        public static RowCol NextMove(Board board, IPlayer me, IPlayer opp)
            // this is similar to of MyMove but with logging and multithreading

            var moves = new Dictionary<RowCol, int> ();
            var legalMoves = board.GetLegalMoves ();

            int count = 0;
            Console.WriteLine ("Starting move assessment ({0} to assess)", legalMoves.Count ());
            var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim (4);
            var tasks = new Task[legalMoves.Count ()];
            foreach (var move in legalMoves)
                var count1 = ++count;
                tasks[count1-1] = Task.Run (() =>
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} starting (option {1}/{2})", move, count1, legalMoves.Count ());

                    var b = board.Play (me, move);

                    var isGameOver = b.IsGameOver (me);
                    int value;
                    if (isGameOver == GameEnd.Win)
                        value = int.MaxValue; // if we can win, take it now!
                    else if (isGameOver == GameEnd.Tie)
                        value = 0;
                        value = OppMove (b, me, opp);

                    moves [move] = value;

                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} scores {1} (option {2}/{3})", move, value, count1, legalMoves.Count ());
            Task.WaitAll (tasks);

            var bestMove = null as RowCol;
            int best = -1;
            foreach (var kvp in moves)
                if (kvp.Value > best)
                    best = kvp.Value;
                    bestMove = kvp.Key;
            if (bestMove != null)
                Console.WriteLine ("The best move is {0}, with a score of {1}", bestMove, best);
                Console.WriteLine ("All moves should result in losing, choosing randomly");
                bestMove = legalMoves [new Random ().Next (legalMoves.Count)];
            return bestMove;
        private static int MyMove(Board board, IPlayer me, IPlayer opp)
            var moves = new Dictionary<RowCol, int> ();
            var legalMoves = board.GetLegalMoves ();

            foreach(var move in legalMoves)
                var b = board.Play (me, move);

                var isGameOver = b.IsGameOver (me);
                if (isGameOver == GameEnd.Win)
                    return 1;
                else if (isGameOver == GameEnd.Tie)
                    return 0;

                moves [move] = OppMove (b, me, opp);

            return moves.Any (kvp => kvp.Value == -1) ? -1 : moves.Sum (kvp => kvp.Value);