        public async Task <long> DownloadBlocks(PeerInfo bestPeer, BlocksRequest blocksRequest, CancellationToken cancellation)
            if (bestPeer == null)
                string message = $"Not expecting best peer to be null inside the {nameof(BlockDownloader)}";
                if (_logger.IsError)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            var receiptsRecovery = new ReceiptsRecovery(new EthereumEcdsa(_specProvider.ChainId, _logManager), _specProvider);

            DownloaderOptions options = blocksRequest.Options;
            bool downloadReceipts     = (options & DownloaderOptions.WithReceipts) == DownloaderOptions.WithReceipts;
            bool shouldProcess        = (options & DownloaderOptions.Process) == DownloaderOptions.Process;
            bool shouldMoveToMain     = (options & DownloaderOptions.MoveToMain) == DownloaderOptions.MoveToMain;

            int blocksSynced        = 0;
            int ancestorLookupLevel = 0;

            long currentNumber = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_blockTree.BestKnownNumber, bestPeer.HeadNumber - 1));

            // pivot number - 6 for uncle validation
            // long currentNumber = Math.Max(Math.Max(0, pivotNumber - 6), Math.Min(_blockTree.BestKnownNumber, bestPeer.HeadNumber - 1));

            while (bestPeer.TotalDifficulty > (_blockTree.BestSuggestedHeader?.TotalDifficulty ?? 0) && currentNumber <= bestPeer.HeadNumber)
                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Continue full sync with {bestPeer} (our best {_blockTree.BestKnownNumber})");

                long blocksLeft       = bestPeer.HeadNumber - currentNumber - (blocksRequest.NumberOfLatestBlocksToBeIgnored ?? 0);
                int  headersToRequest = (int)Math.Min(blocksLeft + 1, _syncBatchSize.Current);
                if (headersToRequest <= 1)

                headersToRequest = Math.Min(headersToRequest, bestPeer.MaxHeadersPerRequest());
                if (_logger.IsTrace)
                    _logger.Trace($"Full sync request {currentNumber}+{headersToRequest} to peer {bestPeer} with {bestPeer.HeadNumber} blocks. Got {currentNumber} and asking for {headersToRequest} more.");

                if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                    return(blocksSynced);                                      // check before every heavy operation
                BlockHeader[] headers = await RequestHeaders(bestPeer, cancellation, currentNumber, headersToRequest);

                BlockDownloadContext context = new(_specProvider, bestPeer, headers, downloadReceipts, receiptsRecovery);

                if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                    return(blocksSynced);                                      // check before every heavy operation
                await RequestBodies(bestPeer, cancellation, context);

                if (downloadReceipts)
                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                        return(blocksSynced);                                      // check before every heavy operation
                    await RequestReceipts(bestPeer, cancellation, context);

                if (_sinceLastTimeout > 2)

                Block[] blocks    = context.Blocks;
                Block   blockZero = blocks[0];
                if (context.FullBlocksCount > 0)
                    bool parentIsKnown = _blockTree.IsKnownBlock(blockZero.Number - 1, blockZero.ParentHash);
                    if (!parentIsKnown)
                        if (ancestorLookupLevel >= _ancestorJumps.Length)
                            if (_logger.IsWarn)
                                _logger.Warn($"Could not find common ancestor with {bestPeer}");
                            throw new EthSyncException("Peer with inconsistent chain in sync");

                        int ancestorJump = _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel] - _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel - 1];
                        currentNumber = currentNumber >= ancestorJump ? (currentNumber - ancestorJump) : 0L;

                ancestorLookupLevel = 0;
                for (int blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < context.FullBlocksCount; blockIndex++)
                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (_logger.IsTrace)
                            _logger.Trace("Peer sync cancelled");

                    Block currentBlock = blocks[blockIndex];
                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received {currentBlock} from {bestPeer}");

                    // can move this to block tree now?
                    if (!_blockValidator.ValidateSuggestedBlock(currentBlock))
                        throw new EthSyncException($"{bestPeer} sent an invalid block {currentBlock.ToString(Block.Format.Short)}.");

                    if (downloadReceipts)
                        TxReceipt[]? contextReceiptsForBlock = context.ReceiptsForBlocks ![blockIndex];
 public FullSyncFeed(ISyncModeSelector syncModeSelector, ILogManager logManager)
     : base(syncModeSelector)
     _blocksRequest = new BlocksRequest(BuildOptions());
        public async Task <long> DownloadHeaders(PeerInfo bestPeer, BlocksRequest blocksRequest, CancellationToken cancellation)
            if (bestPeer == null)
                string message = $"Not expecting best peer to be null inside the {nameof(BlockDownloader)}";
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            int headersSynced       = 0;
            int ancestorLookupLevel = 0;

            long currentNumber = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_blockTree.BestKnownNumber, bestPeer.HeadNumber - 1));

            while (bestPeer.TotalDifficulty > (_blockTree.BestSuggestedHeader?.TotalDifficulty ?? 0) && currentNumber <= bestPeer.HeadNumber)
                int headersSyncedInPreviousRequests = headersSynced;
                if (_logger.IsTrace)
                    _logger.Trace($"Continue headers sync with {bestPeer} (our best {_blockTree.BestKnownNumber})");

                long blocksLeft       = bestPeer.HeadNumber - currentNumber - (blocksRequest.NumberOfLatestBlocksToBeIgnored ?? 0);
                int  headersToRequest = (int)Math.Min(blocksLeft + 1, _syncBatchSize.Current);
                if (headersToRequest <= 1)

                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Headers request {currentNumber}+{headersToRequest} to peer {bestPeer} with {bestPeer.HeadNumber} blocks. Got {currentNumber} and asking for {headersToRequest} more.");
                BlockHeader?[] headers = await RequestHeaders(bestPeer, cancellation, currentNumber, headersToRequest);

                BlockHeader?startingPoint = headers[0] == null ? null : _blockTree.FindHeader(headers[0].Hash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.TotalDifficultyNotNeeded);
                if (startingPoint == null)
                    if (ancestorLookupLevel >= _ancestorJumps.Length)
                        if (_logger.IsWarn)
                            _logger.Warn($"Could not find common ancestor with {bestPeer}");
                        throw new EthSyncException("Peer with inconsistent chain in sync");

                    int ancestorJump = _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel] - _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel - 1];
                    currentNumber = currentNumber >= ancestorJump ? (currentNumber - ancestorJump) : 0L;

                ancestorLookupLevel = 0;
                if (_sinceLastTimeout >= 2)
                    // if peers are not timing out then we can try to be slightly more eager

                for (int i = 1; i < headers.Length; i++)
                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

                    BlockHeader?currentHeader = headers[i];
                    if (currentHeader == null)
                        if (headersSynced - headersSyncedInPreviousRequests > 0)

                        SyncPeerPool.ReportNoSyncProgress(bestPeer, AllocationContexts.Blocks);

                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received {currentHeader} from {bestPeer:s}");
                    bool isValid = i > 1 ? _blockValidator.ValidateHeader(currentHeader, headers[i - 1], false) : _blockValidator.ValidateHeader(currentHeader, false);
                    if (!isValid)
                        throw new EthSyncException($"{bestPeer} sent a block {currentHeader.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)} with an invalid header");

                    // i == 0 is always false but leave it this was as it will be possible that we will change the
                    // loop iterator to start with o
                    if (HandleAddResult(bestPeer, currentHeader, i == 0, _blockTree.Insert(currentHeader)))

                    currentNumber = currentNumber + 1;

                if (headersSynced > 0)
                    _syncReport.FullSyncBlocksDownloaded.Update(_blockTree.BestSuggestedHeader?.Number ?? 0);
                    _syncReport.FullSyncBlocksKnown = bestPeer.HeadNumber;
