public EXEReferencingVariable FindReferencingVariableByName(String Name) { EXEReferencingVariable Result = null; EXEScope CurrentScope = this; while (CurrentScope != null) { foreach (EXEReferencingVariable CurrentVariable in CurrentScope.ReferencingVariables) { if (String.Equals(CurrentVariable.Name, Name)) { Result = CurrentVariable; break; } } if (Result != null) { break; } CurrentScope = CurrentScope.SuperScope; } return(Result); }
public bool AddVariable(EXEReferencingVariable Variable) { bool Result = false; if (!VariableNameExists(Variable.Name)) { this.ReferencingVariables.Add(Variable); Result = true; } return(Result); }
public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope) { bool Result = false; EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName); if (Variable != null) { bool DestructionSuccess = OALProgram.ExecutionSpace.DestroyInstance(Variable.ClassName, Variable.ReferencedInstanceId); if (DestructionSuccess) { Result = Scope.UnsetReferencingVariables(Variable.ClassName, Variable.ReferencedInstanceId); } } return(Result); }
//SetUloh1 // We have variable name, attribute name and scope, in which to look for variable // We need to get the value of given attribute of given variable // If this does not exist, return null // You will use EXEScope.FindReferencingVariableByName() method, but you need to implement it first // public String EvaluateAttributeValue(String ReferencingVariableName, String AttributeName, EXEScope Scope, CDClassPool ExecutionSpace) { EXEReferencingVariable ReferencingVariable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(ReferencingVariableName); if (ReferencingVariable == null) { return(null); } CDClassInstance ClassInstance = ExecutionSpace.GetClassInstanceById(ReferencingVariable.ClassName, ReferencingVariable.ReferencedInstanceId); if (ClassInstance == null) { return(null); } return(ClassInstance.GetAttributeValue(AttributeName)); }
public String EvaluateEmpty(String Operand, EXEScope Scope) { String Result = null; if (EXETypes.UnitializedName.Equals(Operand)) { Result = EXETypes.BooleanTrue; return(Result); } EXEReferencingVariable SingleInstanceVariable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(Operand); if (SingleInstanceVariable != null) { if (SingleInstanceVariable.IsInitialized()) { Result = EXETypes.BooleanFalse; } else { Result = EXETypes.BooleanTrue; } return(Result); } EXEReferencingSetVariable MultiInstanceVariable = Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(Operand); if (MultiInstanceVariable != null) { if (MultiInstanceVariable.GetReferencingVariables().Any()) { Result = EXETypes.BooleanFalse; } else { Result = EXETypes.BooleanTrue; } return(Result); } return(Result); }
public String EvaluateCardinality(String Operand, EXEScope Scope) { String Result = null; if (EXETypes.UnitializedName.Equals(Operand)) { Result = "0"; return(Result); } EXEReferencingVariable SingleInstanceVariable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(Operand); if (SingleInstanceVariable != null) { if (SingleInstanceVariable.IsInitialized()) { Result = "1"; } else { Result = "0"; } return(Result); } EXEReferencingSetVariable MultiInstanceVariable = Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(Operand); if (MultiInstanceVariable != null) { if (MultiInstanceVariable.GetReferencingVariables().Any()) { Result = MultiInstanceVariable.GetReferencingVariables().Count.ToString(); } else { Result = "0"; } return(Result); } return(Result); }
// SetUloh2 public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope) { //Create an instance of given class -> will affect ExecutionSpace. //If ReferencingVariableName is provided (is not ""), create a referencing variable pointing to this instance -> will affect scope CDClass Class = OALProgram.ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(this.ClassName); if (Class == null) { return(false); } EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.ReferencingVariableName); if (Variable != null) { if (!String.Equals(this.ClassName, Variable.ClassName)) { return(false); } } CDClassInstance Instance = Class.CreateClassInstance(); if (Instance == null) { return(false); } if (!"".Equals(this.ReferencingVariableName)) { if (Variable != null) { Variable.ReferencedInstanceId = Instance.UniqueID; } else { Variable = new EXEReferencingVariable(this.ReferencingVariableName, Class.Name, Instance.UniqueID); return(Scope.AddVariable(Variable)); } } return(true); }
//SetUloh1 // Similar as task above, but this time we set the attribute value to "NewValue" parameter // But it's not that easy, you need to check if attribute type and NewValue type are the same (e.g. both are integer) // To do that, you need to find the referencing variable's class (via Scope) and then the attribute's type (vie ExecutionSpace) // When you know the type of attribute, use EXETypes.IsValidValue to see if you can or cannot assign that value to that attribute // You assign it in Scope // Return if you could assign it or not // EXETypes.determineVariableType() public Boolean SetAttributeValue(String ReferencingVariableName, String AttributeName, EXEScope Scope, CDClassPool ExecutionSpace, String NewValue) { EXEReferencingVariable ReferencingVariable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(ReferencingVariableName); if (ReferencingVariable == null) { return(false); } CDClassInstance ClassInstance = ExecutionSpace.GetClassInstanceById(ReferencingVariable.ClassName, ReferencingVariable.ReferencedInstanceId); if (ClassInstance == null) { return(false); } CDClass Class = ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(ReferencingVariable.ClassName); if (Class == null) { return(false); } CDAttribute Attribute = Class.GetAttributeByName(AttributeName); if (Attribute == null) { return(false); } String NewValueType = EXETypes.DetermineVariableType(null, NewValue); if (!EXETypes.CanBeAssignedToAttribute(AttributeName, Attribute.Type, NewValueType)) { return(false); } ClassInstance.SetAttribute(AttributeName, EXETypes.AdjustAssignedValue(Attribute.Type, NewValue)); return(true); }
public Dictionary <String, String> GetRefStateAttrsDictRecursive(CDClassPool ExecutionSpace, String VarName) { Dictionary <String, String> Result = new Dictionary <String, String>(); EXEReferencingVariable Var = this.FindReferencingVariableByName(VarName); if (Var == null) { return(Result); } CDClassInstance Inst = Var.RetrieveReferencedClassInstance(ExecutionSpace); if (Inst == null) { return(Result); } foreach (var Attribute in Inst.GetStateWithoutID()) { Result[VarName + "." + Attribute.Key] = Attribute.Value; } return(Result); }
// Create a relationship instance (between two variables pointing to class instances) // Based on class names get the CDRelationship from RelationshipSpace // Based on variable names get the instance ids from Scope.ReferencingVariables // Create relationship between the given instance ids (CDRelationship.CreateRelationship) and return result of it public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope) { EXEReferencingVariable Variable1 = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.Variable1Name); if (Variable1 == null) { return(false); } EXEReferencingVariable Variable2 = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.Variable2Name); if (Variable2 == null) { return(false); } CDRelationship Relationship = OALProgram.RelationshipSpace.GetRelationship(this.RelationshipName, Variable1.ClassName, Variable2.ClassName); if (Relationship == null) { return(false); } bool Success = Relationship.DestroyRelationship(Variable1.ReferencedInstanceId, Variable2.ReferencedInstanceId); return(Success); }
public override Boolean Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope) { this.OALProgram = OALProgram; OALProgram.AccessInstanceDatabase(); EXEReferencingVariable IteratorVariable = this.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.IteratorName); EXEReferencingSetVariable IterableVariable = this.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(this.IterableName); OALProgram.LeaveInstanceDatabase(); Boolean Success = true; // We cannot iterate over not existing reference set if (Success && IterableVariable == null) { Success = false; } // If iterator already exists and its class does not match the iterable class, we cannot do this if (Success && IteratorVariable != null && !IteratorVariable.ClassName.Equals(IterableVariable.ClassName)) { Success = false; } // If iterator name is already taken for another variable, we quit again. Otherwise we create the iterator variable if (Success && IteratorVariable == null) { IteratorVariable = new EXEReferencingVariable(this.IteratorName, IterableVariable.ClassName, -1); Success = this.GetSuperScope().AddVariable(IteratorVariable); } if (Success) { foreach (EXEReferencingVariable CurrentItem in IterableVariable.GetReferencingVariables()) { //!!NON-RECURSIVE!! this.ClearVariables(); IteratorVariable.ReferencedInstanceId = CurrentItem.ReferencedInstanceId; Console.WriteLine("ForEach: " + CurrentItem.ReferencedInstanceId); foreach (EXECommand Command in this.Commands) { if (this.CurrentLoopControlCommand != LoopControlStructure.None) { break; } Success = Command.SynchronizedExecute(OALProgram, this); if (!Success) { break; } } if (!Success) { break; } if (this.CurrentLoopControlCommand == LoopControlStructure.Break) { this.CurrentLoopControlCommand = LoopControlStructure.None; break; } else if (this.CurrentLoopControlCommand == LoopControlStructure.Continue) { this.CurrentLoopControlCommand = LoopControlStructure.None; continue; } } } return(Success); }
// SetUloh2 public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope) { //Select instances of given class that match the criteria and assign them to variable with given name // ClassName tells us which class we are interested in // Cardinality tells us whether we want one random instance (matching the criteria) or all of them // "Many" - we create variable EXEReferencingSetVariable, "Any" - we create variable EXEReferencingVariable // Variable name tells us how to name the newly created referencing variable // Where condition tells us which instances to select from all instances of the class (just do EXEASTNode.Evaluate and return true if the result "true" and false for "false") // When making unit tests, do not use the "where" causule yet, because its evaluation is not yet implemented // If relationship selection does not exists, this is problem if (this.RelationshipSelection == null) { return(false); } CDClass Class = OALProgram.ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName()); if (Class == null) { return(false); } // We need to check, if the variable already exists, it must be of corresponding type if (Scope.VariableNameExists(this.VariableName)) { if ( !( (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityAny.Equals(this.Cardinality) && this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName() == Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName).ClassName) || (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityMany.Equals(this.Cardinality) && this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName() == Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName).ClassName) ) ) { return(false); } } // Evaluate relationship selection. If it fails, execution fails too List <long> SelectedIds = this.RelationshipSelection.Evaluate(OALProgram.RelationshipSpace, Scope); if (SelectedIds == null) { return(false); } // If class has no instances, command may execute successfully, but we better verify references in the WHERE condition if (SelectedIds.Count() == 0 && this.WhereCondition != null) { return(this.WhereCondition.VerifyReferences(Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace)); } // Now let's evaluate the condition if (this.WhereCondition != null && SelectedIds.Any()) { String TempSelectedVarName = "selected"; EXEReferencingVariable SelectedVar = new EXEReferencingVariable(TempSelectedVarName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName(), -1); if (!Scope.AddVariable(SelectedVar)) { return(false); } List <long> ResultIds = new List <long>(); foreach (long Id in SelectedIds) { SelectedVar.ReferencedInstanceId = Id; String ConditionResult = this.WhereCondition.Evaluate(Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace); //Console.Write(Id + " : " + ConditionResult); if (!EXETypes.IsValidValue(ConditionResult, EXETypes.BooleanTypeName)) { Scope.DestroyReferencingVariable(TempSelectedVarName); return(false); } if (EXETypes.BooleanTrue.Equals(ConditionResult)) { ResultIds.Add(Id); } } SelectedIds = ResultIds; Scope.DestroyReferencingVariable(TempSelectedVarName); } // Now we have ids of selected instances. Let's assign them to a variable if (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityMany.Equals(this.Cardinality)) { EXEReferencingSetVariable Variable = Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName); if (Variable == null) { Variable = new EXEReferencingSetVariable(this.VariableName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName()); if (!Scope.AddVariable(Variable)) { return(false); } } foreach (long Id in SelectedIds) { Variable.AddReferencingVariable(new EXEReferencingVariable("", Variable.ClassName, Id)); } } else if (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityAny.Equals(this.Cardinality)) { EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName); if (Variable == null) { long ResultId = SelectedIds.Any() ? SelectedIds[new Random().Next(SelectedIds.Count)] : -1; Variable = new EXEReferencingVariable(this.VariableName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName(), ResultId); if (!Scope.AddVariable(Variable)) { return(false); } } } else { return(false); } return(true); }
public void AddReferencingVariable(EXEReferencingVariable NewReferencingVariable) { this.ReferencingVariables.Add(NewReferencingVariable); }
public bool VerifyReferences(EXEScope Scope, CDClassPool ExecutionSpace) { bool Result = false; EXEExpressionEvaluator Evaluator = new EXEExpressionEvaluator(); EXEEvaluatorHandleOperators HandleEvaluator = new EXEEvaluatorHandleOperators(); EXEReferenceEvaluator AccessEvaluator = new EXEReferenceEvaluator(); // If we just calculate with ints, reals, bools, strings if (Evaluator.IsSimpleOperator(this.Operation)) { foreach (EXEASTNode Operand in this.Operands) { if (!Operand.VerifyReferences(Scope, ExecutionSpace)) { return(false); } } Result = true; } // If we have handle operators else if (HandleEvaluator.IsHandleOperator(this.Operation)) { if (this.Operands.Count() == 1 && Scope.FindReferenceHandleByName(((EXEASTNodeLeaf)this.Operands[0]).GetNodeValue()) != null) { Result = true; } } // If we have access operator - we either access attribute or have decimal number. There are always 2 operands else if (".".Equals(this.Operation) && this.Operands.Count == 2) { if (EXETypes.IntegerTypeName.Equals(EXETypes.DetermineVariableType("", this.Operands[0].GetNodeValue())) && EXETypes.IntegerTypeName.Equals(EXETypes.DetermineVariableType("", this.Operands[1].GetNodeValue())) ) { Result = true; } else if (EXETypes.ReferenceTypeName.Equals(EXETypes.DetermineVariableType("", this.Operands[0].GetNodeValue())) && EXETypes.ReferenceTypeName.Equals(EXETypes.DetermineVariableType("", this.Operands[1].GetNodeValue())) ) { EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.Operands[0].GetNodeValue()); if (Variable == null) { return(false); } CDClass Class = ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(Variable.ClassName); if (Class == null) { return(false); } CDAttribute Attribute = Class.GetAttributeByName(this.Operands[1].GetNodeValue()); if (Attribute == null) { return(false); } CDClassInstance Instance = Variable.RetrieveReferencedClassInstance(ExecutionSpace); if (Instance == null) { return(false); } Result = true; } } return(Result); }