/// <summary>
 /// Add the specified text to the documentation comment.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Add(string text)
     if (text != null)
         if (_content == null)
             _content = text;
         else if (_content is string)
             _content += text;
         else if (_content is ChildList <DocComment> )
             ChildList <DocComment> children = (ChildList <DocComment>)_content;
             if (children.Count == 0)
                 _content = text;
             else if (children.Last is DocText)
                 children.Add(new DocText(text));
             throw new Exception("Can't add to a DocComment that contains code objects - add to the contained BlockDecl instead.");
        protected void AddInternal(FieldDecl fieldDecl)
            // Override the default newlines to 0 if it hasn't been explicitly set
            if (!fieldDecl.IsNewLinesSet)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="ChildList{T}"/> with the specified number of null entries.
        /// </summary>
        public static ChildList <T> CreateListOfNulls(int nullEntryCount)
            ChildList <T> list = new ChildList <T>(nullEntryCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nullEntryCount; ++i)
        protected void AddInternal(LocalDecl localDecl)
            // Override the default newlines to 0 if it hasn't been explicitly set
            if (!localDecl.IsNewLinesSet)

 /// <summary>
 /// Deep-clone the collection.
 /// </summary>
 public static ChildList <T> Clone <T>(ChildList <T> thisChildList, CodeObject parent) where T : CodeObject
     if (thisChildList != null)
         ChildList <T> clone = new ChildList <T>(thisChildList.Count, parent);
         foreach (T child in thisChildList)
             clone.Add(child != null ? (T)child.Clone() : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an <see cref="Expression"/> to the right side.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddRight(Expression expression)
            if (expression != null)
                // Move any newlines to the parent
                if (_expressions.Count == 0 && expression.IsFirstOnLine)

                // Clear the current parent first, to prevent a Clone() of the object, so that any
                // notified error messages don't end up pointing to an orphaned original object.
                expression.Parent = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an <see cref="EnumMemberDecl"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void Add(EnumMemberDecl enumMemberDecl)
            // Force enum values on separate lines by default if the parent block is on a separate line
            if (!enumMemberDecl.IsNewLinesSet && !enumMemberDecl.IsFirstOnLine && _parent is BlockStatement && ((BlockStatement)_parent).Body.IsFirstOnLine)

            // If we're adding an EnumMemberDecl on a line by itself, and the main decl isn't multi-line, then
            // we need to re-format after adding.
            bool reformatAsMultiLine = (!IsFirstOnLine && enumMemberDecl.IsFirstOnLine);

            if (reformatAsMultiLine && _parent is BlockStatement)
 protected internal GenericMethodDecl(Parser parser, CodeObject parent, bool typeParametersAlreadyParsed, ParseFlags flags)
     : base(parser, parent, false, flags)
     if (typeParametersAlreadyParsed)
         // The type parameters were already parsed on the unused Dot expression - fetch them from there
         UnresolvedRef unresolvedRef = (UnresolvedRef)((Dot)parser.LastUnusedCodeObject).Right;
         _typeParameters = new ChildList <TypeParameter>(this);
         foreach (Expression expression in unresolvedRef.TypeArguments)
             _typeParameters.Add(new TypeParameter(expression is UnresolvedRef ? ((UnresolvedRef)expression).Name : null));
         unresolvedRef.TypeArguments = null;
     ParseMethodNameAndType(parser, parent, true, false);
     ParseModifiersAndAnnotations(parser);  // Parse any attributes and/or modifiers
     if (!typeParametersAlreadyParsed)
         _typeParameters = TypeParameter.ParseList(parser, this);  // Parse any type parameters
     _constraintClauses = ConstraintClause.ParseList(parser, this);  // Parse any constraint clauses
     ParseTerminatorOrBody(parser, flags);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create (or re-create) the compiler-generated invoke methods and constructor.
        /// This method should be called whenever the parameters of the delegate are set or changed.
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateMethods()
            // Remove any existing methods before generating them - since the Body is compiler-generated just
            // to hold these methods, we can just re-create it.
            Body = new Block {
                IsGenerated = true

            // The Invoke method has the same parameters as the delegate, and the same return type
            MethodDecl invokeDecl = new MethodDecl("Invoke", (Expression)_returnType.Clone(), Modifiers.Public)
                IsGenerated = true

            invokeDecl.Parameters = (_parameters != null ? ChildListHelpers.Clone(_parameters, invokeDecl) : null);

            // The BeginInvoke method has the same parameters as the delegate, plus 2 extra ones, and a return type of IAsyncResult
            MethodDecl beginInvokeDecl = new MethodDecl("BeginInvoke", (TypeRef)TypeRef.IAsyncResultRef.Clone(), Modifiers.Public)
                IsGenerated = true
            ChildList <ParameterDecl> parameters = (_parameters != null ? ChildListHelpers.Clone(_parameters, beginInvokeDecl) : new ChildList <ParameterDecl>(beginInvokeDecl));

            parameters.Add(new ParameterDecl("callback", (TypeRef)TypeRef.AsyncCallbackRef.Clone()));
            parameters.Add(new ParameterDecl("object", (TypeRef)TypeRef.ObjectRef.Clone()));
            beginInvokeDecl.Parameters = parameters;

            // The EndInvoke method has any 'ref' or 'out' parameters of the delegate, plus 1 extra one, and the same return type
            MethodDecl endInvokeDecl = new MethodDecl("EndInvoke", (Expression)_returnType.Clone(), Modifiers.Public)
                IsGenerated = true

            parameters = new ChildList <ParameterDecl>(endInvokeDecl);
            if (_parameters != null)
                foreach (ParameterDecl parameterDecl in _parameters)
                    if (parameterDecl.IsRef || parameterDecl.IsOut)
            parameters.Add(new ParameterDecl("result", (TypeRef)TypeRef.IAsyncResultRef.Clone()));
            endInvokeDecl.Parameters = parameters;

            // Delegates have a constructor that takes an object and an IntPtr that is used internally by the compiler during
            // code generation.  We have to create a dummy constructor that will allow a MethodRef to be passed to it, in order
            // to make the C# syntax work when resolving.
            TypeRef         delegateTypeRef = CreateRef();
            ConstructorDecl constructor     = new ConstructorDecl(new[] { new ParameterDecl(DelegateConstructorParameterName, delegateTypeRef) })
                IsGenerated = true
