public override void ViewDidLoad() { _ViewController = this; Titile(); DataSql dataSql = new DataSql(); dataSql.fileSql(library.File(2));// ceart data file //; += Btn_Clicked; base.ViewDidLoad(); s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. local _local = new local(); listdns = _local.retDataString(0, 0); List <int> listPort = _local.Retdatainger(1, 0); //dataSql.process(library.File(2),library.SELECT(0), null); // listdns =; this.tabview.Source = new sourc(_local.retDataString(0, 0), _local.Retdatainger(1, 0), tabview);// sends to source }
private void Sourcetabview() { // dataSql.Rowdata(0); // dataSql.process("ip.db3", GetEnumDescription(textcommad.SELECT),null); // listdns.Clear(); local _local = new local(); this.tabview.Source = new sourc(_local.retDataString(0, 0), _local.Retdatainger(1, 0), tabview); using (var indexPath = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(0, 0)) tabview.InsertRows(new[] { indexPath }, UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic); }
partial void ReName_Activated(UIBarButtonItem sender) { UITextField field = new UITextField(); //field.Text = this.Title; var frame = new CGRect(40, 40, 300, 60); var messbox = UIAlertController.Create("Change a Name", string.Empty, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); messbox.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.DarkGray; // UITextField field = null; // UITextField field2 = null; messbox.AddTextField((textField) => { // field = textField; // Initialize field // field.Placeholder = placeholder; // field.Placeholder = library.Messages(0); // field.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Yellow; // field.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Gray.CGColor; // field.Font = library.Font(); field = textField; field.Frame = frame; field.Layer.BorderWidth = 0; // field.Layer.CornerRadius = 20; // field = new UITextField(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(10, 60, 300, 60)); // field.SecureTextEntry = true; }); var cancelAction = UIAlertAction.Create(library.StrForm(4), UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, alertAction => { }); var okayAction = UIAlertAction.Create(library.StrForm(3), UIAlertActionStyle.Default, alertAction => { string[] data = new string[] { field.Text + ".jpg", this.Title }; this.Title = field.Text + ".jpg"; local cal = new local(); // Images mig =new Images () cal.Uplod(data); img.imG.ViewDidLoad(); }); messbox.AddAction(cancelAction); messbox.AddAction(okayAction); //Present Alert PresentViewController(messbox, true, null); }//
} //messgebox ask are you sure private void DeleteSection() // delete all bordercolor red { local _local = new local(); int row = 0; for (row = 0; row < UIbutton.Count; row++) { if (UIbutton[row].BackboolSlect()) { _local.remove(UIbutton[row].setText()); } } reload(); }
private void reload() { try { int i = 0; foreach (var n in viewcoll.Subviews) { viewcoll.Delete(n); } } catch { } local cal = new local(); DataSql = new DataSql(); //foreach (var view in scoll.Subviews) //{ // view.RemoveFromSuperview(); //} UIbutton = cal.retUIbutton(); bool isEmpty = UIbutton.Any(); if (isEmpty) {; } else {; } viewcoll.RegisterClassForCell(typeof(CollectionViewCell1), CollectionViewCell1.Key); viewcoll.Source = new sourcecollection(UIbutton); // scoll.ContentSize = new CGSize(uiv.Frame.Width - 20, ImageView.Count * 15); //} }
} //messgebox ask are you sure //private SqliteParameterCollection DataSql_Parameters(string data) //{ // SqliteCommand SqliteCommand = new SqliteCommand(); // SqliteParameterCollection ReturnParamter = SqliteCommand.Parameters; // ReturnParamter.AddWithValue(LibraryWords.Row, data); // return ReturnParamter; //} private void detelet() { try { local cal = new local(); // Images mig =new Images () cal.remove(text); img.imG.ViewDidLoad(); } catch { var armAlert = UIAlertController.Create("database dot open", string.Empty, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); var cancelAction1 = UIAlertAction.Create("ok", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, alertAction1 => { }); armAlert.AddAction(cancelAction1); PresentViewController(armAlert, true, null); } NavigationController.PopViewController(true); }