        private IEnumerable<RowInfo<T>> Take<T>(ISheet sheet, int maxErrorRows, Func<T> objectInitializer = null) where T : class
            if (sheet == null || sheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows < 1)
                yield break;

            var firstRowIndex = GetFirstRowIndex(sheet);
            var firstRow = sheet.GetRow(firstRowIndex);

            var targetType = typeof(T);
            if (targetType == typeof(object)) // Dynamic type.
                targetType = GetDynamicType(sheet);
                MapHelper.LoadDynamicAttributes(Attributes, DynamicAttributes, targetType);

            // Scan object attributes.
            MapHelper.LoadAttributes(Attributes, targetType);

            // Read the first row to get column information.
            var columns = GetColumns(firstRow, targetType);

            // Detect column format based on the first non-null cell.
            Helper.LoadDataFormats(sheet, HasHeader ? firstRowIndex + 1 : firstRowIndex, columns, TypeFormats);

            if (TrackObjects) Objects[sheet.SheetName] = new Dictionary<int, object>();

            // Loop rows in file. Generate one target object for each row.
            var errorCount = 0;
            var firstDataRowIndex = HasHeader ? firstRowIndex + 1 : firstRowIndex;
            foreach (IRow row in sheet)
                if (maxErrorRows > 0 && errorCount >= maxErrorRows) break;
                if (row.RowNum < firstDataRowIndex) continue;

                var obj = objectInitializer == null ? Activator.CreateInstance(targetType) : objectInitializer();
                var rowInfo = new RowInfo<T>(row.RowNum, obj as T, -1, string.Empty);
                LoadRowData(columns, row, obj, rowInfo);

                if (rowInfo.ErrorColumnIndex >= 0)
                    //rowInfo.Value = default(T);
                if (TrackObjects) Objects[sheet.SheetName][row.RowNum] = rowInfo.Value;

                yield return rowInfo;