void GeneratePulseHalo(ref Bounds blockBounds, int noPulses, Transform parent = null) { for (int i = 0; i < noPulses; ++i) { BlockHalo halo = InstantiateBlockHalo(_haloPrefabs.HaloPulseFadePrefab, ref blockBounds, parent); halo.Play(_haloConfig.BlockHaloPulseDelaySeconds * i); } }
BlockHalo InstantiateBlockHalo(BlockHalo blockHaloPrefab, ref Bounds blockBounds, Transform parent = null) { BlockHalo halo = Instantiate(blockHaloPrefab, parent, true); if (halo == null) { Debug.Log("TEST"); } halo.SetSize(blockBounds); // set halo position to the bottom of provided block bounds (0.9f to prevent z fighting) halo.transform.position = blockBounds.center + Vector3.down * blockBounds.extents.y * 0.9f; return(halo); }
void GenerateFadeHalo(ref Bounds blockBounds, Transform parent = null) { BlockHalo halo = InstantiateBlockHalo(_haloPrefabs.HaloFadePrefab, ref blockBounds, parent); halo.Play(); }