        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs an eSpace event into Rock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eSpaceClient">The eSpace client</param>
        /// <param name="eSpaceEvent">The eSpace event</param>
        /// <param name="occurrencesFilter">The filter to use when syncing occurrences</param>
        /// <returns>The synced Rock event</returns>
        public static async Task SyncEvent(
            Client eSpaceClient,
            ESpace.Event eSpaceEvent,
            GetEventOccurrencesOptions occurrencesFilter,
            EventCalendarCache globalCalendar,
            EventCalendarCache publicCalendar,
            EventCalendarCache privateCalendar,
            string occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey
            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                // Create our services
                var eventItemService           = new EventItemService(rockContext);
                var eventItemOccurrenceService = new EventItemOccurrenceService(rockContext);
                var eventItemAudienceService   = new EventItemAudienceService(rockContext);
                var scheduleService            = new ScheduleService(rockContext);
                var personService = new PersonService(rockContext);

                // Get or create the linked Rock event
                var rockEvent = eventItemService.GetOrCreateByForeignId(
                    out var _

                // Track if we needed to update anything
                var changed = false;

                // Update the Name
                if (rockEvent.Name != eSpaceEvent.EventName)
                    changed        = true;
                    rockEvent.Name = eSpaceEvent.EventName;

                // Update the Active State
                var eSpaceEventIsActive = eSpaceEvent.Status != ESpaceStatus_Draft;
                if (rockEvent.IsActive != eSpaceEventIsActive)
                    changed            = true;
                    rockEvent.IsActive = eSpaceEventIsActive;

                // Update the Approval State
                var eSpaceEventIsApproved = eSpaceEvent.Status == ESpaceStatus_Approved;
                if (rockEvent.IsApproved != eSpaceEventIsApproved)
                    changed = true;
                    rockEvent.IsApproved = eSpaceEventIsApproved;

                    if (eSpaceEventIsApproved)
                        rockEvent.ApprovedOnDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        rockEvent.ApprovedOnDateTime = null;

                // Update the Summary
                if (rockEvent.Summary != eSpaceEvent.Description)
                    changed           = true;
                    rockEvent.Summary = eSpaceEvent.Description;

                // Update the details Url
                var eSpaceEventPublicLink = eSpaceEvent.PublicLink?.ToString();
                if (rockEvent.DetailsUrl != eSpaceEventPublicLink)
                    changed = true;
                    rockEvent.DetailsUrl = eSpaceEventPublicLink;

                // Update the audiences
                var eSpaceCategories = MatchCategories(eSpaceEvent.Categories);

                // Check global calendar
                if (globalCalendar != null)
                    rockEvent.AddToCalendar(globalCalendar, out var addedToCalendar);
                    changed = changed || addedToCalendar;

                var eventCalendarItemService = new EventCalendarItemService(rockContext);

                // Check public calendar
                if (publicCalendar != null)
                    if (eSpaceEvent.IsPublic ?? false)
                        rockEvent.AddToCalendar(publicCalendar, out var addedToCalendar);
                        changed = changed || addedToCalendar;
                        rockEvent.RemoveFromCalendar(eventCalendarItemService, publicCalendar, out var removedFromCalendar);
                        changed = changed || removedFromCalendar;

                // Check private calendar
                if (privateCalendar != null)
                    if (!(eSpaceEvent.IsPublic ?? false))
                        rockEvent.AddToCalendar(privateCalendar, out var addedToCalendar);
                        changed = changed || addedToCalendar;
                        rockEvent.RemoveFromCalendar(eventCalendarItemService, privateCalendar, out var removedFromCalendar);
                        changed = changed || removedFromCalendar;

                // Fetch the occurrences for the event
                if (occurrencesFilter == null)
                    occurrencesFilter = new GetEventOccurrencesOptions {
                        StartDate = DateTime.Now
                occurrencesFilter.EventId = eSpaceEvent.EventId;
                var eSpaceEventOccurrences = await eSpaceClient.GetEventOccurrences(occurrencesFilter);

                // Calculate some stuff for the occurrences
                var campusLocations = MatchLocations(eSpaceEvent.IsOffSite ?? false ? eSpaceEvent.PublicLocations : eSpaceEvent.Locations);
                var contactPerson   = personService.FindPerson(eSpaceEvent.Contacts.FirstOrDefault());

                var firstESpaceOccurrence = eSpaceEventOccurrences.FirstOrDefault();
                if (firstESpaceOccurrence != null)
                    // Update the Description
                    if (rockEvent.Description != firstESpaceOccurrence.PublicHtmlNotes)
                        rockEvent.Description = firstESpaceOccurrence.PublicHtmlNotes;
                        changed = true;

                var syncedRockOccurrences = new List <EventItemOccurrence>();;
                var rockOccurrencesWithAttributeChanges = new List <EventItemOccurrence>();

                // Update each occurrence
                foreach (var eSpaceOccurrence in eSpaceEventOccurrences)
                    foreach (var campusLocation in campusLocations)
                        var rockOccurrence = SyncOccurrence(eSpaceEvent, eSpaceOccurrence, rockEvent, campusLocation, contactPerson, occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey, out var occurrenceChanged, out var occurrenceAttributeChanged);
                        changed = changed || occurrenceChanged;
                        if (occurrenceAttributeChanged)

                // Remove any desynced occurrences
                var removedOccurrences = rockEvent.EventItemOccurrences.Except(syncedRockOccurrences).ToList();
                foreach (var occurrence in removedOccurrences)
                    if (occurrence.Schedule != null)
                        occurrence.Schedule = null;
                    changed = true;

                // If anything was updated, save it
                if (changed)

                // If any occurrences had attributes modified, save them
                foreach (var rockOccurrence in rockOccurrencesWithAttributeChanges)
        public static EventItemOccurrence SyncOccurrence(
            ESpace.Event eSpaceEvent,
            ESpace.Occurrence eSpaceOccurrence,
            EventItem rockEvent,
            CampusCache campus,
            Person contactPerson,
            string occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey,
            out bool changed,
            out bool attributeChanged
            attributeChanged = false;
            changed          = false;

            // Get or create the linked Rock occurrence
            var rockOccurrence = rockEvent.EventItemOccurrences.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                               e.ForeignKey == ForeignKey_eSpaceOccurrenceId &&
                                                                               e.ForeignId == eSpaceOccurrence.OccurrenceId.Value &&
                                                                               e.CampusId == campus.Id

            if (rockOccurrence == null)
                rockOccurrence = new EventItemOccurrence {
                    ForeignKey = ForeignKey_eSpaceOccurrenceId,
                    ForeignId  = eSpaceOccurrence.OccurrenceId.Value,
                    CampusId   = campus.Id
                changed = true;

            // Update the linked Contact Person
            if (rockOccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId != contactPerson?.PrimaryAliasId)
                rockOccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId = contactPerson?.PrimaryAliasId;
                changed = true;

            // Get the contact data
            var eventContact = eSpaceEvent.Contacts.FirstOrDefault();

            // Update the Contact Email
            var eventContactEmail = eventContact?.Email ?? "";

            if (rockOccurrence.ContactEmail != eventContactEmail)
                rockOccurrence.ContactEmail = eventContactEmail;
                changed = true;

            // Update the Contact Phone
            var eventContactPhone = PhoneNumber.FormattedNumber(null, eventContact?.Phone, false);

            if (rockOccurrence.ContactPhone != eventContactPhone)
                rockOccurrence.ContactPhone = eventContactPhone;
                changed = true;

            // Update the event location
            var eventLocation = eSpaceEvent.OffsiteLocation ?? "";

            if (rockOccurrence.Location != eventLocation)
                rockOccurrence.Location = eventLocation;
                changed = true;

            // Sync the schedule
            SyncSchedule(eSpaceOccurrence, rockOccurrence, out var scheduleChanged);
            changed = changed || scheduleChanged;

            // Check the approved attribute
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey))

                var eSpaceApprovedValue = eSpaceOccurrence.OccurrenceStatus == ESpaceStatus_Approved ? "Approved" : "";
                var rockApprovedValue   = rockOccurrence.GetAttributeValue(occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey);
                if (rockApprovedValue != eSpaceApprovedValue)
                    rockOccurrence.SetAttributeValue(occurrenceApprovedAttributeKey, eSpaceApprovedValue);
                    attributeChanged = true;
