static void Main() { // instantiate model and view components, so "controller" component can reference them PixelDisplayModel model = new PixelDisplayModel(); GLView view = new GLView("GL Pixel Viewer", true); // create "controller" component by specifying what are "model" and "view" GLController glCtrl = new GLController(model, view); // create window with given controller GLWindow glWin = new GLWindow("GL Pixel Viewer", new Rectangle(10, 10, 640, 480), glCtrl); //glWin.WindowClass.ClassStyle = User32.CS_HREDRAW | User32.CS_VREDRAW | User32.CS_OWNDC; //glWin.CreateWindow(); glWin.Show(); // main message loop int exitCode; exitCode = mainMessageLoop(IntPtr.Zero); }
public GLApplication(string title, Rectangle windowFrame, bool doubleBuffer) { fWindowFrame = windowFrame; fView = new GLView(title, doubleBuffer); }