public static NDArray array <T>(this NumPy np, IEnumerable <T> array, int ndim = 1) { var nd = new NDArray(typeof(T)); nd.Set(array.ToArray()); nd.Shape = new Shape(new int[] { array.Count() }); return(nd); }
public static NDArray array <T>(this NumPy np, System.Drawing.Bitmap image) { var imageArray = new NDArray(typeof(T)); var bmpd = image.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, image.PixelFormat); var dataSize = bmpd.Stride * bmpd.Height; imageArray.Set(new byte[dataSize]); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bmpd.Scan0, (imageArray.Storage.values as byte[]), 0, imageArray.Size); image.UnlockBits(bmpd); imageArray.Shape = new Shape(new int[] { bmpd.Height, bmpd.Width, System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(image.PixelFormat) / 8 }); return(imageArray); }
public NDArray delete(IEnumerable delete) { var np = new NumPy(); var sysArr = this.Storage.GetData(); NDArray res = null; switch (sysArr) { case double[] castedSysArr: { var castedDelete = delete as double[]; res = np.array(castedSysArr.Where(x => !castedDelete.Contains(x)).ToArray()); break; } case float[] castedSysArr: { var castedDelete = delete as float[]; res = np.array(castedSysArr.Where(x => !castedDelete.Contains(x)).ToArray()); break; } case int[] castedSysArr: { var castedDelete = delete as int[]; res = np.array(castedSysArr.Where(x => !castedDelete.Contains(x)).ToArray()); break; } default: { throw new IncorrectTypeException(); } } return(res); }
public NDArray permutation(int max) { var random = new Random(); int[] orders = new int[max]; var np = new NumPy().arange(max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { var pos = random.Next(0, max); var zero = np.Data <int>(0); np[0] = np.Data <int>(pos); np[pos] = zero; } return(np); }
public void normalize() { var np = new NumPy(); var min = this.min(0); var max = this.max(0); if (ndim == 2) { for (int col = 0; col < shape.Shapes[1]; col++) { double der = max.Data <double>(col) - min.Data <double>(col); for (int row = 0; row < shape.Shapes[0]; row++) { this[row, col] = (Data <double>(row, col) - min.Data <double>(col)) / der; } } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public static NDArray array <T>(this NumPy np, T[][] data) { int size = data.Length * data[0].Length; var all = new T[size]; int idx = 0; for (int row = 0; row < data.Length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < data[row].Length; col++) { all[idx] = data[row][col]; idx++; } } var nd = new NDArray(typeof(T)); nd.Set(all.ToArray()); nd.Shape = new Shape(new int[] { data.Length, data[0].Length }); return(nd); }
/// <summary> /// Convolution of 2 series /// </summary> /// <param name="numSharpArray1"></param> /// <param name="numSharpArray2"></param> /// <param name="mode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NDArray Convolve(NDArray numSharpArray2, string mode = "full") { int nf = this.shape.Shapes[0]; int ng = numSharpArray2.shape.Shapes[0]; if (shape.NDim > 1) { throw new IncorrectShapeException(); } var numSharpReturn = new NDArray(typeof(double)); double[] np1 = this.Storage.GetData <double>(); double[] np2 = numSharpArray2.Storage.GetData <double>(); switch (mode) { case "full": { int n = nf + ng - 1; var outArray = new double[n]; for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) { int jmn = (idx >= ng - 1) ? (idx - (ng - 1)) : 0; int jmx = (idx < nf - 1) ? idx : nf - 1; for (int jdx = jmn; jdx <= jmx; ++jdx) { outArray[idx] += (np1[jdx] * np2[idx - jdx]); } } numSharpReturn.Storage = NDStorage.CreateByShapeAndType(numSharpReturn.dtype, new Shape(outArray.Length)); numSharpReturn.Storage.SetData(outArray); break; } case "valid": { var min_v = (nf < ng) ? np1 : np2; var max_v = (nf < ng) ? np2 : np1; int n = Math.Max(nf, ng) - Math.Min(nf, ng) + 1; double[] outArray = new double[n]; for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) { int kdx = idx; for (int jdx = (min_v.Length - 1); jdx >= 0; --jdx) { outArray[idx] += min_v[jdx] * max_v[kdx]; ++kdx; } } numSharpReturn.Storage = NDStorage.CreateByShapeAndType(numSharpReturn.dtype, new Shape(outArray.Length)); numSharpReturn.Storage.SetData(outArray); break; } case "same": { // followed the discussion on // // implemented numpy convolve because we follow numpy var npad = numSharpArray2.shape.Shapes[0] - 1; double[] np1New = null; if (npad % 2 == 1) { npad = (int)Math.Floor(((double)npad) / 2.0); np1New = (double[])np1.Clone(); np1New.ToList().AddRange(new double[npad + 1]); var puffer = (new double[npad]).ToList(); puffer.AddRange(np1New); np1New = puffer.ToArray(); } else { npad = npad / 2; np1New = (double[])np1.Clone(); var puffer = np1New.ToList(); puffer.AddRange(new double[npad]); np1New = puffer.ToArray(); puffer = (new double[npad]).ToList(); puffer.AddRange(np1New); np1New = puffer.ToArray(); } var numSharpNew = new NumPy().array(np1New, dtype); numSharpReturn = numSharpNew.Convolve(numSharpArray2, "valid"); break; } } return(numSharpReturn); }