private static bool CheckMethod(NockHttpWebRequest request, NockedRequest nockedRequest) { Log(nockedRequest, string.Format("Trying to match requested method '{0}' against nocked method '{1}'", request.Method, nockedRequest.Method.ToString())); var match = (string.Equals(nockedRequest.Method.ToString(), request.Method, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Log(nockedRequest, "Method match: " + match); return(match); }
private static bool CheckUrl(NockHttpWebRequest request, NockedRequest nockedRequest) { var requestUrl = request.RequestUri; var nockUrl = (nockedRequest.Url + nockedRequest.Path); Log(nockedRequest, string.Format("Trying to match requested url '{0}' against nocked url '{1}'", requestUrl, nockUrl)); var match = UrlMatcher.IsMatch(request, nockedRequest); Log(nockedRequest, "Url match: " + match); return(match); }
public static NockMatch FindNockedWebResponse(NockHttpWebRequest request) { NockMatch nockMatch = new NockMatch(); if (!nock.Testing || nock.NockedRequests.Count == 0) { return(nockMatch); } try { var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, true); var requestedBody = reader.ReadToEnd(); nockMatch.RequestedBody = requestedBody; } catch (Exception) { } lock (LockObject) { foreach (var nockedRequest in nock.NockedRequests) { var checkUrlResult = CheckUrl(request, nockedRequest); var checkMethodResult = CheckMethod(request, nockedRequest); var checkHeadersResult = CheckHeaders(request, nockedRequest); var checkQueryResult = CheckQuery(request, nockedRequest); var checkBodyResult = CheckBody(request, nockedRequest, nockMatch.RequestedBody); if (!checkUrlResult || !checkMethodResult || !checkHeadersResult || !checkQueryResult || !checkBodyResult) { Log(nockedRequest, "Nock has not been matched :S"); continue; } Log(nockedRequest, "Nock has been matched :)"); nockedRequest.Times--; Log(nockedRequest, string.Format("Nocked request Times has been decremented to: {0}", nockedRequest.Times)); if (nockedRequest.Times < 1) { nockedRequest.IsDone = true; nock.NockedRequests.Remove(nockedRequest); } nockMatch.NockedRequest = nockedRequest; return(nockMatch); } } return(nockMatch); }
public static bool IsMatch(NockHttpWebRequest webRequest, NockedRequest nockedRequest) { var requestUrl = webRequest.RequestUri; var nockUrl = (nockedRequest.Url + nockedRequest.Path); if (nockUrl.Contains("*")) { if (string.Equals(nockUrl, requestUrl)) { return(true); } var regEx = nockUrl .Replace("/", "\\/") .Replace(".", "\\.") .Replace("*", "[^ ]*") .Replace("?", "\\?"); try { return(Regex.IsMatch(requestUrl, "^" + regEx + "$")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" An error occurred while trying to match the url based on wildcards: " + ex.Message); } return(false); } else { var nockContainsQuery = nockUrl.Contains("?"); var requestContainsQuery = requestUrl.Contains("?"); if (nockContainsQuery) { return(string.Equals(nockUrl, requestUrl)); } else { if (requestContainsQuery) { requestUrl = requestUrl.Substring(0, requestUrl.IndexOf("?")); } return(string.Equals(nockUrl, requestUrl)); } } }
private static bool CheckHeaders(NockHttpWebRequest request, NockedRequest nockedRequest) { if (nockedRequest.HeaderMatcher == HeaderMatcher.None) { return(true); } if (!RequestHeadersMatch(nockedRequest, nockedRequest.RequestHeaders, request.Headers)) { return(false); } if (nockedRequest.HeaderMatcher == HeaderMatcher.ExactMatch && nockedRequest.RequestHeaders.Count != request.Headers.Count) { Log(nockedRequest, "Exact header match is enabled and the number of nocked request headers and actual request headers did not match"); return(false); } if (nockedRequest.RequestHeaderMatcher != null) { try { var match = nockedRequest.RequestHeaderMatcher(request.Headers); Log(nockedRequest, "Custom header matcher result: " + match); return(match); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" An error occurred while trying to check the request headers: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "An error occurred while trying to check the request headers: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "Custom header matcher result: false"); return(false); } } Log(nockedRequest, "Header matcher result: true"); return(true); }
private static bool CheckBody(NockHttpWebRequest request, NockedRequest nockedRequest, string body) { if (nockedRequest.BodyMatcher != BodyMatcher.None) { switch (nockedRequest.BodyMatcher) { case BodyMatcher.Body: if (!string.Equals(nockedRequest.Body, body)) { Log(nockedRequest, string.Format("The requested body '{0}' does not match the nocked request body '{1}'", body, nockedRequest.Body)); return(false); } break; case BodyMatcher.StringFunc: try { var match = nockedRequest.BodyMatcherString(body); Log(nockedRequest, "Custom body matcher result: " + match); return(match); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" An error occurred while trying to check the request body: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "An error occurred while trying to check the request body: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "Body matcher result: false"); return(false); } case BodyMatcher.TypedFunc: var property = nockedRequest.BodyMatcherFunc.GetType().GetProperty("Method"); var value = property.GetValue(nockedRequest.BodyMatcherFunc); var methodInfo = (System.Reflection.MethodInfo)value; object obj = null; try { obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(body, nockedRequest.BodyMatcherType); } catch (Exception ex) { obj = null; Console.WriteLine(" The response body could not be deserialized into type: " + nockedRequest.BodyMatcherType.Name + ". " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, " The response body could not be deserialized into type: " + nockedRequest.BodyMatcherType.Name + ". " + ex.Message); } bool success = false; try { success = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { obj }); } catch (Exception ex) { obj = null; Console.WriteLine(" An error occurred while trying to check the request body: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "An error occurred while trying to check the request body: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "Body matcher result: false"); } if (!success) { Log(nockedRequest, "Body matcher result: false"); return(false); } break; } } Log(nockedRequest, "Body matcher result: true"); return(true); }
private static bool CheckQuery(NockHttpWebRequest request, NockedRequest nockedRequest) { if (request.Query.Count == 0 && nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.None) { return(true); } if (request.Query.Count > 0 && !request.RequestUri.Contains("?") && nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.None) { Log(nockedRequest, "A query string has been specified in the request url, but query matcher has not been defined"); Log(nockedRequest, "Query matcher result: false"); return(false); } if (nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.None) { return(true); } if (nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.NameValue || nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.NameValueExact) { if (!QueryStringMatch(nockedRequest, nockedRequest.Query, request.Query)) { return(false); } if (nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.NameValueExact && nockedRequest.Query.Count != request.Query.Count) { Log(nockedRequest, "Exact query match is enabled and the number of nocked request query keys and actual request query keys did not match"); return(false); } } if (nockedRequest.QueryMatcher == QueryMatcher.Bool) { Log(nockedRequest, "Query matcher result: " + nockedRequest.QueryResult); return(nockedRequest.QueryResult); } if (nockedRequest.QueryFunc != null) { try { var url = request.RequestUri; if (url.Contains("?")) { url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("?")); } var match = nockedRequest.QueryFunc(new QueryDetails(url, request.Query)); Log(nockedRequest, "Query matcher result: " + match); return(match); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" An error occurred while trying to check the query: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "An error occurred while trying to check the query: " + ex.Message); Log(nockedRequest, "Custom query matcher result: false"); return(false); } } Log(nockedRequest, "Query matcher result: true"); return(true); }