public virtual int Execute(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken, out string stdOut) { var outBuffer = new StringBuilder(); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var process = Process.Start(startInfo); if (process == null) { throw PluginException.CreateNotStartedMessage(Path); } process.OutputDataReceived += (object o, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => { outBuffer.AppendLine(e.Data); }; // Trace and error information may be written to standard error by the provider. // It should be logged at the Information level so it will appear if Verbosity >= Normal. process.ErrorDataReceived += (object o, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e?.Data)) { // This is a workaround for mono issue: if (!process.HasExited) { _logger.LogInformation($"{process.ProcessName}: {e.Data}"); } } }; process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); using (cancellationToken.Register(() => Kill(process))) { if (!process.WaitForExit(TimeoutSeconds * 1000)) { Kill(process); throw PluginException.CreateTimeoutMessage(Path, TimeoutSeconds); } // Give time for the Async event handlers to finish by calling WaitForExit again. // if the first one succeeded // Note: Read remarks from // for reason. process.WaitForExit(); } process.CancelErrorRead(); process.CancelOutputRead(); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); stdOut = outBuffer.ToString(); return(process.ExitCode); }
public virtual PluginCredentialResponse Execute(PluginCredentialRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var stdOut = new StringBuilder(); var stdError = new StringBuilder(); var argumentString = $"-uri {request.Uri}" + (request.IsRetry ? " -isRetry" : string.Empty) + (request.NonInteractive ? " -nonInteractive" : string.Empty); var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Path, Arguments = argumentString, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8, StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.UTF8, ErrorDialog = false }; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var process = Process.Start(startInfo); if (process == null) { throw PluginException.CreateNotStartedMessage(Path); } process.OutputDataReceived += (object o, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => { stdOut.AppendLine(e.Data); }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (object o, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => { stdError.AppendLine(e.Data); }; process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); using (cancellationToken.Register(() => Kill(process))) { if (!process.WaitForExit(TimeoutSeconds * 1000)) { Kill(process); throw PluginException.CreateTimeoutMessage(Path, TimeoutSeconds); } // Give time for the Async event handlers to finish by calling WaitForExit again. // if the first one succeeded // Note: Read remarks from // for reason. process.WaitForExit(); } process.CancelErrorRead(); process.CancelOutputRead(); var exitCode = process.ExitCode; if (Enum.GetValues(typeof(PluginCredentialResponseExitCode)).Cast <int>().Contains(exitCode)) { var status = (PluginCredentialResponseExitCode)exitCode; var responseJson = stdOut.ToString(); PluginCredentialResponse credentialResponse; try { credentialResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PluginCredentialResponse>(responseJson); } catch (Exception) { throw PluginException.CreatePayloadExceptionMessage(Path, status, responseJson); } switch (status) { case PluginCredentialResponseExitCode.Success: if (!credentialResponse.IsValid) { throw PluginException.CreatePayloadExceptionMessage(Path, status, responseJson); } return(credentialResponse); case PluginCredentialResponseExitCode.ProviderNotApplicable: credentialResponse.Username = null; credentialResponse.Password = null; return(credentialResponse); case PluginCredentialResponseExitCode.Failure: throw PluginException.CreateAbortMessage(Path, credentialResponse.Message); } } throw PluginException.CreateWrappedExceptionMessage( Path, exitCode, stdOut.ToString(), stdError.ToString()); }