public void TestProperties() { Mix mix = new Mix() { Id = TestId, Name = TestName, ParentalAdvisory = true, Thumb100Uri = new Uri(""), Thumb200Uri = new Uri("") }; Assert.AreEqual(TestId, mix.Id, "Expected the property to persist"); Assert.AreEqual(TestName, mix.Name, "Expected the property to persist"); }
public void TestJsonParsing() { Mix mix = new Mix() { Id = "1234", Name = "Metal", ParentalAdvisory = true }; JObject json = JObject.Parse("{\"id\":\"1234\",\"name\":\"Metal\",\"parentaladvisory\":true, \"thumbnails\": { \"100x100\": \"\", \"200x200\": \"\" } }"); Mix fromJson = Mix.FromJToken(json) as Mix; Assert.IsNotNull(fromJson, "Expected a Mix object"); Assert.IsTrue(mix.Equals(fromJson), "Expected the same Mix"); }
public void TestPlayMixGoesAheadWhenItCan() { Mix mix = new Mix() { Id = "1234" }; mix.Play(); Assert.Pass(); }
public void TestOverrides() { Mix mix = new Mix() { Id = TestId, Name = TestName }; Assert.IsNotNull(mix.GetHashCode(), "Expected a hash code"); Assert.IsFalse(mix.Equals(TestId), "Expected inequality"); }
public void TestMixIdPropertyIsRequiredForPlay() { Mix mix = new Mix(); mix.Play(); }