (SelectByWKT.Checked) m_selectedCoordsys = m_wktCoordSys; else if (SelectByEPSGCode.Checked) m_selectedCoordsys = m_epsgCoordSys; else m_selectedCoordsys = null; }
private void EPSGCodeText_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (m_isUpdating) return; // if (!EPSGCodeText.Focused) // return; m_epsgCoordSys = null; if (EPSGCodeText.Focused) UpdateOKButton(); }
/// <summary> /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load"/> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { this.Visible = true; CoordinateWait.Visible = true; CoordinateWait.BringToFront(); this.Refresh(); _cat.FindCoordSys(""); //NOXLATE CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[] items = null; try { items = _cat.Coordsys; } catch { items = new CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase[0]; } EPSGCodeText.BeginUpdate(); try { EPSGCodeText.Items.Clear(); foreach (CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase c in items) { if (c.Code.StartsWith("EPSG:")) //NOXLATE EPSGCodeText.Items.Add(c.EPSG); } } finally { EPSGCodeText.EndUpdate(); } CoordSysCodeText.BeginUpdate(); try { CoordSysCodeText.Items.Clear(); foreach (CoordinateSystemDefinitionBase c in items) { CoordSysCodeText.Items.Add(c.Code); } } finally { CoordSysCodeText.EndUpdate(); } if (WKTText.Text != "") //NOXLATE { SelectByWKT.Checked = true; ValidateWKT_Click(null, null); } CoordinateWait.Visible = false; }