private void Commands(string[] args) { string path = ""; switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "new": bestNet = null; //net.bestScore = 0; Console.WriteLine("Best network cleared."); break; case "test": float[] vals = new float[args.Length - 1]; bool failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) { if (failed = !float.TryParse(args[i + 1], out vals[i])) { break; } } if (failed) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing inputs failed."); break; } float[] result = bestNet.Test(vals); Console.Write("Result: "); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(result[i]); } break; case "info": if (bestNet == null) { Console.WriteLine("Neural network is empty."); break; } Console.Write("\nInputs: {0}\nOutputs: {1}\nLayers: ", bestNet.array[0].array.Length, bestNet.array[bestNet.array.Length - 1].array.Length); for (int i = 1; i < bestNet.array.Length - 2; i++) { Console.Write(bestNet.array[i].array.Length + " "); } Console.WriteLine("\nCurrent best score: {0}\nCurrent %ACC: {1}", bestNet.bestScore, bestNet.learnLen != 0 ? (bestNet.bestScore / (bestNet.learnLen * 2) * 100) + "%" : "Unknown"); break; case "save": if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Please specify a file path. Example: C:\\dir\\MyNeuralNet"); break; } if (bestNet == null) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot save an empty network."); break; } args[0] = ""; path = string.Join(" ", args).Trim(); if (!path.EndsWith(".znn")) { path += ".znn"; } bestNet.SaveNet(path); Console.WriteLine("Saved to file {0}\n", path); break; case "load": args[0] = ""; bool noBest = false; if (args[1] == "--noscore" || args[1] == "-ns") { noBest = true; args[1] = ""; } path = string.Join(" ", args).Trim(); if (!path.EndsWith(".znn")) { path += ".znn"; } if (NeuralNet.LoadNet(ref bestNet, path)) { if (noBest) { bestNet.bestScore = 0; } Console.WriteLine(path + " loaded.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist! {0}\n", path); } break; case "learn": int bestof; Console.WriteLine("Best of " + args[1]); if (int.TryParse(args[1], out bestof)) { LearnSession(bestof); } break; case "help": Console.WriteLine("\nhelp\n- Shows this help dialog.\n\n" + "new\n- Clears the current best neural network so a new one can be created.\n\n" + "save [file]\n- Saves the 'best' neural network to [file].\n\n" + "load [-ns] [file]\n- Loads the 'best' neural network from [file].\n-ns : Load without the 'best score.'\n\n" + "test [inputs]\n- Tests the neural network against the inputs and returns its outputs. Missing inputs are 0. Excess inputs are truncated.\n\n" + "learn [x]\n- Sends the current neural network through [x] training sessions, or creates one.\n\n" + "info\n- Gives information about the current neural network.\n\n" + "exit\n- Quits the program.\n"); break; case "exit": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command."); break; } }