        private static Bitmap backdrop;                   //, backWithPortrait;

        /// <summary>
        /// Don't see a Subscreen with multiple handlers often...
        /// </summary>
        public static void CharacterCreator()
            if (Subscreens.FirstDraw)
                //Start creating the world as we work...
                if (worldgen == null)                 //Conditional added by Mat.
                    worldgen = new System.Threading.Thread(NoxicoGame.Me.CreateRealm);

                //Load all bonus traits.
                var traits     = new List <string>();
                var traitHelps = new List <string>();
                var traitsDoc  = Mix.GetTokenTree("bonustraits.tml");
                foreach (var trait in traitsDoc.Where(t => t.Name == "trait"))
                //Define the help texts for the standard controls.
                controlHelps = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "back", i18n.GetString("cchelp_back") },
                    { "next", i18n.GetString("cchelp_next") },
                    { "play", Random.NextDouble() > 0.7 ? "FRUITY ANGELS MOLEST SHARKY" : "ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER F****R" },
                    { "name", i18n.GetString("cchelp_name") },
                    { "species", string.Empty },
                    { "sex", i18n.GetString("cchelp_sex") },
                    { "gid", i18n.GetString("cchelp_gid") },
                    { "pref", i18n.GetString("cchelp_pref") },
                    { "tutorial", i18n.GetString("cchelp_tutorial") },
                    { "easy", i18n.GetString("cchelp_easy") },
                    { "gift", traitHelps[0] },

                var xScale = Program.Cols / 80f;
                var yScale = Program.Rows / 25f;

                //backdrop = Mix.GetBitmap("chargen.png");
                backdrop = new Bitmap(Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                var ccback   = Mix.GetBitmap("ccback.png");
                var ccpage   = Mix.GetBitmap("ccpage.png");
                var ccbars   = Mix.GetBitmap("ccbars.png");
                var pageLeft = Program.Cols - ccpage.Width - (int)(2 * yScale);
                var pageTop  = Program.Rows - (ccpage.Height / 2);
                using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backdrop))
                    gfx.DrawImage(ccback, 0, 0, Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2);
                    gfx.DrawImage(ccpage, pageLeft, pageTop, ccpage.Width, ccpage.Height);
                    var barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 3, ccbars.Width, 7);
                    var barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Program.Cols, 7);
                    gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, ccbars.Width, 5);
                    barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, (Program.Rows * 2) - 5, Program.Cols, 5);
                    gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                //Build the interface.
                var      title       = "\xB4 " + i18n.GetString("cc_title") + " \xC3";
                var      bar         = new string('\xC4', 33);
                string[] sexoptions  = { i18n.GetString("Male"), i18n.GetString("Female"), i18n.GetString("Herm"), i18n.GetString("Neuter") };
                string[] prefoptions = { i18n.GetString("Male"), i18n.GetString("Female"), i18n.GetString("Either") };

                var labelL  = pageLeft + 5;
                var cntrlL  = labelL + 2;
                var header  = (pageTop / 2) + 3;
                var top     = header + 2;
                var buttons = (pageTop / 2) + 20;

                controls = new Dictionary <string, UIElement>()
                    { "backdrop", new UIPNGBackground(backdrop) },                     //backWithPortrait) },
                    { "headerline", new UILabel(bar)
                          Left = labelL, Top = header, Foreground = Color.Black
                      } },
                    { "header", new UILabel(title)
                          Left = labelL + 17 - (title.Length() / 2), Top = header, Width = title.Length(), Foreground = Color.Black
                      } },
                    { "back", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_back"), null)
                          Left = labelL, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1
                      } },
                    { "next", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_next"), null)
                          Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1
                      } },
                    { "wait", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_wait"))
                          Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Foreground = Color.Silver
                      } },
                    { "play", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_play"), null)
                          Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1, Hidden = true
                      } },

                    { "nameLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_name"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "name", new UITextBox(string.Empty)
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },
                    { "nameRandom", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_random"))
                          Left = cntrlL + 2, Top = top + 1, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "speciesLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_species"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top + 3, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "species", new UISingleList()
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 4, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },
                    { "tutorial", new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("cc_tutorial"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top + 6, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },
                    { "easy", new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("cc_easy"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top + 7, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },

                    { "sexLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_sex"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "sex", new UIRadioList(sexoptions)
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },
                    { "gidLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_gid"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top + 6, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "gid", new UISingleList(string.Empty, null, sexoptions.ToList(), 0)
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 7, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },
                    { "prefLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_pref"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top + 9, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "pref", new UISingleList(string.Empty, null, prefoptions.ToList(), 1)
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 10, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },

                    { "giftLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_gift"))
                          Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray
                      } },
                    { "gift", new UIList(string.Empty, null, traits)
                          Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 30, Height = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent
                      } },

                    { "controlHelp", new UILabel(traitHelps[0])
                          Left = 1, Top = 1, Width = pageLeft - 2, Height = 4, Foreground = Color.White, Darken = true
                      } },
                    { "topHeader", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_header"))
                          Left = 1, Top = 0, Foreground = Color.Silver
                      } },
                    { "helpLine", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_footer"))
                          Left = 1, Top = Program.Rows - 1, Foreground = Color.Silver
                      } },
                //Map the controls to pages.
                pages = new List <UIElement>[]
                    new List <UIElement>()
                        controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"],
                        controls["nameLabel"], controls["name"], controls["nameRandom"],
                        controls["speciesLabel"], controls["species"],
                        controls["tutorial"], controls["easy"],
                        controls["controlHelp"], controls["next"],
                    new List <UIElement>()
                        controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"],
                        controls["sexLabel"], controls["sex"], controls["gidLabel"], controls["gid"], controls["prefLabel"], controls["pref"],
                        controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["next"],
                    new List <UIElement>(),                    //Placeholder, filled in on-demand from PlayableRace.ColorItems.
                    new List <UIElement>()
                        controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"],
                        controls["giftLabel"], controls["gift"],
                        controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["wait"], controls["play"],


                loadPage = new Action <int>(p =>
                    UIManager.Highlight = UIManager.Elements[5];                     //select whatever comes after helpLine.

                //Called when changing species.
                loadColors = new Action <int>(i =>
                    var species             = playables[i];
                    controlHelps["species"] = species.Bestiary;
                    pages[2].AddRange(new[] { controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"] });
                    pages[2].AddRange(new[] { controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["next"] });

                controls["back"].Enter = (s, e) => { page--; loadPage(page); UIManager.Draw(); };
                controls["next"].Enter = (s, e) => { page++; loadPage(page); UIManager.Draw(); };
                controls["play"].Enter = (s, e) =>
                    var playerName = controls["name"].Text;
                    var sex        = ((UIRadioList)controls["sex"]).Value;
                    var gid        = ((UISingleList)controls["gid"]).Index;
                    var pref       = ((UISingleList)controls["pref"]).Index;
                    var species    = ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index;
                    var tutorial   = ((UIToggle)controls["tutorial"]).Checked;
                    var easy       = ((UIToggle)controls["easy"]).Checked;
                    var bonus      = ((UIList)controls["gift"]).Text;
                    var colorMap   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var editable in playables[species].ColorItems)
                        if (editable.Key.StartsWith("lbl"))
                        var path  = editable.Key;
                        var value = ((UISingleList)editable.Value).Text;
                        colorMap.Add(path, value);
                    NoxicoGame.Me.CreatePlayerCharacter(playerName.Trim(), (Gender)(sex + 1), (Gender)(gid + 1), pref, playables[species].ID, colorMap, bonus);
                    if (tutorial)
                    if (easy)
                    NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddYears(Random.Next(0, 10));
                    NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddDays(Random.Next(20, 340));
                    NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddHours(Random.Next(10, 54));
                    NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.UpdateLightmap(NoxicoGame.Me.Player, true);
                    Subscreens.FirstDraw = true;
                    NoxicoGame.Immediate = true;

                     #if DEBUG
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("orgasm_denial_ring");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("baseballbat");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("really_kinky_panties");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("timertest");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("clit_regenring");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("gExtractor");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("strapon_ovi");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("strapon");
                     #if FREETESTPOTIONS
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("foxite"); // ok
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("odd_nip"); // ok
                     * //NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("dogmorph"); no bodyplan
                     * //NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("bunnymorph"); no bodyplan
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("chaos_potion"); // ok
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("enhanced_chaos_potion"); // ok
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("demonite_potion");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("tentacle_potion");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("cock_potion");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("corrupted_cock_potion");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("neutralizer_potion");
                     * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("spidermorph");
                    NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("welcometonoxico"), Color.Yellow);


                playables.ForEach(x => ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Items.Add(x.Name.Titlecase()));
                ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index = 0;
                ((UIRadioList)controls["sex"]).ItemsEnabled = playables[0].SexLocks;
                controls["species"].Change = (s, e) =>
                    var speciesIndex = ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index;
                    var playable = playables[speciesIndex];
                    controlHelps["species"]      = playable.Bestiary;
                    controls["controlHelp"].Text = playable.Bestiary.Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width);
                    var sexList = (UIRadioList)controls["sex"];
                    sexList.ItemsEnabled = playable.SexLocks;
                    if (!sexList.ItemsEnabled[sexList.Value])
                        //Uh-oh. Select the first non-disabled item.
                        for (var i = 0; i < sexList.ItemsEnabled.Length; i++)
                            if (sexList.ItemsEnabled[i])
                                sexList.Value = i;
                controls["sex"].Change = (s, e) =>
                controls["name"].Change = (s, e) =>
                    controls["nameRandom"].Hidden = !controls["name"].Text.IsBlank();
                controls["gift"].Change = (s, e) =>
                    var giftIndex = ((UIList)controls["gift"]).Index;
                    controls["controlHelp"].Text = traitHelps[giftIndex].Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width);
                    controls["controlHelp"].Top  = controls["gift"].Top + giftIndex;

                ((UIToggle)controls["tutorial"]).Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "tutorial", true);
                ((UIToggle)controls["easy"]).Checked     = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "easymode", false);

                UIManager.HighlightChanged = (s, e) =>
                    var c = controls.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == UIManager.Highlight);
                    if (c.Key != null && controlHelps.ContainsKey(c.Key))
                        controls["controlHelp"].Text = controlHelps[c.Key].Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width);
                        controls["controlHelp"].Top  = c.Value.Top;
                        controls["controlHelp"].Text = string.Empty;
                Subscreens.FirstDraw = false;
                Subscreens.Redraw    = true;
                UIManager.HighlightChanged(null, null);
                NoxicoGame.Sound.PlayMusic("set://Character Creation", false);

                NoxicoGame.InGame = false;

            if (Subscreens.Redraw)
                Subscreens.Redraw = false;

            if (WorldGenFinished)
                WorldGenFinished        = false;
                controls["play"].Hidden = false;
