public bool isCollection( string schemaName_in, out string ntype_out, out string name_out ) { ntype_out = string.Empty; name_out = string.Empty; ExtendedMetadata_complexTypeKeys _complextypekeys = root_ref.ExtendedMetadata.ComplexTypeKeys[Type]; if (_complextypekeys != null) { XS_Schema _schema = root_ref_.SchemaCollection[schemaName_in]; for (int c = 0; c < _schema.ComplexType.Count; c++) { for (int a = 0; a < _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute.Count; a++) { if (_schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].Name == _complextypekeys.Keys) { ntype_out = _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].NType; name_out = _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].Name; return(true); } } } } return(false); }
public bool mustImplementCollection( string schemaName_in, out ComplexTypeItem[] complexTypeCollection_out ) { complexTypeCollection_out = null; XS_Schema _schema = root_ref_.SchemaCollection[schemaName_in]; for (int c = 0; c < _schema.ComplexType.Count; c++) { for (int e = 0; e < _schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element.Count; e++) { if ( // if there's an Element pointing this ComplexType (_schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element[e].Type == Name) && // and if this Element occurance is unbounded (_schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element[e].MaxOccurs == XS_Element.MaxOccursEnum.unbounded) ) { // then this ComplexType must implement a Collection ExtendedMetadata_complexType _complextype = root_ref_.ExtendedMetadata.ComplexType[ Name ]; if (_complextype != null) { complexTypeCollection_out = new ComplexTypeItem[_complextype.ComplexTypeKey.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < _complextype.ComplexTypeKey.Count; k++) { for (int a = 0; a < Attribute.Count; a++) { if ( Attribute[a].Name == _complextype.ComplexTypeKey[k].Name ) { complexTypeCollection_out[k] = new ComplexTypeItem( Attribute[a].Name, Attribute[a].NType, _complextype.ComplexTypeKey[k].caseSensitive ); break; } } } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool mustImplementCollection( string schemaName_in, out string keys_ntype_out, out string keys_name_out ) { keys_ntype_out = string.Empty; keys_name_out = string.Empty; XS_Schema _schema = root_ref_.SchemaCollection[schemaName_in]; for (int c = 0; c < _schema.ComplexType.Count; c++) { for (int e = 0; e < _schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element.Count; e++) { if ( // if there's an Element pointing this ComplexType (_schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element[e].Type == Name) && // and if this Element occurance is unbounded (_schema.ComplexType[c].Sequence.Element[e].MaxOccurs == XS_Element.MaxOccursEnum.unbounded) ) { // then this ComplexType must implement a Collection ExtendedMetadata_complexTypeKeys _complextypekeys = root_ref_.ExtendedMetadata.ComplexTypeKeys[ Name ]; if (_complextypekeys != null) { for (int a = 0; a < Attribute.Count; a++) { if (Attribute[a].Name == _complextypekeys.Keys) { keys_name_out = Attribute[a].Name; keys_ntype_out = Attribute[a].NType; } } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool isCollection( string schemaName_in, out ComplexTypeItem[] complexTypeCollection_out ) { complexTypeCollection_out = null; ExtendedMetadata_complexType _complextype = root_ref.ExtendedMetadata.ComplexType[ Type ]; if (_complextype != null) { XS_Schema _schema = root_ref_.SchemaCollection[schemaName_in]; for (int c = 0; c < _schema.ComplexType.Count; c++) { if ( _schema.ComplexType[c].Name == _complextype.Name ) { complexTypeCollection_out = new ComplexTypeItem[_complextype.ComplexTypeKey.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < _complextype.ComplexTypeKey.Count; k++) { for (int a = 0; a < _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute.Count; a++) { if ( _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].Name == _complextype.ComplexTypeKey[k].Name ) { complexTypeCollection_out[k] = new ComplexTypeItem( _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].Name, _schema.ComplexType[c].Attribute[a].NType, _complextype.ComplexTypeKey[k].caseSensitive ); break; } } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static XS_Schema[] Load_fromFile( RootMetadata root_ref_in, params string[] filePath_in ) { FileStream _stream; XS_Schema[] _output = new XS_Schema[filePath_in.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < filePath_in.Length; i++) { _stream = new FileStream( filePath_in[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ); try { _output[i] = (XS_Schema) new XmlSerializer(typeof(XS_Schema)).Deserialize( _stream ); _output[i].root_schema_ = ROOT + "." + SCHEMA + "[" + i + "]"; } catch (Exception _ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "\n---\n{0}.{1}.Load_fromFile(): - ERROR READING XML:\n{2}\n---\n{3}", typeof(XS_Schema).Namespace, typeof(XS_Schema).Name, filePath_in[i], _ex.Message )); } _output[i].parent_ref = root_ref_in; // ToDos: now! if (root_ref_in != null) { _output[i].root_ref = root_ref_in; } } return(_output); }
public XS_SchemaCollection( XS_Schema[] schemas_in ) { schemas_ = schemas_in; }
public RootMetadata( string metadataFilepath_in ) { string _metadataPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(metadataFilepath_in); metadatafiles_ = Metadatas.Load_fromFile(metadataFilepath_in); #region string[] _schemaFilepath = new string[(int _total_schema = ...)]; #region int _total_schema = ...; int _total_schema = 0; for (int f = 0; f < metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles.Count; f++) { switch (metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles[f].XMLFileType) { case XS_Schema.SCHEMA: _total_schema++; break; } } #endregion string[] _schemaFilepath = new string[ _total_schema ]; #endregion _total_schema = 0; extendedmetadata_ = null; for (int f = 0; f < metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles.Count; f++) { switch (metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles[f].XMLFileType) { case XS_Schema.SCHEMA: _schemaFilepath[_total_schema] = System.IO.Path.Combine( _metadataPath, metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles[f].XMLFilename ); _total_schema++; break; case ExtendedMetadata.METADATA: if (extendedmetadata_ != null) { throw new Exception("expected only one ExtendedMetadata"); } extendedmetadata_ = ExtendedMetadata.Load_fromFile( System.IO.Path.Combine( _metadataPath, metadatafiles_.MetadataFiles[f].XMLFilename ), this ); break; } } if (extendedmetadata_ == null) { throw new Exception("expected one ExtendedMetadata"); } schemacollection_ = new XS_SchemaCollection( XS_Schema.Load_fromFile( this, _schemaFilepath ) ); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { RootMetadata _root = new RootMetadata( System.IO.Path.Combine( #if !NET_1_1 System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings #else System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings #endif ["ogenPath"], @"..\..\OGen-NTier\NTier_metadata\OGenXSD-metadatas\MD_NTier_metadata.OGenXSD-metadata.xml" ) ); string ntype = string.Empty; string name = string.Empty; bool must = false; for (int c = 0; c < _root.SchemaCollection[0].ComplexType.Count; c++) { must = _root.SchemaCollection[0].ComplexType[c].mustImplementCollection( "metadata", out ntype, out name ); Console.WriteLine( "{0}:{1}:{2}", must, ntype, name ); } PressAnyKey(); return; #region //XmlSchema... // string _filepath = @"c:\test.xml"; // // FileStream _file = new FileStream( // _filepath, // FileMode.Create, // FileAccess.Write, // FileShare.ReadWrite // ); // // //ValidationEventHandler _eventHandler // // = new ValidationEventHandler(Program.ShowCompileErrors); // // XmlSerializerNamespaces _xmlserializernamespaces // = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); // _xmlserializernamespaces.Add("PREFIX1", "NAMESPACE111"); // //_xmlserializernamespaces.Add("PREFIX2", "NAMESPACE222"); // // XmlSchema _xmlschema = new XmlSchema(); // //XmlSchema.Read( // // _file2, // // _eventHandler // //); // _xmlschema.ElementFormDefault = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified; // _xmlschema.Namespaces = _xmlserializernamespaces; // //_xmlschema.Elements; // // _xmlschema.Write(_file); // _file.Flush(); // _file.Close(); #endregion XS_Schema _schema = new XS_Schema(); // _schema.xmlNS_xs = ""; _schema.TargetNamespace = ""; _schema.xmlNS = ""; _schema.ElementFormDefault = "qualified"; XS_SimpleType _simpletype = new XS_SimpleType(); _simpletype.Name = "someEnum"; _simpletype.Restriction.Base = "xs:string"; _simpletype.Restriction.Enumeration.Add( new XS_Enumeration("someenum1"), new XS_Enumeration("someenum2"), new XS_Enumeration("someenum3") ); _schema.SimpleType.Add( _simpletype ); XS_Attribute _attrib1 = new XS_Attribute(); _attrib1.Name = "someAttrib1"; _attrib1.Type = "xs:string"; XS_ComplexType _someType1 = new XS_ComplexType(); _someType1.Name = "someType1"; _someType1.Attribute.Add( _attrib1 ); XS_Attribute _attrib2 = new XS_Attribute(); _attrib2.Name = "someAttrib2"; _attrib2.Type = "xs:string"; XS_Attribute _attrib3 = new XS_Attribute(); _attrib3.Name = "someAttrib3"; _attrib3.Type = "xs:string"; XS_ComplexType _someType2 = new XS_ComplexType(); _someType2.Name = "someType2"; _someType2.Attribute.Add( _attrib2, _attrib3 ); XS_Element _element1 = new XS_Element(); _element1.Name = "someCollection"; _element1.Type = "someType1"; _element1.MaxOccurs //= MaxOccursEnum.unbounded; = XS_Element.MaxOccursEnum.unbounded; XS_Element _element2 = new XS_Element(); _element2.Name = "someItem"; _element2.Type = "someType1"; _someType2.Sequence.Element.Add( _element1, _element2 ); _schema.ComplexType.Add( _someType1, _someType2 ); //XS_Element _someElement = new XS_Element(); //_someElement.Name = "someElement"; //_someElement.Type = "someType2"; //_schema.Element = _someElement; _schema.Element.Name = "someElement"; _schema.Element.Type = "someType2"; Console.WriteLine( "'{0}' == '{1}'", _schema.SimpleType[0].Restriction.Enumeration[2].Value, _schema.Read_fromRoot("ROOT.simpleType[0].restriction.enumeration[2].value") ); PressAnyKey(); //Console.WriteLine( // "'{0}' == '{1}'", // _schema.SimpleType[0].Restriction.Enumeration[2].XXX, // _schema.Read_fromRoot("ROOT.simpleType[0].restriction.enumeration[2].XXX") //); //Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); //Console.ReadKey(true); Console.WriteLine(); //_schema.IterateThrough_fromRoot( // "ROOT.simpleType[n].restriction.enumeration[n]", // notifyme//cClaSSe.dIteration_found //); //PressAnyKey(); string _filepath = @"c:\test.xml"; _schema.SaveState_toFile(_filepath); Output(_schema); PressAnyKey(); _schema = XS_Schema.Load_fromFile(_filepath)[0]; Output(_schema); PressAnyKey(); }
public static void Output(XS_Schema schema_in) { Console.WriteLine( "<xs:schema targetNamespace=\"{0}\" elementFormDefault=\"{1}\">", schema_in.TargetNamespace, schema_in.ElementFormDefault ); for (int i = 0; i < schema_in.SimpleType.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine( "\t<xs:simpleType name=\"{0}\" />", schema_in.SimpleType[i].Name ); } for (int i = 0; i < schema_in.ComplexType.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine( "\t<xs:complexType name=\"{0}\" />", schema_in.ComplexType[i].Name ); } Console.WriteLine( "\t<xs:element name=\"{0}\" type=\"{1}\" />", schema_in.Element.Name, schema_in.Element.Type ); Console.WriteLine("</xs:schema>"); }
public static XS_Schema[] Load_fromFile( RootMetadata root_ref_in, params string[] filePath_in ) { FileStream _stream; XS_Schema[] _output = new XS_Schema[filePath_in.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < filePath_in.Length; i++) { _stream = new FileStream( filePath_in[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ); try { _output[i] = (XS_Schema)new XmlSerializer(typeof(XS_Schema)).Deserialize( _stream ); _output[i].root_schema_ = ROOT + "." + SCHEMA + "[" + i + "]"; } catch (Exception _ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "\n---\n{0}.{1}.Load_fromFile(): - ERROR READING XML:\n{2}\n---\n{3}", typeof(XS_Schema).Namespace, typeof(XS_Schema).Name, filePath_in[i], _ex.Message )); } _output[i].parent_ref = root_ref_in; // ToDos: now! if (root_ref_in != null) _output[i].root_ref = root_ref_in; } return _output; }