private JArray ArrayUnpatch(JArray right, JObject patch) { var toRemove = new List<JProperty>(); var toInsert = new List<JProperty>(); var toModify = new List<JProperty>(); foreach (JProperty op in patch.Properties()) { if (op.Name == "_t") continue; var value = op.Value as JArray; if (op.Name.StartsWith("_")) { // removed item from original array if (value != null && value.Count == 3 && (value[2].ToObject<int>() == (int)DiffOperation.Deleted || value[2].ToObject<int>() == (int)DiffOperation.ArrayMove)) { var newOp = new JProperty(value[1].ToObject<int>().ToString(), op.Value); if (value[2].ToObject<int>() == (int)DiffOperation.ArrayMove) { toInsert.Add(new JProperty(op.Name.Substring(1), new JArray(right[value[1].ToObject<int>()].DeepClone()))); toRemove.Add(newOp); } else { toInsert.Add(new JProperty(op.Name.Substring(1), new JArray(value[0]))); } } else { throw new Exception($"Only removal or move can be applied at original array indices. Context: {value}"); } } else { if (value != null && value.Count == 1) { toRemove.Add(op); } else { toModify.Add(op); } } } // remove items, in reverse order to avoid sawing our own floor toRemove.Sort((x, y) => int.Parse(x.Name).CompareTo(int.Parse(y.Name))); for (int i = toRemove.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { JProperty op = toRemove[i]; right.RemoveAt(int.Parse(op.Name)); } // insert items, in reverse order to avoid moving our own floor toInsert.Sort((x, y) => int.Parse(x.Name).CompareTo(int.Parse(y.Name))); foreach (var op in toInsert) { right.Insert(int.Parse(op.Name), ((JArray)op.Value)[0]); } foreach (var op in toModify) { JToken p = Unpatch(right[int.Parse(op.Name)], op.Value); right[int.Parse(op.Name)] = p; } return right; }
static int RemoveAt(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray obj = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)ToLua.CheckObject <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray>(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); obj.RemoveAt(arg0); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public void RemoveAtNegativeIndexShouldError() { JArray j = new JArray(); ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( @"Index is less than 0. Parameter name: index", () => { j.RemoveAt(-1); }); }
public void RemoveAtOutOfRangeIndexShouldError() { JArray j = new JArray(); ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( @"Index is equal to or greater than Count. Parameter name: index", () => { j.RemoveAt(0); }); }
public void RemoveAt() { JValue v1 = new JValue(1); JValue v2 = new JValue(1); JValue v3 = new JValue(1); JArray j = new JArray(); j.Add(v1); j.Add(v2); j.Add(v3); Assert.AreEqual(true, j.Contains(v1)); j.RemoveAt(0); Assert.AreEqual(false, j.Contains(v1)); Assert.AreEqual(true, j.Contains(v3)); j.RemoveAt(1); Assert.AreEqual(false, j.Contains(v3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, j.Count); }
private JToken GetAndRemove(JArray array, int index) { var value = array[index]; array.RemoveAt(index); return value; }
public void RemoveAtNegativeIndexShouldError() { JArray j = new JArray(); j.RemoveAt(-1); }
public void RemoveAtOutOfRangeIndexShouldError() { JArray j = new JArray(); j.RemoveAt(0); }
/// <summary>Converts RDF statements into JSON-LD.</summary> /// <remarks>Converts RDF statements into JSON-LD.</remarks> /// <param name="statements">the RDF statements.</param> /// <param name="options">the RDF conversion options.</param> /// <param name="callback">(err, output) called once the operation completes.</param> /// <exception cref="JSONLDProcessingError">JSONLDProcessingError</exception> /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception> public virtual JArray FromRDF(RDFDataset dataset) { // 1) JObject defaultGraph = new JObject(); // 2) JObject graphMap = new JObject(); graphMap["@default"] = defaultGraph; // 3/3.1) foreach (string name in dataset.GraphNames()) { IList<RDFDataset.Quad> graph = dataset.GetQuads(name); // 3.2+3.4) JObject nodeMap; if (!graphMap.ContainsKey(name)) { nodeMap = new JObject(); graphMap[name] = nodeMap; } else { nodeMap = (JObject)graphMap[name]; } // 3.3) if (!"@default".Equals(name) && !Obj.Contains(defaultGraph, name)) { defaultGraph[name] = new JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode(this, name); } // 3.5) foreach (RDFDataset.Quad triple in graph) { string subject = triple.GetSubject().GetValue(); string predicate = triple.GetPredicate().GetValue(); RDFDataset.Node @object = triple.GetObject(); // 3.5.1+3.5.2) JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode node; if (!nodeMap.ContainsKey(subject)) { node = new JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode(this, subject); nodeMap[subject] = node; } else { node = (NodeMapNode)nodeMap[subject]; } // 3.5.3) if ((@object.IsIRI() || @object.IsBlankNode()) && !nodeMap.ContainsKey(@object.GetValue ())) { nodeMap[@object.GetValue()] = new JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode(this, @object.GetValue()); } // 3.5.4) if (JSONLDConsts.RdfType.Equals(predicate) && (@object.IsIRI() || @object.IsBlankNode ()) && !opts.GetUseRdfType()) { JsonLdUtils.MergeValue(node, "@type", @object.GetValue()); continue; } // 3.5.5) JObject value = @object.ToObject(opts.GetUseNativeTypes()); // 3.5.6+7) JsonLdUtils.MergeValue(node, predicate, value); // 3.5.8) if (@object.IsBlankNode() || @object.IsIRI()) { // ((NodeMapNode)nodeMap[@object.GetValue()]).usages.Add(new JsonLdApi.UsagesNode(this, node, predicate , value)); } } } // 4) foreach (string name_1 in graphMap.GetKeys()) { JObject graph = (JObject)graphMap[name_1]; // 4.1) if (!graph.ContainsKey(JSONLDConsts.RdfNil)) { continue; } // 4.2) JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode nil = (NodeMapNode)graph[JSONLDConsts.RdfNil]; // 4.3) foreach (JsonLdApi.UsagesNode usage in nil.usages) { // 4.3.1) JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode node = usage.node; string property =; JObject head = usage.value; // 4.3.2) JArray list = new JArray(); JArray listNodes = new JArray(); // 4.3.3) while (JSONLDConsts.RdfRest.Equals(property) && node.IsWellFormedListNode()) { // list.Add(((JArray)node[JSONLDConsts.RdfFirst])[0]); // listNodes.Add((string)node["@id"]); // JsonLdApi.UsagesNode nodeUsage = node.usages[0]; // node = nodeUsage.node; property =; head = nodeUsage.value; // if (!JsonLdUtils.IsBlankNode(node)) { break; } } // 4.3.4) if (JSONLDConsts.RdfFirst.Equals(property)) { // if (JSONLDConsts.RdfNil.Equals(node["@id"])) { continue; } // string headId = (string)head["@id"]; // head = (JObject)((JArray)graph[headId][JSONLDConsts.RdfRest ])[0]; // list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); listNodes.RemoveAt(listNodes.Count - 1); } // 4.3.5) JsonLD.Collections.Remove(head, "@id"); // 4.3.6) JsonLD.Collections.Reverse(list); // 4.3.7) head["@list"] = list; // 4.3.8) foreach (string nodeId in listNodes) { JsonLD.Collections.Remove(graph, nodeId); } } } // 5) JArray result = new JArray(); // 6) JArray ids = new JArray(defaultGraph.GetKeys()); ids.SortInPlace(); foreach (string subject_1 in ids) { JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode node = (NodeMapNode)defaultGraph[subject_1]; // 6.1) if (graphMap.ContainsKey(subject_1)) { // 6.1.1) node["@graph"] = new JArray(); // 6.1.2) JArray keys = new JArray(graphMap[subject_1].GetKeys()); keys.SortInPlace(); foreach (string s in keys) { JsonLdApi.NodeMapNode n = (NodeMapNode)graphMap[subject_1][s]; if (n.Count == 1 && n.ContainsKey("@id")) { continue; } ((JArray)node["@graph"]).Add(n.Serialize()); } } // 6.2) if (node.Count == 1 && node.ContainsKey("@id")) { continue; } result.Add(node.Serialize()); } return result; }