public NiImage() { useExternal = (byte)0; imageData = null; unknownInt = (uint)7; unknownFloat = 128.5f; }
/*! NIFLIB_HIDDEN function. For internal use only. */ internal override void FixLinks(Dictionary <uint, NiObject> objects, List <uint> link_stack, List <NiObject> missing_link_stack, NifInfo info) { base.FixLinks(objects, link_stack, missing_link_stack, info); if ((useExternal == 0)) { imageData = FixLink <NiRawImageData>(objects, link_stack, missing_link_stack, info); } }
/*! * Sets a new internal file texture. Removes any existing texture references, whether internal or external. * \param[in] raw_image_data The NiRawImageData object that contains the texture image data. */ public void SetInternalTexture(NiRawImageData raw_image_data) { useExternal = 0; fileName = string.Empty; imageData = raw_image_data; }
/*! * Sets a new external file texture. Removes any existing texture references, whether internal or external. * \param[in] file_name The file name of the external texture. Often needs to follow game guidlines to be found. */ public void SetExternalTexture(string file_name) { imageData = null; useExternal = 1; fileName = file_name; }