static void Main(string[] args) { XmlConfigurator.Configure(); /* Pass first argument 'send' to send emails to addresses from `emails.txt` with content from `content.txt` (notifications daemon is not started in this case)*/ if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "send") { var sender = new OneTimeEmailSender(); sender.SendEmailsAsync().Wait(); return; } new Program().MainLoop().Wait(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var configuration = ApplicationConfiguration.Read <UlearnConfiguration>(); LoggerSetup.Setup(configuration.HostLog, configuration.GraphiteServiceName); /* Pass first argument 'send' to send emails to addresses from `emails.txt` with content from `content.txt` (notifications daemon is not started in this case)*/ if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "send") { var sender = new OneTimeEmailSender(); sender.SendEmailsAsync().Wait(); return; } new Program().MainLoop().Wait(); }