public static new DroppedItem LoadFromFile(BinaryReader stream) { Toolkit.ExpectFromFile(stream, "DROP", "dropped item entity"); var e = Entity.LoadFromFile(stream); //Handle broken references (warhammer > war_hammer) var id = stream.ReadString(); var exists = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Any(ki => ki.ID == id); if (!exists) { var attempt = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.FirstOrDefault(ki => ki.ID.Replace("_", string.Empty) == id); if (attempt != null) { id = attempt.ID; } else { id = NoxicoGame.KnownItems[0].ID; //Fallback. } } var newItem = new DroppedItem(id) { ID = e.ID, Glyph = e.Glyph, ForegroundColor = e.ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor = e.BackgroundColor, XPosition = e.XPosition, YPosition = e.YPosition, }; newItem.Token = Token.LoadFromFile(stream); return(newItem); }
public void Drop(BoardChar boardChar, Token item) { //Find a spot to drop the item int lives = 1000, x = 0, y = 0; while (lives > 0) { x = boardChar.XPosition + Random.Next(-1, 2); y = boardChar.YPosition + Random.Next(-1, 2); if (!boardChar.ParentBoard.IsSolid(y, x) && !boardChar.ParentBoard.IsBurning(y, x)) { break; } lives--; } var tile = boardChar.ParentBoard.Tilemap[x, y]; if (tile.Fluid != Fluids.Dry || tile.Definition.Cliff) { NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format(tile.Definition.Cliff ? "x_dropped_y_inthedepths" : ("x_dropped_y_inthe_" + tile.Fluid.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()), this.ToString(item, true, false)).Viewpoint(boardChar.Character)); } if (lives == 0) { boardChar.Character.GetToken("items").Tokens.Remove(item); boardChar.Character.CheckHasteSlow(); return; } var droppedItem = new DroppedItem(this, item) { XPosition = x, YPosition = y, ParentBoard = boardChar.ParentBoard, }; droppedItem.AdjustView(); droppedItem.ParentBoard.EntitiesToAdd.Add(droppedItem); boardChar.Character.GetToken("items").Tokens.Remove(item); boardChar.Character.CheckHasteSlow(); }
public override void Update() { //base.Update(); if (NoxicoGame.Mode != UserMode.Walkabout) { return; } //START if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Pause) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.Start) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Pause.Open(); return; } var increase = 200 + (int)Character.GetStat("speed"); if (Character.HasToken("haste")) { increase *= 2; } else if (Character.HasToken("slow")) { increase /= 2; } Energy += increase; if (Energy < 5000) { var wasNight = Toolkit.IsNight(); NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddMilliseconds(increase); if (wasNight && !Toolkit.IsNight()) { ParentBoard.UpdateLightmap(this, true); ParentBoard.Redraw(); } EndTurn(); return; } else { if (!NoxicoGame.PlayerReady) { NoxicoGame.AgeMessages(); } NoxicoGame.PlayerReady = true; Energy = 5000; } CheckForTimedItems(); CheckForCopiers(); if (Character.UpdateSex()) { return; } var sleeping = Character.Path("sleeping"); if (sleeping != null) { Character.Heal(2); sleeping.Value--; if (sleeping.Value <= 0) { Character.RemoveToken("sleeping"); Character.RemoveToken("helpless"); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("yougetup")); } NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddMinutes(5); EndTurn(); return; //07-04-13 no more sleepwalking } var helpless = Character.HasToken("helpless"); if (helpless) { if (Random.NextDouble() < 0.05) { Character.Heal(2); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("yougetup")); Character.RemoveToken("helpless"); helpless = false; } } var flying = Character.HasToken("flying"); #if DEBUG if (NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.Z]) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddMinutes(30); } #endif //Pause menu moved up so you can pause while <5000. //RIGHT if ((NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Travel) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.RightShoulder)) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (!this.ParentBoard.AllowTravel) { if (this.ParentBoard.BoardType == BoardType.Dungeon) { NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("travel_notfromdungeon")); } else { NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("travel_notfromwilds")); } return; } Travel.Open(); return; } //LEFT if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Rest) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.LeftShoulder) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Energy -= 1000; EndTurn(); return; } //GREEN if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Interact) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.A) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); //NoxicoGame.Messages.Add("[Aim message]"); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; NoxicoGame.Cursor.ParentBoard = this.ParentBoard; NoxicoGame.Cursor.XPosition = this.XPosition; NoxicoGame.Cursor.YPosition = this.YPosition; NoxicoGame.Cursor.PopulateTabstops(); NoxicoGame.Cursor.Point(); if (Character.HasToken("tutorial") && !Character.GetToken("tutorial").HasToken("interactmode")) { Character.GetToken("tutorial").AddToken("dointeractmode"); NoxicoGame.CheckForTutorialStuff(); } return; } //BLUE if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Items) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.X) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Subscreen; NoxicoGame.Subscreen = Inventory.Handler; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; return; } //YELLOW if ((NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Fly) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.Y) && !helpless) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (Character.HasToken("flying")) { LandFromFlight(); } else { if (Character.HasToken("wings")) { if (Character.GetToken("wings").HasToken("small")) { NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("wingsaretoosmall")); return; } var tile = ParentBoard.Tilemap[XPosition, YPosition]; if (tile.Definition.Ceiling) { if (Character.GetStat("mind") < 10 || (Character.GetStat("mind") < 20 && Random.NextDouble() < 0.5)) { Hurt(2, "death_crackedagainstceiling", null, false); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("hittheceiling")); } else { NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("cantflyinside")); } return; } //Take off Character.AddToken("flying").Value = 100; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("youfly")); return; } NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("flyneedswings")); } return; } //RED if ((NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Activate) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) && !helpless && !flying) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (OnWarp()) { CheckWarps(); } var container = ParentBoard.Entities.OfType <Container>().FirstOrDefault(c => c.XPosition == XPosition && c.YPosition == YPosition); if (container != null) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); ContainerMan.Setup(container); return; } //Find dropped items var itemsHere = DroppedItem.GetItemsAt(ParentBoard, XPosition, YPosition); if (itemsHere.Count == 1) { var drop = itemsHere[0]; if (drop != null) { drop.Take(this.Character, ParentBoard); NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Energy -= 1000; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format("youpickup_x", drop.Item.ToString(drop.Token, true))); NoxicoGame.Sound.PlaySound("set://GetItem"); ParentBoard.Redraw(); return; } } else if (itemsHere.Count > 1) { DroppedItem.PickItemsFrom(itemsHere); return; } //Find bed //var bed = ParentBoard.Entities.OfType<Clutter>().FirstOrDefault(c => c.XPosition == XPosition && c.YPosition == YPosition && c.Glyph == 0x147); var bed = ParentBoard.Entities.OfType <Clutter>().FirstOrDefault(c => c.XPosition == XPosition && c.YPosition == YPosition && c.DBRole == "bed"); if (bed != null) { var prompt = "It's " + NoxicoGame.InGameTime.ToShortTimeString() + ", " + NoxicoGame.InGameTime.ToLongDateString() + ". Sleep for how long?"; var options = new Dictionary <object, string>(); foreach (var interval in new[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 }) { options[interval] = Toolkit.Count(interval).Titlecase() + (interval == 1 ? " hour" : " hours"); } options[-1] = "Cancel"; MessageBox.List(prompt, options, () => { if ((int)MessageBox.Answer != -1) { Character.AddToken("helpless"); Character.AddToken("sleeping").Value = (int)MessageBox.Answer * 12; } }, true, true, i18n.GetString("Bed")); } return; } #if DEBUG if (NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.F3]) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); ParentBoard.DumpToHtml(string.Empty); NoxicoGame.AddMessage("Board dumped."); return; } #endif if (helpless) { EndTurn(); return; } if (!AutoTravelling) { if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Left) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Left) { this.Move(Direction.West); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Right) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Right) { this.Move(Direction.East); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Up) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Up) { this.Move(Direction.North); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Down) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Down) { this.Move(Direction.South); } //And now, attempting to fire a long range weapon in a cardinal. else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.ShootLeft)) { this.QuickFire(Direction.West); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.ShootRight)) { this.QuickFire(Direction.East); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.ShootUp)) { this.QuickFire(Direction.North); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.ShootDown)) { this.QuickFire(Direction.South); } } else { if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Left) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Right) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Up) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Down)) //(NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(int)Keys.Left] || NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(int)Keys.Right] || NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(int)Keys.Up] || NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(int)Keys.Down]) { AutoTravelling = false; return; } var x = XPosition; var y = YPosition; var dir = Direction.North; if (AutoTravelMap.RollDown(y, x, ref dir)) { Move(dir); } else { AutoTravelling = false; if ((int)AutoTravelLeave > -1) { this.Move(AutoTravelLeave); } } } }