/// <summary> /// this is where we issue any and all ImGui commands to be drawn /// </summary> void layoutGui() { if (showMenuBar) { drawMainMenuBar(); } if (showSeperateGameWindow) { drawGameWindow(); } drawEntityInspectors(); for (var i = _drawCommands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _drawCommands[i](); } _sceneGraphWindow.show(ref showSceneGraphWindow); _coreWindow.show(ref showCoreWindow); if (showDemoWindow) { ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(ref showDemoWindow); } if (showStyleEditor) { ImGui.Begin("Style Editor", ref showStyleEditor); ImGui.ShowStyleEditor(); ImGui.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// this is where we issue any and all ImGui commands to be drawn /// </summary> void layoutGui() { drawMainMenuBar(); if (showSeperateGameWindow) { drawGameWindow(); } drawEntityInspectors(); for (var i = _drawCommands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _drawCommands[i](); } SceneGraphWindow.show(ref showSceneGraphWindow); CoreWindow.show(ref showCoreWindow); if (showDemoWindow) { ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(ref showDemoWindow); } if (showStyleEditor) { ImGui.Begin("Style Editor", ref showStyleEditor); ImGui.ShowStyleEditor(); ImGui.End(); } // this is just test/junk code ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Num.Vector2(530, 475), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(340, 200), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); if (ImGui.Begin("Debug##junk")) { ImGui.Text($"Mouse position: {ImGui.GetMousePos()}"); ImGui.ShowStyleSelector("Style"); ImGui.Checkbox("Demo Window", ref showDemoWindow); ImGui.Checkbox("Style Editor", ref showStyleEditor); ImGui.Checkbox("Scene Graph", ref showSceneGraphWindow); ImGui.Checkbox("Core Window", ref showCoreWindow); ImGui.Separator(); float framerate = ImGui.GetIO().Framerate; ImGui.Text($"Application average {1000.0f / framerate:0.##} ms/frame ({framerate:0.#} FPS)"); ImGui.End(); } }